"Magician, do you still want to live?"


Roman thought that he would have to wait until tomorrow at least to see Black Joan, but he didn't expect Black Joan to come to him at the first time.

This was something he didn't expect, but it was a good thing, wasn't it?

There is another thing that Roman did not expect, there is also a Caster beside Joan of Arc-Gille de Re.

He was a French marshal who was active at the same time as Joan of Arc, and a leader with great military talent. But after his retirement, he became obsessed with alchemy and tortured more than 300 children to death, and ended up being burned at the stake like Joan of Arc.

"Joan of Arc, we don't need a human Master. As long as there is still the Holy Grail, we can summon more Servants at any time. Compared with humans, it is more unreliable. He is too fragile and will betray us."

In all fairness, what Jill said was right, the Holy Grail would be more practical than the Master. For Joan of Arc, both the Holy Grail and the Master are tools used to provide magic power, and the Holy Grail can play a role far beyond Roman.

But Jill didn't know that at this time, Joan of Arc had already begun to dig into the horns.

"Enough Jill, relying on the Holy Grail is not something to be proud of."

Even if the practicability of the Holy Grail is higher, Joan of Arc doesn't like it very much now, rather it is because it is more useful than the Master that Joan of Arc will resist it.

Especially the Holy Grail gave her a poor combat experience in the battle just now.

"I've made up my mind. Jill, I'll give you the Holy Grail and Fafnir, and hold the other Servants for me except that woman, is there any problem?"

"No problem, just..."

Jill did not stop Black Joan in the end, but he still expressed concern about Black Joan's decision.

"As for the magician, are you good at contract magic, Jill?"

"It's up to me to complete this, do you know the SelfGeasScroll?"

Roman, who had been silent the whole time, spoke up.

SelfGeasScroll is a magic contract used by magicians when they make a promise that cannot be broken. It is the most absolute guarantee to prevent the breach of contract. The curse of "Geas" is imposed on the caster by using the function of its own magic seal, and in principle, its effect cannot be removed by any means. Once the magician signs the certificate and fulfills the oath conditions for the certificate to take effect, even if the oath is dead, as long as the magic engraving is passed on to the next generation, even the soul after death will be bound.

This is a very powerful contract that even magicians don't use very often.

Jill is better at alchemy, but he has also entered the ranks of magicians, and naturally understands the binding force of self-enforcing certificates.

"Aren't you afraid?"

Roman asked Black Joan with a calm smile on his face, but in Black Joan's eyes, this smile was more like a mockery.

"Scared? What are you kidding? It's up to you? Stop laughing. I remember you still have two Command Spells left, do you want to use Command Spells to order me? That's not enough."

The position of Ruler has a strong anti-magic power. If you want to use a Command Spell to force an order, just a Command Spell is not enough. I don't know if there is anything special about this agency, it can actually resist two Command Spells.

One of Roman's Command Spells was used to order Siegfried and St. George to leave the battlefield, and now there are only two left. In other words, Roman wants to force Black Joan, that is impossible.

This is the source of Joan of Arc's confidence.

Under Jill's assurance, both Roman and Joan of Arc signed a self-compulsion certificate. The main content of the testimonial is that Roman will serve as the Master of Joan of Arc before Black Joan and Joan of Arc decide the outcome, but cannot interfere with Joan of Arc's actions, only as a source of magic power. On the other hand, after the battle, Roman will return to freedom.

This is beneficial to both parties. Joan of Arc was given the terms of a fair comparison with Joan of Arc, while Roman was given security.

Before signing the self-compulsion certificate, Jill persuaded Black Joan more than once not to do so, but she was impatiently rejected by Black Joan. That scene made Roman feel very interesting, just like a father who dotes on his daughter persuades a rebellious and rebellious daughter... Thinking of this, Roman suddenly felt very tired.

After signing the self-compulsion certificate, Jill took the Holy Grail from Joan of Arc, and Roman's magic began to stay on Joan of Arc.

What surprised Roman was that Joan of Arc consumed more magic power than Siegfried and St. George combined. After thinking about it, Roman thought it might be because of Ruler's position.

Joan of Arc yawned and walked towards the back of the castle, which was probably the bedroom.

Roman had planned to walk around the castle, but Joan of Arc in front suddenly stopped.

"Hey, magician, what are you doing there?"

Joan of Arc's voice surprised Roman for a moment, thinking that he was the only "magician" here, and pointed at himself in surprise.

"Are you calling me?"

"Are you an idiot? Who else is a magician here besides you?"

It seems to be speaking to Roman, but does she need Roman to do anything?

Roman was still hesitating, but found that Jill's bulging eyes were staring at him with unkind eyes, as if saying - if you dare to refuse, you will die for me.

嘁, dead daughter control.

Although I thought so in my heart, Roman still followed Black Joan.

"Is there any problem? Let me explain in advance that I don't know anything about combat, so I can only use it as a magic bottle."

"What stupid words are you talking about, you still want to fight just because you look like this? I've found out from the first time we met that you are the dumbest guy with a dumbfounded look on your face."

Although he lost the Holy Grail, after getting the "magic bottle", Joan of Arc was in a very good mood. Even when he laughed at Roman, the contempt on his face was also smiling.

But does he look "dumb"?

Roman suddenly remembered that Joan of Arc seemed to laugh at him the same way when they first met.

"Listen to me, from today onwards, you are my Master, then follow me closely. By the way, in order to prevent you from running away in the future, leave a mark on you now."

With a wave of Black Joan's hand, a black flame appeared on the back of Roman's hand.

Joan of Arc.jpg

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"Hey, it hurts, what are you doing?"

Roman screamed at the burning pain of the flames, but the flames were quickly extinguished. He didn't notice that he was surprised to see the flames go out so quickly on the face of Joan of Arc, and then suddenly realized, looking at Roman's eyes with a slight disgust.

But the tinge of disgust soon disappeared, and excitement soon appeared on her face.

"Very well, from today onwards, you are mine."

"Huh? Your people? Our contract is only until you and Joan of Arc decide the winner? And I'm your Master now."

"Hmph, I have the final say here, I say yes, it's not your turn to speak."

So I don't need to listen to my opinion at all? What about my rights? What about my freedom?

"Don't stand there dumbfounded, follow me quickly."


Although he didn't know what Black Joan was going to do, Roman still followed, and now he had no choice.

What I didn't expect was that after Black Joan walked into her bedroom, she actually climbed onto the bed, looking like she was ready to rest.

"Huh? What are you doing?"

"You guy, don't you think it's not only your brain, but also your eyes? Isn't it obvious that I have to rest. Those guys might arrive tomorrow morning, of course I have to rest early."

"What about me? Why did you call me here?"

"Looking at you, of course. You're mine now, and you should follow me wherever I go. If I wake up and find you're not there, I'll kill you."

Black Joan showed a vicious look, but it didn't look terrifying at all, and Roman didn't feel the threat at all. This is probably because Black Joan doesn't think Roman is a threat. After all, he is only a human magician, and there are only two Command Spells left on his body, so he can't do anything against Black Joan.

"By the way, the castle is now protected by the wyverns, if you plan to run out while we are resting, be careful to be eaten by the wyverns. Of course, I won't do this, but I will beat your limbs I'm going to throw you into the dungeon."

After finishing speaking, Joan of Arc lay on the bed, and then turned her head to sleep inside.

It seemed that even if he came out of the dungeon, Roman's life and safety could not be guaranteed. However, as long as he is obedient, Joan of Arc will also guarantee Roman's safety because of the constraints of the self-enforced certificate.

But what should he do now? Do you just wait until dawn? He couldn't sit and wait for that long, otherwise he would be bored to death, and there were too many things happening today, and Roman felt exhausted.

Joan of Arc was obviously not ready for Roman to rest, and after a moment of hesitation, he finally walked to the corner of the room. Anyway, these days are windy and rough, and Roman won't feel sick.

When he was lying down, a black quilt flew out of Joan of Arc's bed and landed on Roman's side.

"Hmph, don't get me wrong, I just think that if you don't rest well, it will affect my performance tomorrow."

"Huh? Thank you."

Roman was amazed at this quilt that fell from the sky. He didn't expect Black Joan to take care of him like this.

As for Joan of Arc's words, Roman should take it as Tsundere's words.

Roman, who lay down, looked at the back of his hand. There are burn marks on the place where the flame of Black Joan of Arc burns, but because the flame burns for a short time, the scar is also very shallow.

The burn marks are a dragon pattern, the same pattern on the flag of Joan of Arc. It's not difficult to remove the scar, but Roman doesn't plan to remove it, at least not now. After all, Roman can't be sure that Joan of Arc will leave an irreversible mark on him after finding out that he has done so.

In this way, Roman fell asleep in the enemy's base camp.

When I woke up in the morning, I felt sore all over my body, because the floor of the castle was very stiff, and it was more uncomfortable to sleep than the mud in the wild, but I didn't have to worry about catching a cold.

The sun had just risen, and Joan of Arc on the bed had not woken up. Roman could only see Joan of Arc in a black coat motionless.

After thinking about it, he decided to leave the room.

Of course, he didn't intend to run away, because the castle was guarded by the Wyverns.

He left the room because he was hungry. He hadn't eaten since noon yesterday. The Black Joan of Arc group was a Servant, so they didn't need to think about eating, and of course they didn't take into account the life of Roman or human beings.

Because he did not understand the structure of the castle, Roman could only walk around, hoping to find a place like the kitchen, and then he met Caster Gilles de Re.

"You left Joan of Arc's room, are you planning to run away, magician?"

Seeing Roman in front of him, Jill was neither surprised nor angry, but took out his magic book with excitement.

"Wait a minute, Caster, I'm not trying to run away, I'm just looking for something to eat. I haven't eaten for a whole day, and I'll lose my strength if I go on like this, and maybe I'll be a burden to Black... Jeanne."

In order to avoid irritating Jill, Roman did not use the title of "Black Joan of Arc" to call Black Joan of Arc.

Is it just an illusion? Just now Jill seemed to plan to kill him without listening to his explanation. The magic power fluctuations in the magic book are the evidence.

Jill's big raised eyes were rolling. Roman didn't know if he was staring at him or had other thoughts, but in the end Jill gave up the plan to use magic, but did not put away the magic book.

"So it is. But there is no food in the castle, oh no, there is other food to eat. There are some human corpses outside the walls that are not decomposed, if you don't mind eat them. Don't worry, No one will find it, but I urge you to find it as soon as possible, otherwise it will be snatched by the two-footed dragon."

"...No, I'll continue to endure. A day or two of hunger won't knock me down."

Roman didn't have any emotions like anger or disgust, because he had seen many corpses lying on the road along the way. Now is the time of the Hundred Years' War, and the Wyvern has been showing its fangs and claws to the weak humans everywhere, and the number of people who died is countless.

Most importantly, Roman knew very well that as long as the singularity was repaired, everything would return to the way it was before.

Hearing Roman's refusal, Jill's face showed obvious regret, and then he opened the magic book in his hand again.

While Roman was still wondering what he wanted to do, the strange monster ran out of the magic book.

The shape looks like an octopus, but the red, green and green looks like seaweed, a monster that should not exist in reality.

"Come on, eat it, it won't resist."

"Allow me to refuse!"

Even if Roman starved to death and jumped to his death from here, he would never eat this kind of thing.

"It's delicious."

Don't get me wrong, Roman didn't eat the sea devil. After Jill killed a Wyvern, Roman went to take a piece of meat and grilled it. I don't know if it's because I'm too hungry or because the dragon's meat is really fragrant, Roman already feels that his stomach is even more hungry.

There is no psychological barrier to eating a two-footed dragon. Not to mention the bipedal flying dragon, even if it is a real high-ranking dragon species, Roman is not uneaten, but unfortunately Roman does not understand those exaggerated cooking methods.

But before he could continue to enjoy the flying dragon, there was a burst of mourning from the flying dragon in the distance.

While Roman was still confused, Jill's eyes began to roll.

"It's the enemy. Those hateful Servants are already here, damn, no one can disturb Jeanne!"

"What? So fast?"

Right now, only Lixiang and the others have the ability to kill the two-legged flying dragon so easily, but according to the estimates of Roman and others, they will not be able to arrive at least until the afternoon. Could it be that they traveled overnight?

"Come out, Fafnir, and go with me to kill these nasty people, and kill them all before Joan wakes up. Well, yes, Joan just needs to vent her anger on this world, Anyone who dares to hinder her must die!"

Jill's tone became as high as madness, and along with Fafnir's dragon roar, one person and one dragon went to greet the slaughtered Rika and his party.

Of course Roman didn't stop Jill, he didn't want to take care of this delirious Caster, who knows if he would regard Roman as one of the "those who hinder Joan of Arc"?

Besides, it's better for Jill and Fafner to fight the enemy than to add another Joan of Arc. Although he has signed a contract with Black Joan, he is always on the side of Chaldea. Effectively weakening the power of Black Joan will make the situation of Lixiang and Matthew safer.

"What's the matter? Mona Lisa, Lixiang arrived at this time."

"It wasn't my idea. In fact, Rika woke up in the middle of the night last night, and she seemed to be taking her anger at Joan of Arc. After all, the activation of the magic circuit happened just after Joan of Arc attacked them."

"So she came over overnight?"

"Yes, no one can stop it. What a vengeful and energetic little guy, this kind of action is terrible. If you didn't stop and rest just now because of the pre-battle repair, the battle would be long before you wake up. here we go."

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