Sleepless Doctor

Chapter 579: Ectopic creatures can also have dementia

"The doctor has no sleep(

Owen Rothschild put down the phone and was silent for a long time looking at the early autumn scenery outside the window.

Being quick and decisive is Owen's advantage, but this matter involves his biggest secret, and the level of secrecy is even higher than that of Xiaolinta.

When others know Lin Ta, it doesn't matter, it's just being laughed at. If anyone dares to laugh at himself, then what awaits him will be the most merciless blow. Everyone, including his family, will regret it, regretting that idiot laughed at himself.

But this matter involved his own partner, Owen Rothschild's only partner-Goblin Gerbin Mekkatork.

Owen knows everything about Gelbin Mekkatorque’s past.

He was not born as a goblin, and Gelbin Mekatok was also an ordinary person. His blood is gradually rising, and he gradually controls this mundane body.

Gelbin Mekkatork is a very ordinary Judean. When he was 17 years old, he studied at Harvard Business School with Owen.

At that time Owen had worked out a lifelong plan for himself-to counterattack the Rothschild family. On the other hand, Mekkatork is just an ordinary young man, sunny, smart and wise.

One day Gelbin Mekkatork found his only friend Owen and confided his troubles.

It turned out that the Achilles tendons of his feet began to grow rapidly, and the old shoes could no longer fit in. Although it is still in the growth period, the growth of Gelbin Mekkatork's feet is very special and weird. Not even growth, but rapid growth in the heel position.

Go to the hospital for an examination. MRI of the ankle joints revealed a fusiform enlargement of the Achilles tendons on both sides. An imaging expert at Harvard Medical School had an expression in his eyes as if he were looking at a specimen.

Although the professor said that this may be a rare disease and suggested that he should be hospitalized and consulted with experts from all relevant departments of Harvard, both Owen and Gelbin Mekatok felt the danger.

They left Harvard without hesitation and began a vagrant life incognito.

Gelbin Mekkatork’s feet did not stop growing, but he was not tall and only 1.65 meters tall, but he had a pair of feet bigger than O’Neill, like the legendary Bigfoot.

So Gelbin Mekkatork began to have autistic tendency until he keenly "seeed" a business opportunity.

In the words of Gelbin Mekkatorque, he can smell the ink on the dollar. It is a taste that is stronger than gold coins, and it is a wonderful power to control the world.

The tacit understanding between the two people is like legend, Owen's powerful control ability and super high IQ and EQ seized one "opportunity" after another.

The business empire has since risen. In just two decades, Owen Rothschild seized almost all the opportunities of this era. As long as you grasp a similar opportunity, it is enough to change a person's life.

But Owen has grasped all, all opportunities!

Until the economic crisis in 2008, Owen reached the pinnacle of his life. Finally, because of the economic crisis, Owen was recognized by the family and was "cursed".

Gelbin Mekkatork has become a legendary goblin in these twenty years. Not only was his keen on money, but his body gradually turned into a goblin... In fact, Owen didn't think so, he felt that Mekkatorque was more like a bigfoot.

When joking, Owen always referred to Mekkatorque as Bigfoot.

Such days continued until 1 year ago.

Gelbin Mekkatork suddenly became very indifferent, his eyes sluggish, lethargy and memory loss. Originally, the place where he lived was extremely gloomy, except for Owen, no one could approach it.

After a similar situation occurred, Owen wanted to take Mekkatork to see a doctor, or ask the doctor to see a doctor at the manor in the Pyrenees, but both were rejected by Gelbin Mekkatork.

He couldn't bear the strange gaze of others looking at the aliens, and what would happen to those who knew the secret, Gelbin Mekatok also knew. Owen was never a good person, nor was he ready to be a good person.

For so many years, every time at the thought of going to the hospital, Gerbin Mekkatork would think of the strange expression of the expert at Harvard Medical School.

He would rather just die like this.

Owen finally agreed to the old man's request and let him die silently.

In this way, Gelbin Mekkatork passed another year in a muddle-headed manner. Time has caused great damage to him, and his personality has undergone tremendous changes in this year.

Gelbin Mekkatork's temper became very irritable and irritable, and his memory decreased significantly. Although short-term memory is still good, sometimes even Owen can't remember.

There was a slight imbalance when he walked, and the whole person became more and more like a creature that did not belong to this world.

Owen Rothschild consulted a lot of information and consulted many related scholars. In the end Owen came to a conclusion old buddy Gerbin Mekatok had Alzheimer's disease.

This is a sad conclusion, and it is difficult for Owen to imagine that a race on another plane would have difficulty getting rid of this disease.

Gerbin Mekatok is like Reagan, like Margaret Thatcher, people with strong will eventually lost to Alzheimer's disease.

Since then, Owen has invested heavily in related fields, trying to conquer this disease that disgusts him. However, the time is too short, various related laboratories have just been established, and there is no sign of breakthrough, Gelbin Mekatok's condition is getting worse and worse.

His current situation is so bad that even Owen can't recognize him, he stumbles and even gradually loses the ability to walk.

Owen was very sad, he knew he was going to lose an old man. As for the time... it may be a year, it may be a month, or a few days.

Until he saw the information, Wu had made a breakthrough in the research of Alzheimer's disease and applied it to the clinic.

Wu is a magical person, which Owen Rothschild also admits.

The timid guy refused to come, which gave Owen a headache. But there is no good way, Owen has no influence in China, and he is unwilling to...or can't offend China.

Thinking of taking Wu abducted in China...

This task is more difficult than returning to the Rothschild family.

After a few moments of silence, Owen began to give orders one after another to complete the building under Laoyashan in the fastest time. As for the various machines, this is the simplest for Owen.

Things that can be solved with money are not a problem. Owen is troubled by the fact that there are still many things in the world that cannot be solved with money—for example, letting that stubborn Wu come to the manor under the Pyrenees.

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