Sleepless Doctor

Chapter 272: Can't go

"Children can't be raised freely. The starting line is already in the womb. What should I do in the future? Is it possible to move bricks on the construction site?"

   "If that's the case, did you give birth to make him come to this world to endure hardship?"

   "Xiao Lin, you are too extreme to say that." The older man persuaded, "Liu Qiangdong, that's a standard rural baby. Look at people now, tsk."

"Brother, if I expect to have Liu Qiangdong out, I might as well expect to buy a lottery ticket and win the lottery. What kind of me do you know, I don’t have any great skills. I work hard in the company, but anyone can do that job in the company. , I can't say that I can't be missing."

   When it comes to the company, the man's eyes are a bit redder, and he is bleeding.

   "If it's just hard work, I'm not afraid. Brother, you said that the old snacks and Lassa are all based on our boss. Is this possible?!"

   "..." The middle-aged man was speechless for a while.

   "What should I do if I lose my job? I'm only 33, and I've already started to decline. You can see how often I work overtime. But our boss only talks about wolfish culture and never talks about dividing money."

   "Oh, it's all the same."

"Huawei, people are really exhausted. After picking up the job, working overtime every day, I was scolding my mother. But when the year-end dividends are received, who is willing to go? Usually people who are okay stand there and talk. , Wolves want to eat meat, does our company have meat to eat?"

   "Well, it's not that I'm not upset. I'm really incapable. I'm 35. I don't want a salary increase. It's good to not fire me."

   "Brother, you said that once I am unemployed, with a mortgage on my back, and a wife and children behind me, if I catch up with an old man who gets sick, do I have to jump off the building?"


   His words were like bullets, and they hit the middle-aged man's heart accurately.

   Everyone who drags the family with one's mouth is faced with the same problem. In the adult world, there is no such word as easy.

   "Brother, I don't dare to get sick now. This year, the company organized a physical examination, I thought about it all night. If I find out something wrong, the whole family is gone."

   As he talked, Kobayashi was overwhelmed by alcohol, and lying on the table, his words became more and more vague, and his voice became smaller and smaller.

   "Oh, Xiaoxia, let's send him home." The middle-aged man sighed deeply. He especially understood Xiao Lin's feelings, and the people under the burden of life couldn't breathe.

   It's better to say it, it's better than holding it in my heart.

   He pushed Xiao Lin, who was already silent, but there was no response at all.

  Vaguely, he could hear his deep breathing.

   "Oh, go to sleep, it's good to have a good night's sleep without thinking about anything."

   To get a good night's sleep is indeed a luxury for people of this age who carry their lives on their shoulders.

   Two people helped the drunk man to leave, and suddenly heard a voice saying, "Don't go now, let's hurry up and call 120 for first aid."

   The middle-aged man was taken aback, and said, "We take him home without going to the hospital. He drank too much, and went back to sleep well. Tomorrow is a new day."

   "I have called 120 emergency." Wu Mian stood up, stopped the two of them, and said, "He may be alcoholism, but there may be a more serious situation."


   The two men were startled, the middle-aged man asked in confusion, "You are..."

   "It doesn't matter who I am. He has to go to the hospital in his current situation." Wu Mian said, "Please wait a moment."

"No need. Going to the hospital is a lot of money. I know that his drinking capacity is less than a catty of white wine. It's okay. Today is something in my heart. Drinking a bit is high. At most, I wake up and throw up a few times tomorrow. It will be uncomfortable to get drunk." The middle-aged man's expression is a little stiff, he hasn't relieved yet, "Excuse me, please let me."

   Wu Mian stood in front of them, shook his head slightly, and pointed at the drunk man, "He, there may be a problem."

   "Maybe?" The middle-aged man frowned, then suppressed his anger and said, "Who are you!"

   "It doesn't matter who I am." Wu Mian said in a deep voice, "You haven't noticed that he has incontinence."

   The middle-aged man looked down and saw that Kobayashi's pants were wet.

   "Flushing complexion, deep breathing, strong alcoholic smell in the exhaled breath, and urinary incontinence. This is not a typical manifestation of alcoholism."

   "It's not long for you to eat..."

   "He didn't eat anything, and the alcohol was absorbed quickly. Just drank too much, nothing else." The middle-aged man looked at Wu Mian's face, and wanted to say something vulgar to drive the young man away.

   But I don’t know why, but when he wants to scold someone, he can’t say it.

"After ethanol enters the human body, 70% is absorbed through the stomach, 25% is absorbed through the duodenum, and a small amount is absorbed in the rest of the small intestine. When there is no content in the stomach, the ethanol in the blood reaches its peak within minutes of ingesting ethanol." Wu Mian Said, "It won't be so fast. If I didn't think wrong, if you send him home, it is estimated that his best result is a vegetable."

   "..." The two men who were supporting Xiaolin were stunned for a while, what the person on the other side said was so serious!

   "The reason for rapid drunkenness is not ethanol, but hypoglycemia." Wu Mian said, "I can't be sure without auxiliary examination, but please wait a moment and go to the hospital to check your fingertip blood sugar."

   "Blood sugar? He doesn't have the young man said.

   "How much does he drink?"

   "Entertain customers and drink often. Kobayashi has a lot of alcohol, at least 1 catty each time, and he can send customers home very thoughtfully."

   "You quickly get out of your way, why are you so willing to be nosy." The middle-aged man scolded impatiently.

   The body of the drunk is much heavier than usual. He held Xiaolin half of his body and said a few words, already feeling tired. The last trace of patience was worn away, and he was angry.

   "Can't go." Wu Mian pulled a chair over, blocked the door, and sat down on the chair, without any idea of ​​giving way.

   The drunk and messy Xiao Lin was as sinking as a rock. The middle-aged man was panting with exhaustion while supporting half of Xiao Lin's body. He didn't have the energy to deal with Wu Mian.

   "Put him down first and wait a while." Wu Mian said, "Or else, how about taking a blood sugar test after the doctor comes?"

   "I don't want to be troublesome, I think you have the same idea. If the blood sugar is normal, you take him home."

   "There is no money for the 120 ambulance, can you pay the money?" the middle-aged man said.

   "If it's okay, I will pay for the 120 first aid." Wu Mian smiled slightly, and didn't mean to move away from the chair at all.

   A few people confronted each other in the restaurant, and the middle-aged man was not quick-witted, and had nothing to do with this diehard young man.

   Soon, the sound of the 120 ambulance came in.

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