Soccer: National Football League Dismissal, Rewarding Ronaldo Template!

Chapter 159, Undercurrent! The trouble facing Su Han.\r

Chapter 159, Undercurrent! The trouble facing Su Han.

Back to the locker room.

The players were screaming and celebrating.

They also saw an interview with Su Han~.

This interview is live.

"Su Han, I almost believed you--"

"Tsk tsk tsk, I didn't expect you to have talent as an actor!""

"I don't watch Hollywood movies without you!

"Tsk tsk, I really look forward to Platini's expression after hearing this..."

"It must be very exciting!" Su Han chuckled.

Immediately, everyone laughed.

Laughter echoed in the locker room.

As if to laugh at the helm of UEFA who left the stadium sullenly.

at the post-match press conference.

Klopp did not directly address the refereeing issue.

Because according to the regulations.

If the coach and players criticize the referee, UEFA has the right to suspend the game.

Your team won.

Win without trouble.

Klopp also doesn't want to make matters worse.

if not.

Dortmund can hardly get along in Europe.

As a head coach, he still has to take into account the interests of the team.

Just in case you get suspended for a while.

That's not a big loss.

When the reporter asked about the controversial sentences.

Klopp said directly: "I don't make any comments."


A more polite head coach will say things like "misjudgments will happen" and "we are unlucky".

But Klopp didn't do that.

He didn't say anything directly.

This gives the media a lot of room for manipulation.

And Lyon's head coach Puel said that this score put Lyon in a desperate situation, but football is not impossible.

"We really didn't do well in this game, four goals conceded is too bad for a two-leg knockout."

"But now is not the time to give up, we still have 90 minutes to fight!

"Mr. Puel, what do you think of the referee's decision?"

A reporter from Hans Country directly stood up and asked.

Puel was a little displeased.

Follow the rules.

I should have to wait for the press officer's invitation to ask questions,

But since people asked.

If you don't answer.

With his ass, Puel could imagine what the media would report the next day.

'Puel dodged the referee's question'


But what about the answer?

Also difficult.

Because this game can be seen by discerning people, the referee is biased towards Lyon.

Therefore, regarding the referee issue, it is true that both ends are blocked.

And the point is.

Lyon was taken care of by the referee and was also scored four.

Simply shameful.

Tomorrow the media all over Europe will laugh at Lyon's...

Puel stubbornly said: "Maybe the referee's penalty is really debatable, but that is the job of the UEFA referee committee, I don't make any evaluation, and my players will not evaluate the referee. That's UEFA's rule."

Both head coaches chose to keep the referee's question low-key.

But the media doesn't think so.

This game is destined to become the most watched game in this round of the Champions League.


Countless fans of the discussion.

public opinion. Will bring UEFA and Platini to the forefront!

the next day.

almost all media.

It's all about the referee.

For European media.

A series of chaos after Platini came to power showed that Platini and his group of UEFA bureaucrats must have problems.


In a word.

No evidence.

The media in Hans was particularly angry.

Bild's report stated bluntly:

"A referee made many major mistakes in the same team in a game. Is this a deliberate mistake? Who knows?"

"Readers, let's recall that it happened in the history of last year, on May 6, 2009, when Chelsea played against Barcelona in the second leg of the UEFA Champions League..."

"Since Platini came to power, a series of actions have caused a lot of controversy... Of course, we are not suing Platini, not suing UEFA, but just stating what happened."5

"We have no evidence that Platini was involved in the match, we lack evidence, so we are not indicting, just stating..."

on the surface.

And no media directly said that Platini was involved in the game.

After all, there is no evidence if the name is named.

What if someone sued you for defamation?

So I can only use the Spring and Autumn brushwork.

in this regard.

Who can beat the media who eat with pens?

Su Han's post-match interviews were also featured in newspapers and TV.

"Su Han said to dedicate to Platini with victories and goals...."

"I don't think even Platini himself thought Su Han would have any respect for him?"

In the picture of Hans Sports One.

Su Han's slightly upward mocking smile became the tacit laughter of all fans.

No player has ever dared to mock Platini directly.

The English media loves to join in the fun.

Fleet Street (another name for the English media) many newspapers covered the matter at length.

How angry they were when Chelsea were hacked.


How happy the English are now.

The Sun is a world-renowned vulgar tabloid.

The scale has always been as big as Kardashian's buttocks.

"Platini gave instructions to the referee on duty before this game, asking to get rid of Dortmund and let Lyon advance to the quarter-finals, because from the current form, only Lyon has the opportunity to be the only Champions League quarter-finalist in the Gallic country. team......"

"In order to benefit his country, Platini really worked hard!"

The "Daily Mail" simply took screenshots of Platini's expressions at every critical moment and published them directly in the newspaper.

One of them smiled and applauded.

It's the expression of Lyon's goal.

A solemn expression was the expression of Dortmund who had just equalized.

Another pair of eyes looked a little angry.

It was when Su Han scored the second goal.


That's when Su Han pointed his finger at the stands.

Television broadcasting is very developed now.

Big names like Platini appeared in the stands.

Definitely the same as the player.

There is a special camera to take care of.

I don't know what channel the Daily Mail obtained from Platini's exclusive video of the game.

Almost all the changes in Platini's expression in this game are in his hands.

"What does Platini say with a light smile on his face when Lyon benefits, and Mr Platini's frosty face when Dortmund scores? I think, it goes without saying. 99

"UEFA must investigate this match, especially Platini and referee Swenson Rogge.

in the media of other countries.

The words of the English media are simply bold and reckless.

But that's the style of Fleet Street.

The tabloid?

The originator of the title party.

The words are not surprising and die endlessly.

Any player or manager who goes to England will have to put up with these bottomless newspapers.

for sales.

These tabloids don't care about anything.

England was about to compete in the World Cup that year.

The media in Fleet Street directly exposed the scandal of the England manager.

Let the whole of England disintegrate during the World Cup.

Criticize UEFA?

What are they afraid of.

This time.

People liked the coverage of the English media.

In the face of the media hype.

UEFA did not directly act like a turtle when faced with a problem like the Longguo Football Association.

Still dare to respond.

But their response was very official: "All rumors about this game being shady are false!

Just a word.

All the media was blocked.

In an interview with the media, Platini said: "The referee misjudged sometimes, it is nothing, we will not say that Rogge manipulated the game because of his misjudgment.

"It is inevitable that young referees will make misjudgments."

In short.

Both UEFA and Platini admitted there were some miscalculations in the match.

But it is absolutely impossible to admit that there is a shady scene.

face such a response.

Everyone felt unhappy.

But there's nothing you can do about it.


No evidence is no evidence.

The penalty on the field is impossible to be used as evidence.

Everyone said it was a misjudgment.

What can you do?

After the game, Swenson Rogge admitted that some of his decisions were wrong in the referee report submitted.

This is tantamount to directly soliciting the responsibility on one's own head.

Put Platini aside.

In the end.

This is just a mistake made by a young referee who hesitated to call a major game for the first time.

UEFA's verdict.

And Dortmund.

They won.

I don't want to continue entangled in this matter.

Offending UEFA will do Dortmund little good.

And Lyon is also keeping a low profile.

They were the beneficiaries of the penalty, but lost the game.

Such a result is a humiliation for Lyon.

How could they be jumping up and down to attract the firepower of public opinion at such a time?

So ever.

There are discussions and reports on the matter.

also gradually decreased.


It seems that everything has calmed down.

However, will things really go so smoothly?

Anyone who knows Platini knows it.

The helm of the UEFA is a man who will pay back.

How could he just let it go after being taunted so much by Su Han?

There was no way he could swallow this breath.


this matter.

But it's not over yet! One.

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