Sleepless Doctor

Chapter 502: Time is running out for you

Latest website: Although he has professional judgment, Jack Jones is still very cautious.

This email from Wu must have its own meaning. If possible, Jack Jones really doesn't want to deal with that "devil" man.

But he knows wisely that he has no such possibility.

As the spokesperson of "capital", the only value is to increase capital. If you lose this value, you will be thrown into the trash dump, indifferently and ruthlessly like dismissing an ordinary employee.

Wu is an interesting person, and Jack Jones admits it.

But he was too young and too impulsive. If he didn't want to try in all fields when he was in the United States, but cooperated with Lanco, Jack Jones believes that now he and Lanco must have reached the level of blood connection, and maybe even become a shareholder of Lanco.

If this is the case, the mitral valve clip will be on the market 3-5 years earlier, more mature and stable, and now it has begun to reap excess profits. Whether it's Wu or Lan Ke, they will make a lot of money.

This is a profit calculated in billions. Why doesn't he like it?

Jack Jones still remembers the situation when he finally faced a pack of wolves in Huaxia Pengcheng. Everyone knows that Orchid has the greatest hope, and Wu is just asking for the last benefit, wanting to give Orchid a hard bite.

Therefore, they unscrupulously raised the price, squeezed the last trace of excess profit from Orchid, and bleeds Orchid's blood.

Although the contract was signed and the project began to run uncontrollably after signing, Jack Jones felt as uncomfortable as having eaten a fly.

The sound of the video connection sounded, and Jack Jones was taken aback when he thought about it too much.

Looking at the phone, it turned out to be Wu.

Jack Jones hesitated, then switched on the video.

"Jack, meet again!" In the video, a smile like a spring breeze overflowed. Wu Mian was wearing a white dress, sitting... on the ground, surrounded by parts. It doesn't look like a doctor or scientific researcher, but like a workshop worker.

"Wu, what's wrong with you?" Jack Jones looked at Wu Mian in surprise and asked.

"If I were you, I would definitely be looking for the best experts in the world to prove the feasibility of the video, rather than just sitting in a daze." Wu Mian laughed and said, "Jack, you are old."


"Jack, there is not much time left for you."

"What?" Jack Jones looked at Wu Mian suspiciously, not knowing what he was talking about.

"Time is running out." Wu Mian repeated, "In 2 days, I will have a vegetative wake-up operation. e, the reason why I am calling you, I believe you know the reason."

Know you a ghost! Jack Jones slandered inwardly.

"First of all, we are friends, true friends. I don't care if you don't believe me, betray me, or neglect me, don't you?" Wu Mian said with a smile while watching the video.

"Secondly, we are a business partner. The mitral valve project, because of your hesitation and the stupid board of directors, has caused Lanco to suffer heavy losses. Therefore, if there is a good project, I must think of you the first time."

"Wu, are you talking about vegetative awakening surgery?" Jack Jones asked with a frown.

"Yes, in addition to vegetative awakening surgery, there is treatment for Alzheimer's disease. I know that Orchid has its own research institute, which specializes in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. And I believe that video will make you very excited. , Do you think a gold mine has been discovered?"

Jack Jones was silent. He tried his best to make his expression look flatter so as not to make Wu guess something.

"Jack, it's useless to hide value from me, you know I am the most professional doctor."

"Wu, you..."

"Don't talk about this, you professional managers think too much." Wu Mian said, "Jack, my old buddy, I want to tell you the fact that your time is really running out. You must hurry up and find it. People identify, do technical analysis, and then fly over to see me for surgery."

"Wu, are you really confident?" Jack Jones asked.

"I will know after I have the operation?" Wu Mian said with a smile, "A vegetative person wakes up, and then there will be a treatment for Alzheimer's disease 1-2 days later. However, it is still the old rule, the sooner the time , We have plenty of time to discuss cooperation. The later the time, the more competitors you face."

"..." Wu Mian's words evoked very bad memories of Jack Jones.

"I hope to cooperate with Lanke, you know, making a brain pacemaker, medical treatment is much better than you."

"Wu, this is what I am puzzled about, why don't you seek medical cooperation?" Jack Jones asked.

"That was from the last era. My fiancee wrote a lot of letters to medical care, asking them to improve their brain pacemakers. Abominable capitalists, they clearly have second-generation product technologies in their hands, and they can put them on the market at any time, but they are indifferent. Rejected my fiancee's request."

"This is also..."

"No, Jack, my old buddy, you don't know how strong I am for revenge, and I never deny this. Are you interested, join forces and teach the medical a lesson!"

Jack Jones looked at the sunny and cheerful Wu Mian in the picture and asked, "Wu, the machine behind you seems to be medical."

"Jack, you're so..." Wu Mian shook his head, "What age is this, and what I know is easy to use, why not? I just want to work on the brain pacemaker project, in Alzheimer's In the treatment of the disease, we will teach the medical treatment a lesson, and we will not completely close the door like you."

Jack Jones was silent.

"Jack, please cherish the time in your hands. It is possible that every second, converted into US dollars, is worth more than 100,000."

Jack Jones' heart moved and asked in a hurry, "Wu, who did you give the video to?"

"Musk’s neuralk company must have received an email, but you know, I’m not interested in copying human memory. Copy can be copied, but where can I paste it? This is a philosophical question. Think about it, and what I want to do now is move forward! Move forward!!!"

"Anything else?" Jack Jones continued.

"Medical." Wu Mian said positively.

"..." Jack Jones was taken aback for a moment. Is Wu schizophrenic?

"Oh, please don't be confused, Jack." Wu Mian said, "If Lanco makes another mistake in his judgment, I can only let Healthcare compete with Philips and Siemens. That is a deal, not a friendship. Please cherish every second now... …



There is no time. "

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