Black Saber's face showed a look of contempt, as if to say: Can't you understand human language?

"Literally. Listen, I received a new order just now. I don't need to waste time for the Ark of the Covenant. Now I'm going to the next singularity."

Joan of Arc suddenly stood up from the ground, her eyes widened: "What did you say? The Ark of the Covenant doesn't matter? The singularity doesn't matter? Do you think that little devil (Medea) can solve them?"

"Are you trying to **** me off? It's useless to ask me these words, because it's an order from above. As for Medea... who knows, maybe he didn't think that kid could succeed from the beginning, so he simply Let us give up. But no matter what the facts are, we just need to execute, there is no need to stay here.”

"..." Black Joan was silent for a long time. She thought of being injured by King David not long ago, and of her enemy magician S. The anger in her heart could not be quelled no matter what, and the more she went, the more excited she went.

"I do not want."

Black Saber felt a headache in an instant, she had no idea that Black Joan would be so awkward. You must know that she hates little kids the most, especially the rebellious kid who is disobedient. This kind of kid should kill Chengqi with the holy sword.

"I said you figured it out, now is not the time for me and Dou Qi, this order was given by Getia himself!"

"So what? Are you afraid?"

Black Joan looked at Black Saber with disgust.

"I'm not afraid that I don't need you to understand, but I know that if you continue to stay, you will be the one who will beg for mercy."

If Joan of Arc is found to be disobeying the order, the person who punishes her must be Solomon, and she must suffer at that time.

This stupid woman must have forgotten her experience in the Temple of Time.

"I don't need you to care. We can't die anyway, can we? I can't swallow this breath anyway."

Chapter 611 Chapter 141 The Greek hero is active

"So you didn't come to catch me?"

Yurielle still had doubts about Magician S's words, but after Magician S said a lot about Steno, she finally put down her hostility.

It's a pity that Magician S doesn't communicate much with Steno, otherwise, he might be able to capture her by language.

"You don't have a choice." As the dominant party, Atalanta did not let go of her hostility towards Uriel, because the Greek heroes were disgusted by the three Gorgon sisters' notoriety, "You should be glad that Magician S knew Stheno, otherwise my arrow would have pierced your heart."

"What, what? You vicious woman!"

Yurielle wanted to hide behind the Minotaur, but found that the Minotaur had fainted, so she timidly hid behind Magician S.

"Hey, since 'I' asked you to protect me, then quickly drive this woman away."

As expected of the two sisters, even the tone of voice was exactly the same, and they gave orders to the people they met for the first time as a matter of course.

However, it is impossible to drive Atalante away. Now every Servant is an important fighting force, how could it be possible to let her go.

"Don't worry, Atalanta won't hurt you... As long as you are obedient, I can protect you."

The moment he said those words, both Atalanta and Yurielle looked at him with trash-like eyes.

I thought I could find a powerful god, but I didn't expect it to be a **** transformed by a banshee. Although it has a very high divinity, it lacks the strength to fight.

Simply put, it is completely useless.

Later, under the narration of Yuri Ellie, she learned that she was being hunted by a group of pirates. Although Yurielle's strength was a little worse than that of Servants, she was by no means an ordinary person to bully, and she was also accompanied by Minotaurs. In other words, there are powerful Servants in that group of pirates, or several Servants gathered together.

Magician S became more of a headache.

Jason, the pirate group, the black Saber, and the black Joan of Arc, these enemies are almost as many as the past few singularities combined. It seems that the group that can't find contact has turned into a common enemy.

No, it's better to unite with Lixiang and the others quickly, and then defeat them one by one before the other party can react.



——Flower Sea

Once again, he came to the sea of ​​flowers that seemed similar to the past. Roman was intoxicated by the fragrance of the flowers around him, but remembered that it was in a dream. Roman didn't quite understand why this sea of ​​​​flowers remained after Merlin left. Could it be because of his spiritual foundation?

However, the dream world has become uncontrollable, which makes Roman feel very sorry. When he thinks that waking up tomorrow is another tired day, Roman is even more melancholy.

Come to think of it, it was Steno's credit for coming here. The gods are a bunch of wayward guys.

But since you pulled me in, why did you hide yourself?

The shadow of Steno could not be found in the sea of ​​flowers. I thought she should stay on the tower, and Roman seems to have come to the position where she came here last time.

The world of dreams is more convenient than reality. In the blink of an eye, it has come to the bottom of the tower, and then appeared on the spiral staircase of the tower. Walking up the stairs, before reaching the bedroom on the first floor, Roman said, "Stheno, I'm coming in."

Steno didn't respond to Roman's words, but her voice sounded above, she seemed to be talking to herself, but she seemed to be talking to someone.

After waiting for a while, he simply walked up the stairs and came to the bedroom on that floor.

Stheno was still on the big bed, but she was not alone on the bed, there was another girl who was exactly the same.

Roman couldn't help being taken aback when he saw two identical girls snuggling together, although he knew who the other girl was.

"Yuri Ellie? Why are you here?"

"Because this is 'I', as long as I allow it, 'of course' can come in."

Steno... It should be Steno, anyway, the relationship between Yurielle and Roman is not good enough to communicate casually like this.

However, Steno's words are really annoying. She always refers to Yurielle as "I", and she calls herself "I", which makes it difficult for Roman to distinguish whether the person she is talking about is herself or Yurielle.

But her words are still understandable, probably because of Steno's permission, Yurielle can enter here.

"This is too messy. This place should belong to my dream, why can you let people come in at will without my permission."

And the price of coming here, Roman really doesn't want to experience it. That kind of exhaustion from the inside to the outside of the whole body will make people feel tired all day, and it is still in the singularity point, this kind of exhaustion is too dangerous.

"This is to dispel the hostility of 'I' to you."

Steno changed his posture to make himself look more enchanting, with a charming smile on his face, "I know, you are in trouble now, wouldn't it be better if you could get help from 'me'?"

"..." I didn't expect Steno to know about this. No, she could easily understand the outside world through Roman's eyes and ears. Don't forget, it was Steno who noticed Yurielle's appearance at the first time, and then ran out to warn Roman.

"I don't think Uriel Ellie can help." Roman turned his head to look at the silent Uriel Ellie, "and we also need to devote our energy to protecting her."

Steno just glanced at Roman, and then threw Uriel on the bed. This seems to be a special way for the sisters to communicate, but Yurielle is obviously still unable to let go, and Steno clearly feels this.

After all, Yurielle and Roman were just two strangers who had just met.

Steno looked at Roman with dissatisfaction in his eyes.

"Where's the Minotaur?"

"Do you guys like to help others so much?" The poor tauren, is the future destiny determined by these two sisters?

"Let him protect Yurielle, it's too troublesome to deal with Berserker."

Different creatures that cannot communicate with each other are just like monsters, and they will cause all kinds of troubles when they come into contact with each other.

"What if we can still provide information on enemy Servants?"

This is indeed good news. Since Yurielle and Minotaur were hunted by the enemy, they must have a certain understanding of them. If they can get the enemy's information, they will have an advantage in battle.

"What are you still thinking about, come here quickly."

Steno beckoned to Roman. Although he knew it wasn't the case, Roman's heart couldn't help beating faster.

But he soon woke up, and at the same time he also realized that it was Stheno who used the charm on him.

Roman walked over, saw that Stheno was still waiting for him, thought for a moment, and finally leaned over.

"You listen up..."

Roman felt a sting in his neck.


The next day, Magician S was woken up by the crisp ringtone.

Naturally, he felt tired all over his body, and even had difficulty opening his eyes. But he knew that he would recover soon, or would adapt to the fatigue.

"Sorry, I seem to be sleeping a little late, what time is it?"

"It's been two hours since the sun has risen. You seem tired. How are you feeling?"

"No problem, I'm used to it..."

Magician S opened his eyes and saw the green eyes of David. Before he could say anything, Magician S reached out and touched his head.

Hiss, it hurts, what happened? In the end what happened?

Magician S felt that he was injured, but there was no bleeding unexpectedly, and it seemed that his luck was not bad.

"Concluding a contract with two Servants at one time seems to be too much of a burden for you."

"Um... eh? What do you mean? Two Servants?"

The magician checked his Command Spell suspiciously and found that he was already linked to two Servants.

One is David in front of him, and the other is... Yuri Ellie.

"Huh? What's going on here?"

"When I woke up in the morning, I found that Yurielle was secretly signing a contract with you. I was very surprised. The Servant could take the initiative to sign a contract with the Master, so I decided to give it a try. I didn't expect it to be successful."

"Did I say that you don't have any self-consciousness to reflect? The character that causes trouble has not changed at all!"

"Have I been causing trouble?"

"You are just..."

Magician S suddenly realized that he was talking too much and said something he shouldn't have said.

Anyway, he was used to it, no matter where David was, there would always be troubles he brought him.

It feels like the body is being hollowed out.

Magician S turned to look at Yurielle, probably because of what she said to Stheno last night to give her arrogance.

"Listen, you have to protect me from now on."

"Don't worry...I will...protect you."

The one who answered Uriel was not Magician S, but the Minotaur who also woke up. It was unbelievable that he could hear Yuri Ellie's words and communicate with people normally.

Is this really Berserker?

"It's not about you, forget it, you're enough as before."

Yurielle stared at Magician S, as if waiting for his reply.

"Of course, we'll protect you. But it's time for you to reveal who your pursuers are."

Yuri Ellie nodded, and then recounted what happened during this time.

In fact, it is not very complicated. The general situation is similar to that of David, who was suddenly summoned one day. While she was still wondering, she found the Minotaur who was also summoned. At that time, the two were not companions. The Minotaur chose to attack Yurielle almost at first sight, and Yurielle, who knew that he was not good at fighting, used the talent of charm to control the Minotaur. , the two people at that time were the controller and the controlled person. It's just that after a long time, the Minotaur who lacks wisdom seems to have become accustomed to this kind of relationship and obeys Yurielle.

Because they appeared in this sea area, and the two were still on an isolated island, there should have been no harassment. But one day, a group of pirates landed, and the goal was very clear to capture Yurielle.

"That pirate is as disgusting as garbage, cockroaches, and pigs. Just looking at him will make his eyes smeared. This kind of scum should break his limbs, throw it in front of Hydra, melt it into ashes with venom, and then Throw it to the bottom of the abyss!"

Yurielle seemed to be deeply harassed by the pirate and cursed him with the most vicious words.

"...What should I do with him and leave it after the battle is won. Besides pirates, is there any other information that can be used?"

Magician S hurriedly interrupted Yurielle's words. If she continued to talk, she might end up playing. Just look at Lancelot to see how deep a woman's obsession is, and even the time barrier can't stop Alice.

"He calls himself Blackbeard."


After talking for half an hour, this sentence alone is the most useful word.

"In addition to the pirate, there are three Servants. Two of them are women, I don't know who they are, but the other hero I have seen once is the hero Hector."

Hector is a powerful hero in Greek mythology, the most famous part of which is the "Iliad" in Homer's epic. The powerful Greek coalition attacked Troy, but Hector relied on his own bravery and personal charm. , killed the Greek coalition forces, almost no one could resist his spear, only Ajax made a bronze shield with seven layers of cowhide to block it, and the cowhide of that shield was stabbed at that time. Wear six layers.

Hector died at the hands of another hero, Achilles. However, in the Iliad, it can be seen that Achilles' victory was accompanied by the help of the Greek gods, Hector and Achilleion. Between Chilios, who is the better one, there is still no result in the end.

This tragic hero died at the hands of the other party due to the judgment and fate of the gods, and the fate of his life is full of Greek characteristics.

Magician S turned his head to look at Atalante, who wanted to see what the huntress had to say, but found that her face was more serious than ever. Just a name made her whole body tense. .

This is really bad, if he really meets Hector, will this cat-eared girl still be useful.

"Jason, Medea, Hercules, Hector...Is this all the heroes in Greek mythology brought here? One is more difficult than the other, and there are the other two..." The magician S couldn't help covering his head, "By the way, why did they capture you?"

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