Sleepless Doctor

Chapter 707: Teacher Wu, you are so cautious

Tears are rolling in the circles of your eyes, you just say this? ! In their expectation, the doctor should come out, shaking his head with a look of guilt and saying that he did his best.

That big tumor disappeared and turned into a stone? !

How is this so possible!

Seeing the bewilderment of the family members of several patients, Wu Mian smiled and said, "Here is the image seen by the gastroscope. You can take a look first, and then let's talk about the next treatment."

The family members took the gastroscope image, but they didn't understand it. Gu Weimian stood over to explain to them the difference between stones and tumors. He was very awkward, and Gu Weimian still felt a little dazed up to now.

After talking for five minutes, the patient's family still couldn't believe it.

The joy fell from the sky, this good news stunned people directly. They were afraid that it was a dream, and the dream would wake up in the next second.

With the approval of the patient's family, Wu Mian called Deng Ming again, adding a layer of insurance, and then returned to the endoscopy operating room.

Gu Weimian watched quietly, he knew what Teacher Wu meant.

The diagnosis is clear, but not blindly, a few insurances are set up first to avoid problems during the operation.

This is the most rare.

Even Gu Weimian could guess what Teacher Wu thought. He was simply too cautious. He couldn't finish talking to the patient's family, and he had to take the district mayor Deng Mingdeng as the guarantor. Once there was something wrong with the operation, Gu Weimian knew that Teacher Wu would definitely use Deng Ming to come out.

This is like a young and cutting-edge scholar who has just returned from Europe and the United States. He is completely an old fried dough stick who has been in the domestic clinic for decades. Do things without leaking, not only to treat illnesses and save people, but also to protect yourself well.

As for whether Teacher Wu can take out the stones, it doesn't matter anymore. The effort is outside the poem, so Gu Weimian is convinced.

Even if the diagnosis is wrong, the snare will bleed directly, and it proves to be a tumor. Gu Weimian has nothing to say. Wu Mian explained everything just now, especially the harm caused by the misdiagnosis.

"Teacher Wu, you are really too cautious." Gu Weimian said with sincere emotion while waiting for Wu Mian to put down the phone.

"Medical care is like this, not only in China? It's the same in foreign countries." Wu Mian said with a smile? "There are more medical procedures outside, and it's hard to talk if you don't work as a lawyer."

Gu Weimian was startled? He imagined that foreign medical treatment was not like this.

"But luckily it can be delayed outside? I can see ten patients a day, how can it be done. Not domestically? We will occupy a clinic for 3 hours today, and it is estimated that there will be 5-8 more patients outside."

Gu Weimian is speechless? Teacher Wu thinks a lot.

"Don't the doctors in the endoscopy room say that they are working overtime? The patients waiting outside and their family members also have grievances. Director Gu, I will help me bring a good for the director of the endoscopy room later. I am embarrassed." Wu Mian laughed.

"..." Gu Weimian moved his lips, and said carefully? "Ms. Wu? You are really too cautious."

"It should be."

"Can the stone be taken out? It doesn't matter if it can't be taken out, I'll contact the gastrointestinal surgery..." Gu Weimian still wanted to solve it by surgical means.

Because of surgery, if it is not a tumor, it is possible to avoid implantation and metastasis.

"It should be no problem." Wu Mian said, "It's just an esophageal stone, which was taken out after an incision. But it should take a long time? You have to take it slowly."

Gu Weimian sweats profusely.

He knew exactly what the "stone" was, even if it was not a tumor but a stone? In his heart he didn't believe that it could be taken out with a snare. "Stone" can be lodged like a horse, but it has many edges and corners? If there is a big opening in the esophagus, it will be impossible to sew.

If this kind of thought appeared an hour ago? Gu Weimian must have some contempt in his heart? Even though he didn't dare to say it, he didn't dare to show it. But now... Gu Weimian began to guess what Teacher Wu would do.

Came to the endoscopy room? Wu Mian and Chu Zhixi contacted. Knowing that the patient's family was signing, they put away the mobile phone and stretched out, "sterile gloves."

Immediately, two hands passed two pairs of sterile gloves.

Gu Weimian was startled. The director of the endoscopy room was afraid that he would not receive such good treatment during the endoscopy.

Wu Mian smiled, took both sets of gloves, and said Wen Yan, "Thank you."

"Teacher Wu, you are polite." The two nurses said in unison.

Three crows faintly flew over Gu Weimian's head, quacking.

Putting on the gloves, Wu Mian said, "The snare can't be big, it's a little bit."

With that said, he comforted the patient with a few words to stabilize Sui Liang's emotions, and once again put the gastroscope tube down his nostril.

After seeing the stone, Wu Mian moved gently and sent the snare along the gap between the esophagus and the stone.

Immediately, the snare entrapped one corner of the stone.

The doctor in the endoscopy room has been watching Wu Mian's operation, keeping his eyes on and paying attention.

The snare passed through the narrow gap, looking effortless, but he knew that if he changed to do it by himself, he would try at least three or five times, and he might not be able to make it.

In the imagination of the doctor in the endoscopy room, the next step should be to put the snare on the middle part of the stone, or pull it out directly, or cut it off.

Unexpectedly, Teacher Wu just trapped a corner.

He was taken aback and asked, "Mr. Wu, what are you..."

"Don't worry, knock out the stones a little bit. Such a big stone is difficult to solve all at once. Take it slowly, faster." Wu Mian smiled.

The snare cutter contracted a little, the angle and strength were just right, and a stone of about 0.5 cm was cut off after 58 seconds.

Gu Weimian's heart trembled, but he didn't see any bleeding, so he let it go.

It really is a stone!

Wu Mian was not in a hurry, grabbed the stone with the forceps of the gastroscope and took it out.

"Here, this is the stone." Wu Mian took the cut stone and put it in front of Sui Liang's It may not be many years, depending on the degree, at least 3 years. "

After Sui Liang saw the stone, he let out a sigh of relief. The joy of a patient who has a tumor suddenly knowing that it is not a tumor but just a stone cannot be described in words.

"Don't move, just see it. The operation will take at least an hour to end, don't worry." Wu Mian said.

Sui Liang blinked, indicating that he knew.

The operation was very slow, Wu Mian's operation was not fast, every step of the way was clear, but both Gu Weimian and the endoscopy room doctor knew that Mr. Wu's operation was very strong.

The guide wire of the snare and the forceps of the gastroscope have never made any mistakes, and the accuracy is horribly accurate.

This is what you want, the doctor in the endoscopy room thought.

As time passed by, the large stones in the esophagus became smaller and smaller. Wu Mian was not impatient with the water milling skills. Embroidering usually grinds the iron pestle into a needle.

Doctors kept coming in, they were surprised after seeing the procedure clearly, and then quietly watched Wu Mian's operation.

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