Sleepless Doctor

Chapter 523: Reboot

Latest website: The accuracy of the target is verified. After the verification is passed, the dura mater is cut, and the robot arm locates the target and the cranial point.

Chu Zhixi then connected the micro thruster of the microelectrode electrophysiological recording system to the robotic arm, inserted a trocar, and implanted the microelectrode.

"Try it." Chu Zhixi said easily.

The whole set of equipment is fixed, and the magnetic resonance starts to operate. The buzzing sound is not loud, echoing on the walls.

As time passed by, Wu Mian, Chu Zhixi, and Zhou Guohui didn't have much difficulty standing in the operating room. The ones who suffered more than them were those who watched the operation in the classroom.

Jack Jones didn't look at the operation process. He knew that the process of implanting microelectrodes was not difficult for Wu. He focused on the results.

The lower 1/4 of the screen is the brain map after the MRI scan. A gray curve envelops the child's brain, and there is no vitality.

If it were ordinary MRI images, it would not be so intuitive and clear to see all this. After all, there are two colors of black and white, which is a great gray between black and white.

But colors are added to the image in front of you, and the colors on the screen are constantly changing, showing the bioelectrical motion of nerve fiber bundles. This makes the MRI images look more three-dimensional and also shows a lifeless brain.

Go under the microelectrodes, which should be near the hypothalamus, Jack Jones only knows so much.

He is the CEO of Ranko, not a technical officer.

In addition, the area of ​​Lanco's expertise lies in the heart, not in the brain. Knowing that this is the result of Jack Jones's hard work.

After the first half of the operation was completed, the nuclear magnetic machine began to rotate, and the picture in the lower right corner of the screen did not change accordingly. MRI examination is very slow, usually about 20-30 minutes. Even with the latest SIGNA;3.0T NMR, there is no way to transmit images in real time.

Holding his breath, Jack Jones looked at the image in the lower right corner of the screen, wondering what price should be given to Wu to achieve cooperation if the operation is successful.

The mistake of the mitral valve clamp must not be made again, the last mistake caused a heavy loss for Orchid.

Time passed by one minute and one second, and after 13'22", the image in the lower right corner suddenly changed.

A spot that represents the basal nucleus area suddenly bursts with bright light, the intensity is not high, and it is faint red.

That bit of red seems to be a drop of ink falling into the clear water and spreading away.

Originally, Jack Jones thought that under the action of the microelectrodes, the patient's brain would be fully repaired. This little bit of red will spread out like the Big Bang.

But after a few seconds, the red color gradually dissipated, and the three-dimensional MRI brain map gradually calmed down.

"Rodriguez, did you fail?" Jack Jones asked in a weird mood. In his opinion, there is no need to say anything. Wu has done so well with 3D images, and the failure is clearly displayed in front of him.

"No, it succeeded!" Rodriguez sat on the chair, clenched his fists, and said in a low voice excitedly.


"The first time I tried, the battery was very small, we need to know the patient's tolerance." Rodriguez stared at the screen tightly and said.

"If I guessed correctly, according to the convention, the first stimulation with microelectrodes was very weak. But I have just seen a very strong response to the nerve fiber bundles! It is incredible. I think it should be Wu who found the right position. !"

The right location? Jack Jones guessed that the microelectrode should be installed at a certain point in the hypothalamus to induce the next chain reaction.

Is it the so-called unstable mode of neuronal shock? possible.

Jack Jones knew that it would be useless to think more. He looked at the screen as intently as Rodriguez, and watched the next test after the battery was increased.

After a short wait, the flashing red dots lighted up again. The brightness of the red halo this time was much stronger than before, and the surging colors began to dance.

Jack Jones seemed to see a faint bright spot appearing not far away, he was not sure yet, there were more bright spots shining around this bright spot.

Following the spread of red energy, white light spots appeared in the temporal lobe, frontal lobe, occipital lobe, parietal lobe... After the red energy, white light spots appeared, and a complex complex formed between them, which is completely incomprehensible with human eyes. Ring network.

This is a beautiful process, like a universe of nothingness and darkness, suddenly one star, two stars were created by the great Creator, until the sky is full of stars, the brilliance is far and wide, and it covers the fields.

Rodriguez stood up suddenly, his clenched fists raised high, and a shout echoed and buzzed in the operating room.

Jack Jones knew that under the action of the microelectrodes, at the point chosen by Wu Mian, the brain in the silent period was "restarted."

Those white lights and shadows that symbolize life tore through the gray and white silence at an inconvenient moment, bursting out incomparable vitality!

As the off-white dissipated, colorful colors appeared on the screen.

The gray cocoon was shattered, and a beautiful butterfly was flying on the screen, splendidly gorgeous.

The dry trees in the desert revived, and leaves began to appear on the originally bare branches. Each leaf symbolizes life, a brand new life.

"It" moves every second, seeming to adjust its own body.

Countless lights of various colors are moving. They are bioelectrical currents that are reactivated. They also signify the rebirth of life. After a long sleep, it was restarted again.

The "butterfly" came alive on the screen, and Jack Jones even felt it was so real that it would fly away in the next second.

It has broken the and has become a butterfly, flying towards the infinite and vast future that belongs to it.

"It's unbelievable," Jack Jones murmured.

"This is the best vegetative wake-up operation I have ever seen!" Rodriguez roared, "There is no one, he is the best!"


"Jack, I never thought that SIGNA; 3.0T magnetic resonance machine could do so much, it's amazing! Damn Wu, this is a miracle!" Rodriguez said excitedly.

Behind him, several people from GM China Region witnessed all this. After a brief astonishment, someone had already taken out their mobile phone and started contacting the headquarters.

"Rhodes, do you think patients with Alzheimer's disease can be treated?" Jack Jones asked.

"Wu has got the key. If he wants to, he can definitely be treated!" Rodriguez said with certainty. "I'm going to see the patient's postoperative condition. I guess the little guy is already awake, maybe he is crying now. , Makes Wu a headache!"

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