The time to study is short, and it is not the first time to read the magic book, but Roman feels that the time will never be enough, as if the time has passed when he puts down the book to rest.

If it weren't for the hunger from his stomach, maybe Roman would continue to study until late at night.

"Oops, it's time..."

The time is half past eight in the evening. Because the time in Chaldea was adjusted according to the original 24-hour system, the restaurant was closed at this time, so Roman had to give up the idea of ​​going to the cafeteria. But fortunately, when he came back from Fuyuki City, he packed a lot of stock, which was the mysterious bag that was placed beside Artoria.

In addition to some food, there are also pictures of Meili-chan, throw pillows of Meili-chan, stickers of Meili-chan, figures of Mely-chan...

Mona Lisa, you must not understand.

Roman smeared a little butter on the bread, and then smiled at Merry-chan hanging on the wall, as if he was having dinner with Merry-chan.

"That... interrupted."

The automatic door of the consultation room opened, and Joan of Arc stood outside the door and looked inside carefully, smiling and nodding when she found that Roman was inside.

Roman suddenly remembered. In the morning he had promised Joan of Arc to teach him French, and the time would be set in the afternoon and evening, which meant that it was time for teaching.

"Roman-kun, you are..."

"It's Joan of Arc. I'm having dinner, and I missed dinner time by accident. Just a moment, I can finish it soon."


As a result, Roman got a sumptuous dinner.

It's great to have a woman around who is good at cooking and willing to cook. Not long ago, Roman always believed that his cooking skills were the best in the whole of Chaldea, and now it seems that His Excellency the Holy Maiden is invisible.

Red bean rice and gumbo don't seem to be very complicated dishes, but Joan of Arc didn't take much time, and it tasted good.

What ingredients is Chaldea hiding now?

"Olga Marie... Director opened the records of the singularity, sent us to the singularity in the past, collected materials from there and returned to Chaldea. Rika and we are busy today, thanks to this After the transfer of the second spiritual child, the ingredients of Chaldea have been enriched a lot."

After the singularity is repaired, the distorted history will return to its original orbit, but it does not mean that the spiritual child cannot be transferred to that time and space again.

On the contrary, Chaldeas recorded the singularity of the past, and when he performed the spiritual transfer again, he would come to the correct history.

It's not that Roman didn't think about letting Lixiang enter the singularity record to collect materials, but firstly, he didn't have time, and secondly, the focus of his work was to improve his strength and restore human nature, so when Chaldea's supplies were still abundant, Roman would not consider entering. Record the singularity.

- Don't stop, keep complimenting him, just repeat what I said before.

"This is mainly because Chaldea's maintenance work has stopped. Thanks to Roman-kun's command, Chaldea can now operate normally. The director deliberately mentioned this in front of everyone."

"Huh? Is that so?"

It's rare that Olga Marie would affirm his work in front of everyone. However, in Roman's opinion, this is more because Olga Marie doesn't understand the truth. If she is told that Roman is an irresponsible director, she will probably be blown up again.

It seems that everyone had a brief meeting in Roman's absence, and then Olga Marie put Roman aside as always, after all Roman is the kind of meeting insulator who "would not be serious if he was there".

"The director seems to be a very strict person, reminds me of Jill, but when she looked at me strangely, she seemed to be afraid of me."

"Don't worry, although the director looks fierce, he is a good person. You may not know that Matthew was..."

"Huh? Really?"

"So this is the director's respect for the legendary saintess. After getting along for a long time, Joan of Arc will understand and appreciate this."

However, the fact is that the director still has the shadow of being frightened by the sub-servant plan in his heart. He is still affected by characters such as Matthew and Servant, but the most important thing is that Olga Marie is actually a coward.

Roman couldn't help but imagine that Olga Marie would live a life like entering a haunted house in this Chaldea in the future.

Suddenly, Roman's body tensed, and a strange feeling filled his body from the inside out. Is this fear? No, it was excitement, a strange thrill that shook his soul.

Roman turned his head with a sense of feeling, and saw Arturia, who should have been sleeping, standing at the door of the restaurant, despising him with the eyes of dirty pigs.

PS: Merlin is probably a scumbag who shakes M →_→

Chapter 601 Chapter 132 Chaldea's Top Matter

Roman didn't expect Arturia to wake up at this time. In his prediction, Arturia would not recover until at least tomorrow night, and it seemed that he still misestimated the speed of Arturia's recovery.

No, in the afternoon, Roman seemed to try to instill the magic power belonging to Merlin in Artoria before leaving. Could this be the reason for Artoria to wake up?

Anyway, it was a good thing that Arturia was able to wake up in time.

It's just that Roman didn't expect to stare at him with this kind of eyes, the kind of contempt that is comparable to the worms in the garbage on the ground, as if entering the line of sight will smear the eyes. But what Roman didn't expect was that Merlin's spiritual foundation would have such a big reaction. What was this excitement and joy?

Merlin, what happened between you and Arturia?

But when Roman was worried, with the relationship between Arturia and Merlin, wouldn't Arturia recognize him?

His worry was unnecessary, Arturia's reaction was more like a conditioned reflex, and it disappeared after that moment. In fact, even Artoria herself was surprised by the reaction, so she withdrew her disrespectful gaze after a moment.

Girl, you may not know that at that moment just now, you once despised the only two GrandCasters (combinations) in the history of this world.

Joan of Arc was the happiest when she found that Arturia had woken up from her slumber. Not long afterward, Rika and Matthew knew the news and ran out in a swarm.

This evening, the girls spent their time in a heart-to-heart with each other.



A scream came from the men's dormitory.

It was a very familiar pain. I don't know when, Roman was already lying on the bed, and another person was lying on his back.

His hands passed under his armpits, his palms finally pressed against his shoulders, and then his arms locked tightly, Roman felt like his hands were about to be broken.

"Who is it?! Let go, I surrender, my hand is about to break!"

Sensing the area of ​​contact behind the back, the length of both arms, the person's weight and milk volume, based on those who would use violence to wake him out of bed to target the murderer—

"Lixiang, what are you doing, let go now!"

"Dad, you idiot, when are you still sleeping? You have already won such a good opportunity for you, but you haven't seized it well. Do you plan to be single for the rest of your life?"

Rika growled loudly behind Roman, and the strength in her hand continued to increase.

The problem is, Roman couldn't understand what she said!

"Hurry up and stop! It's broken, it's about to be broken!"

Roman seemed to hear the sound of clicking, and the bones seemed to be cracking a little bit by the ear.

In the end, Rika finally let go of his hands before Roman's arms were broken, and at this time Roman felt that his upper body had lost consciousness.

It was actually a Nelson-style lock, and it couldn't be freed from being pressed against the bed.

Roman turned over and lay on the bed, and found that Li Xiang was staring at him with hateful eyes, which made him feel hairy.

Did he do something wrong again?

Roman recalled what happened in the past two days, but he was still at a loss.

"What's the matter? Who made you angry again?"

Li Xiang stared at him fiercely but didn't speak, but she was clearly saying - who else but you?

- But I didn't do anything at all.

At the same time, Roman also decided that before going to sleep every night, he must check whether the door of the dormitory is closed.

Mona Lisa is like this, so is Lixiang, even Joan of Arc can sneak up to his window silently. When did his bedroom become a common room where anyone could run in?

"How did you get here so early in the morning? Did something happen?"

"There used to be a good thing, but now there is nothing."

Since everything is safe, shouldn't it be something to celebrate? Why look angry.

"Huh? Lixiang, why is there only one Command Spell left?"

Roman's surprise saw the back of Lixiang's hand. There should have been three full Command Spells, but now there is only one left.

"It's for some idiot."

Li Xiang gritted his teeth and said. I don't know if I am angry that Roman is not up to my expectations, or I am angry when I am not.

Originally, after using the three Command Spells, everything would go smoothly, but halfway through, an Artoria was killed and all her plans were destroyed. Lixiang believed that if Arturia hadn't appeared, the person who took the initiative to appear here this morning would be Joan of Arc. For a moment, Tachika even thought it would be nice if Arturia hadn't woken up yet.

Of course, this immoral idea was quickly discarded by Rika.

——Damn, I knew that Joan of Arc was ordered to "The Overlord".

Lixiang did have this idea at that time, but when she thought that she needed to use three Command Spells to control Joan of Arc, who knew that after one night, Joan of Arc would kill Roman, demolish Chaldea, or simply commit suicide? Besides, Lixiang's own morality does not allow her to do this.

——It seems that we can only try it when the Command Spell recovers. Judging from the favorability of Joan of Arc to the idiot father, although it is not enough, as long as we date a few more times, maybe it can be half pushed and half... Sure enough, blind date is this. This kind of thing cannot be done overnight.

"Huh? The time now... It's only past six o'clock? Is it too early?"

At six o'clock, no matter who is still in bed at this time, it's not social animals and Asian students, do you need to abuse yourself like this?

"Is it still early? Hehehe..." Lixiang gave a strange sneer, then looked at him resentfully, "At this time, some people are already enjoying Orleans-style breakfast."


Twenty minutes later, Roman and Rika appeared in the restaurant of Chaldea, and only then did he understand Rika's words. That's right, while everyone is still in bed, some people are already enjoying Orleans-style breakfast.

Servants do not need to rest, so Arturia and Joan of Arc have the whole night to do what they want to do. For example, Joan of Arc extravagantly wastes the ingredients that have just been obtained, such as Arturia, who has been sleeping for a long time. Finally found the opportunity to satisfy their appetite.

"Joan of Arc, you can actually stop, I don't need to eat too much food."

When you say this, would you please swallow the food in your mouth?

"It doesn't matter, these ingredients can actually be collected from the singularity, so no matter how much it costs, it can be replenished quickly."

There was a virtuous smile on Joan's face, and the movements in her hands did not stop at all, exuding the temperament of a good wife and mother.

"Wow, so dazzling, what happened?"

"Almost, almost, I can enjoy this kind of treatment."

The two father and daughter looked at each other, but the difference was that Roman's eyes were full of doubts, while Lixiang looked at Roman's eyes full of resentment.

Speaking of which, Joan of Arc once said that she hoped that Roman could try her work, but from now on, if he couldn't make it to breakfast, he would have to eat his own little butter bread.

"Good morning, Lixiang, and Dr. Roman."

Seeing that Roman and the two appeared in the restaurant, Arturia just glanced at Roman suspiciously and greeted them, then ignored them and ate attentively.

"Joan of Arc..." Li Xiang's eyes were calmly staring at the busy Zhen, and then she slowly raised her right hand, especially the solitary Command Spell on the back of her hand was even more conspicuous.

"Morning, good morning, Lixiang, Roman-kun."

Joan's face was drawn out slightly, and she forced an ugly smile.

At the same time, Arturia stopped her eating and stared at the inexplicable Roman with scum-looking eyes.


Leaving breakfast aside for the time being, Romain and Tatsuka feasted on Artoria's light. Not long after, Mash, who had been looking for Rika, appeared in the restaurant in a panic, and only let out a sigh of relief when she saw Rika's figure.

The restaurant was getting lively, but found himself unable to enter the small group.

Roman felt that as long as he had a thicker skin, he might be able to discuss common topics with the girls, but his intuition told him that if he really did this, then it would not only be Artoria's contempt that greeted him.

Merlin, you really are a rotten person.

After leaving, Roman went to inspect Chaldea's work, although this part of the work should now belong to Olga Marie, but before she took over completely, Roman needed to ensure that Chaldea was functioning normally in the process.

On the way, he met El-Melloi II, who was approaching. His steps were frivolous and his face was exhausted. It seemed that he could not see Roman even if he walked in front of him.

"El-Melloi II." Roman took the initiative to greet him, "You look terrible."

"Ah, it's yours. Is this time already? It's hard to find the concept of time in Chaldea, and I don't know who took the wall clock away, which means it's already daytime?"

El-Melloi II's voice was hoarse, with a weak feeling of lack of breath. If you look closely, you will find that his eyes are dull, with a touch of blood in his eyes.

"Are you really okay? Didn't you get a good rest last night?"

"No, I didn't rest last night."

Really sad news. It seems that Olga Marie is really nervous and intends to squeeze the last bit of value from El-Melloi II.

"No way, other Servants can't do the singularity analysis, and the director and you just came back from the singularity... Don't worry, it's normal for a magician to sleep all day and night."

El-Melloi II looked calm, as if disapproving of the high-intensity work he was going through.

But... you don't work overtime one day and one night, but two days and two nights without sleep.

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