Sleepless Doctor

Chapter 720: Mr. Taiyue's coffin board

Wu Mian was eating with Guo Ruming.

Bajingzi little stupid chicken, wild little hazel mushrooms picked from the mountain, stewed for four or five hours, the meat and mushrooms are not strong enough to dissolve. Meat can't be eaten at all, all the flavors are in the mushrooms.

This is a specialty of Bajingzi.

Wu Mian talked and laughed happily, quoting from him. He talked about mushrooms in Dali from childhood. The atmosphere was interesting but not as noisy as a few people who drank too much to persuade each other to drink.

Guo Ruming is also very convinced. It is really rare for Teacher Wu to be so young but not arrogant.

Encountered in a mall that time, I knew people with my insight, and I was quite proud to think of it.

[I used to cross the mountains and the sea...]

Wu Mian took out his mobile phone, smiled and said, "Guo, I will answer the call."

"You are busy, you are busy."

"Dr. Wei, what's the matter?" Wu Mian asked.


"Send the movie and let me take a look."

Hanging up the phone, Guo Ruming asked, "Are you so busy every day?"

"Doctors, there is no way, the mobile phone is turned on 24 hours a day, ready to be rescued at any time." Wu Mian said with a smile, "There are few doctors in our country. It's nothing. It is estimated that after the number of doctors has doubled or tripled in 20 years, it will be better."

"Ha, there won't be so many."

"Rolling, everyone finds that it's better to be a doctor." Wu Mian smiled, "Who knows, I can't even figure out things after three days."

"Teacher Wu, you laughed." Guo Ruming said, "You can figure out what will happen in three days, then..."

As he said, Wu Mian's phone buzzed twice.

Wu Mian picked up the phone and clicked it and took a look.


"Brother, what's the matter?" Chu Zhixi heard something wrong in Wu Mian's tone, and hurriedly came over and followed the pictures sent on the phone.

"Weird." Wu Mian said, looking at the picture, "It's not like a tumor, girl, what do you think it is?"

"It's not a tumor, the density is wrong, and I didn't see any supplying blood vessels." Chu Zhixi said, "I the duodenum...what else can it be besides a tumor?"

Wu Mian carefully watched the images transmitted on the phone, frowning and groaning. Before disappearing, he talked and laughed and became a doctor again.

What is Guo Ruming's interesting? He is also very interested in the daily life of a top doctor.

A few minutes later? Wu Mian picked up the phone.

"Director Liang?"

"Well, this is Wu Mian. I have something to trouble you."

"A patient? There is something in the duodenum? I look like a foreign body, but I'm not sure." Wu Mian said? "Very weird, I have never seen it."

"No, no, no? It's not a tumor. I want to take a look in the mirror? There is no one in the gastroenterology department here. Go to your patient?"

"Okay, I told Dr. Wei."

Hanging up, Wu Mian contacted other things.

Three full phone calls? Smoothed everything? Wu Mian let out a sigh of relief.

"Ms. Wu, your consultation is strange enough. Is this the legendary remote consultation?" Guo Ruming smiled.

"Oh, new era, new progress." Wu Mian said.

"New era?" Guo Ruming asked strangely.

"Hehe, tell you something? Do you have any knowledge of targeted poverty alleviation?" Wu Mian asked.

Guo Ruming was speechless.

I wanted to talk about medical matters, but I was talking about how to get targeted poverty alleviation.

"My dad used to be the head of a township? Now he is assigned to the new development zone. He should be regarded as the street director of the same level. Has been busy with precision poverty alleviation for the past year or two? Two or three cellphones every day to check in, such as geographical positioning in poor households."

Guo Ruming still didn't understand Wu Mian's meaning.

"My dad is a'little official' to put it bluntly." Wu Mian said? "Does the issue of official governance? Do you know? Let's not talk about it. Zhang Juzheng was the first power to turn the tide, and his ability is everyone. It is generally accepted. The history books say that although the decree is thousands of miles away, the court will go on at night."

"Thousands of miles away, how many days can I get there? The efficiency is worrying. Even Zhang Juzheng faces the limitations of history. This is nothing to do."

"But now, I heard my dad say that the Imperial Capital has a meeting at ten in the morning, and at two in the afternoon, the content of the meeting can be conveyed down to the street office. I think Mr. Taiyue's coffin board can't cover it. This is him. I dream of it, but I can't achieve it for a lifetime."

"What do you mean..."

"Now 5g is just beginning to be laid and used 4g. Did you know that in the early 21st century, there were intractable diseases in the medical circle, and patients could only solve them by themselves." Wu Mian said.

Less than 20 years have passed since this period, Guo Ruming certainly remembers.

He was silent, probably knowing what Teacher Wu was going to say.

"In the era of fixed-line telephones, the distance between cities and cities is far away, and there is not much communication in the medical community. When entering the Internet age, it is almost enough to read the news online. Later, it evolved to be able to play games, but online consultation... At that time It just started. In 2008, before the Olympics, I went to a prefecture-level city to fly and saw that they had a special remote consultation center."

"Yeah, avant-garde enough." Guo Ruming was surprised.

In 2008, the hospital was able to specialize in the use of optical fibers for remote consultations, which is a very powerful and far-sighted approach. Even when I think about it now, it seems to feel very powerful. Guo Ruming nodded, approving in his heart.

"But it didn't wait for the remote consultation to start, it was run down there," Wu Mian said.

"Huh?" Guo Ruming was puzzled.

"The 3g network quickly transitioned to 4g. With the completion of the 4g network, short videos were about to emerge at this time. As for medical care, here." Wu Mian shook his phone as he said, "WeChat transfers images and can basically watch them. Approximately. Although there is still a gap between reading the film in person, the gap is not too It will be 5g soon, and it is estimated that it will be possible to operate remotely in three to five years. The quality of the transmitted film is also getting better and better. Gao, consult this kind of thing anytime, anywhere." Wu Mian smiled, "So, that's it."

"Mr. Wu, you really deserve to be a professor in Massachusetts, and your philosophy is advanced." Guo Ruming praised.

"Massachusetts? They are far behind." Wu Mian said.

Behind... Guo Ruming was speechless. This is the first time he has heard that the United States is behind, and it is still the top five hospital in the world like the Massachusetts General Hospital.

"Don't believe it, it is true. The wireless network in the United States is average, and it really can't keep up with us in this respect." Wu Mian smiled, "Their 5g channels are all occupied by the military, and they are only now being used for civilian use. I I'm very curious how far we can fall this time."

"Mr. Wu, are you serious?"

"Of course." Wu Mian said, "There are many internal factors, and I can't finish talking about tomorrow, and I don't have much research, so I can't talk nonsense. For remote consultation alone, the United States is still a remote consultation center model. We are already looking forward to it anytime, anywhere. 5g, then I don’t know what new gameplay will come out."

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