Sleepless Doctor

Chapter 674: Silver poisoning?

Two hours ago, Li Haihua sat in the office looking at the sky.

Recently, the Jianxie Hospital has exerted a strong pressure on several hospitals in the provincial capital. The new director in charge, the medical department, and the nursing department are all anxious, but Li Haihua does not care about these trivial things.

Xue Chunhe found a good place, but Li Haihua felt a little regretful.

I heard that the Jianxie Hospital was carrying out treatment for Alzheimer's disease. On the day of the operation, the No. 1 car in the province appeared at the Jianxie Hospital. The implication of this has made Li Haihua pin up to the present.

Li Haihua regrets a bit. He didn't care when he first learned of Wu Mian's return. Wu Mian did not enter the health care group, not an academician, pay attention to what he does.

A phoenix that shed hair is not as good as a chicken. At that time, Li Haihua had this sentence in his mind. This was also his evaluation of Wu Mian.

Especially when Wu Mian came back from abroad and went directly to the Bajingzi Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine. The taste inside was really interesting.

I wanted to observe it for a year and a half, but I didn't expect Wu Mian to set up a hospital in Bajingzi within a short period of time, and it even had a strong impact on other hospitals in the provincial capital.

It is indeed not an ordinary person, but all of this has nothing to do with Li Haihua. Even if the Second Hospital of Medical University closed down, it has nothing to do with him.

Li Haihua has half a year to retire. He should have been working in the second line a long time ago, but for some reason he has been in the position of dean.

There are quite a few deans who have been sacked recently, and Li Haihua has lingering fears. Now he doesn't want to do anything, he just wants to retire smoothly.

There is no shortage of money. If the president of a top five tertiary hospital in a provincial capital is short of money, it is estimated that it will make people laugh.

Pension, this is the only thing Li Haihua wants to do.

What he expects is that he can retreat.

Ten years ago, the position of the director of a large tertiary hospital in a provincial capital was unclear how many people coveted it. But today is different. What Li Haihua is worried about is that no one will take his place, and he will have to work for a few more years.

Such absurd things are happening constantly, and Li Haihua believes that he is not unreasonably worried.

As for Han Guangyun, let him toss, anyway, it will give the people behind Han Guangyun the face. The Second Hospital of Medical University can still be tossed by him? To be honest, Li Haihua doesn't believe it.

If Wu Mian is here, maybe he still has this ability. Han Guangyun? He can't go to the sky.

Sitting leisurely in a chair, Li Haihua figured out how many days are left to retire.

Went to the cafeteria for lunch, the meal was very light, and chatted with the people around, and said something neither salty nor salty. Li Haihua didn't put on the aggressive attitude of the dean, he was about to retire, it was unnecessary.

The Second Hospital of Medical University is like a boat with a problem, and it's okay when it drove slowly. If you really use your horsepower, you will definitely fall apart.

Li Haihua knew this in his heart, but even if the hull fell apart due to full horsepower, it had nothing to do with him. With such a large volume, it is difficult to fall apart.

Compared with his liver cirrhosis, Li Haihua doesn't care about the operation of the Second Hospital at all.

Entecavir is about to stop. The above did not say not to import Entecavir. Instead, the imported drugs were replaced with domestically produced drugs by means of bidding. Importing a few yuan per piece and domestically produced alternative medicines are more than a dime, which is considered to benefit the country and the people. But……

Li Haihua didn't want to take domestic medicine.

People of his age have the stamp of thought in their minds, and domestic production is synonymous with the bottom. Although Li Haihua also knew that all of this might be reversed in twenty years, what does it have to do with him?

Having prepared some imported entecavir, Li Haihua has been thinking about what to do if the imported medicine cannot be bought in a year or two.

It is reality that people take the tea to cool. Li Haihua didn't want to wait for this kind of treatment after he retired, and he could find a pharmaceutical company casually to buy imported Entecavir for himself.

Even if it is to help a dean who is close to him, it may really be the case at that time.

But these were all troubles a few years later, Li Haihua calmed his emotions and returned to the office.

A half-hour nap is part of the normal routine. After getting up, Li Haihua came to the bathroom.

Stool regularly every day is also part of a regular life.

I have to retire, control my blood pressure, blood sugar, and blood lipids. The prostate gland is not enlarged, the lumbar disc is not protruding, and the brain is not easy to use. Li Haihua doesn't have many requirements, these are what he most wants to achieve.

Li Haihua was very satisfied with the regular biological clock when he woke up after a nap every day.

Throwing a toilet paper into the toilet, Li Haihua sat on it and began to brew.

Entecavir, can the domestically produced stuff be eaten? Imported medicine is about 120 yuan, 7 tablets, the dosage per week; domestic alternative medicine has not been rolled out yet, Li Haihua has only heard that a box of 5 or 6 yuan.

You get what you pay for, so surely you want to eat imported food.

The bowel movement was smooth, but he still sat for five minutes, and Li Haihua got up from the toilet when it was time.

Just about to press the water to wash the stool away, he habitually looks back.

Press the finger on the toilet flush button, stiff like a What you see is a 15cm "silver bar" appearing in the toilet.

It was not the shiny silver, but slightly dark, but Li Haihua was not color-blind, he knew it was silver.

What is this stuff? Was it taken from your own body? Li Haihua stared at the "silver bar" in a daze.

He was not afraid at first, if he saw a pool of blood red, he would definitely be shocked. This kind of thing happened twice. Once, the stool turned red after eating dragon fruit. That time, Li Haihua was scared to death, and he was really afraid of colorectal cancer, which would cause massive bleeding.

The second time was bleeding from hemorrhoids.

Li Haihua is also a doctor with a clinical background. He strives to recall his professional knowledge. What does silver stool mean?


Li Haihua's mind was empty, he couldn't remember it at all.

Li Haihua knows the source of green, red, and even purple stools, but silver, what the **** is this!

Are there any additives in the food? Li Haihua thought for a few seconds in a daze, and then ruled out this possibility.

There is no silver in additives.

Red food coloring, beets, cranberries, tomato juice or soup, red gelatin, or beverages with red food coloring can also make stools red, but what about silver? What do you eat in silver?

Li Haihua's hands and feet were cold, he tried to stabilize his emotions, took a stiff step back to the desk, turned on the computer and started looking for silver poisoning.

Maybe it is the silver element in the tableware that caused the silver stool to be excreted. It's very logical to think about it from this line of thinking.

Ten minutes later, Li Haihua stopped his hands in distress and stared at the computer screen blankly.

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