Chapter 854 Chapter 367: New Gods

Both Ushiwakamaru and Musashibo Benkei are weapons that are good at one-on-one battles. They lack ranged skills and no military-level damage Noble Phantasm, which makes them troublesome when facing weak owls.

Fighting a boring protracted battle for a group of owls is really not worth it.

Ushiwakamaru dragged Roman and ran, and the feeling of dizziness came again, but it disappeared soon, and Ushiwakamaru put Roman on the ground. The reason is simple, the crisis has been completely lifted.

The three had already left the woods before the owl arrived. Strangely, the owls that were supposed to pursue them didn't catch up, and they remained in the woods. When I looked back, I saw the owl resting on the branch, just like when they entered the woods. The ashes on the ground actually disappeared, seeming to seep into the earth.

- Delusion? As if someone was watching from behind?

Roman felt a pair of eyes staring at him from behind, but when he looked back he saw only a dense forest. Although it was said that the owl had been looking in this direction, Roman felt that this gaze was different, completely different from the mechanical surveillance of the owl, but with an inexplicable emotion.

- Who is it?

The petrified soldiers have all recovered. Gilgamesh's potion is very useful. Petrification is almost an inexplicable power in modern times, but it does not seem to be so troublesome in the Age of God. Of course, it is also possible that everything will become easier in Jill A's dream, so everyone will be saved.

Even so, two people died. It is a pity that they did not die in the petrification, but the stone statue was smashed. Even if the flesh and blood were restored, what they saw was the fragmented corpse.

Roman also didn't have much time for sadness. After helping the wounded soldiers to heal, he rushed back to the palace. This time, I don't need Ushiwakamaru's help. His old bones can't stand the toss, and he will fall apart after a few times.

As he climbed the stairs, Roman felt his legs vibrate. He looked towards the north with a slight feeling, and saw the endless wave of monsters standing outside in the distance.

"Starting to attack again? Ushiwakamaru, do monsters attack every day?"

"Sometimes once, sometimes twice, and rarely three times. At that time, no ordinary person can resist. At the beginning, King Gilgamesh summoned seven Servants, each of them We stood up when we were powerless to fight the monsters, and finally died in the tide of monsters, and now there are only two of us left."

"Seven... In other words, five people have died? By the way—" Roman suddenly thought of a question, "Gilgamesh summoned the Servant? Is there a Holy Grail system here? I always thought you appeared on your own. What? Gilgamesh summons seven Servants... What the **** is going on?"

"Huh? Master doesn't know? The Holy Grail is in the hands of King Gilgamesh."


The Holy Grail is in Gilgamesh's hands? Could it be that Gilgamesh is the source of the distortion of the singularity?

Roman thinks this is unlikely. After all, the king seems to be cooperating with Roman's work. If handing over the Holy Grail can really repair the singularity, Roman believes that Gilgamesh will be happy to hand him over. It's not how good Gilgamesh is, but the pure person who doesn't like the gods, especially the goddess.

Maybe there is something Roman doesn't know.

Roman walked into the palace and saw Gilgamesh giving orders for various battles to his subordinates. The beasts attacked, and Gilgamesh was busy again. Even if he stayed in the palace, he knew the situation on the front line like the back of the back.

"You're here, Romani." He took time out of his busy schedule to summon Roman, but his face was still indifferent, and he didn't know if Gilgamesh cared about the situation in the south." How's the investigation going? Have you found any clues?"

"Something has been gained." Roman sat on the chair, and at the same time, Siduri, who appeared in time, handed Roman tea honey, "Thank you very much, Siduri."

"I also need to thank you, Mr. Romani, thanks to your timely arrival to save those petrified people. If it is a little later, they will have no chance of surviving, please allow me to express to you on their behalf Most sincere thanks."

Roman didn't have any pretentious thoughts, but said frankly: "I will accept your thanks, if I can wake up every morning and drink the honey tea made by Siduri, that would be great. "

Siduri was stunned for a moment, and then the pair of eyes above the veil narrowed, showing a relaxed smile: "Of course there is no problem, Mr. Romani, please be patient."

"Enough, I'll stop here if I thank you." Gilgamesh waved his hands to persuade the surrounding soldiers, and then sat lazily in his chair, "Let's hurry up and talk about your investigation results, it's only half the morning. It took a long time to gain something, and it seems that a lot of problems have been exposed, can the 'Three Goddess Alliance' be unable to hold back?"

"I don't know the specific situation. After all, I haven't figured out the relationship between the three goddesses. But what I can say is that the owl and the poisonous snake have something to do with the mother goddess."

Mother Earth generally refers to a powerful goddess whose duties are related to 'earth' and 'mother'. It can also be understood as harvest and reproduction, individual survival and racial continuation. Because the matriarchal society is earlier than the patriarchal society, the earth goddess is also older, and from a magic point of view, its mystery may be higher.

That is more trouble.

"Goddess of the Earth...Ishtar would not like such gloomy animals as owls and poisonous snakes, that greedy goddess only likes shiny treasures, so it will never be her handwriting. And she also does not have the brain and patience, Even a bull in the sky can't control it, this kind of subtle manipulation is beyond her ability."

Do you have a problem with Ishtar? Yes, Enkidu was killed by Ishtar, but don't call her a stupid goddess.

"Most of the attention of the goddess of beasts is in the north. Although it is a good plan to attract combat power in the north and sneak in from the south, the relationship between the goddesses is not as friendly as imagined. They are allied, but they are on guard against each other. Thinking that the gods can get along with each other at the same time, you don’t know what virtue the gods are. The Goddess of Warcraft will never sneak in with poor animals like owls and poisonous snakes, she has thousands of better choices.”

Because of the half-year-long battle, even if they have never met, the battle is a good way to communicate and understand, so Gilgamesh also has a certain understanding of the Goddess of Warcraft.

If the Goddess of Warcraft really intends to carry out the infiltration plan, she should choose more concealed Warcraft, owls and poisonous snakes, which are not among the options at all.

"There is another goddess... As far as this king knows, she is a goddess related to the sun, and she should hate nocturnal animals the most."

Roman looked at Gilgamesh in surprise: "Don't you even know the true identity of the third goddess?"

"I was held back by the Goddess of Warcraft half a year ago. In addition, the goddess had no plans to expand her territory at all, so she just let it go. Although this king also sent people to investigate, but no one came back. , so I just gave up.”

It turned out to be so. Compared with a huge threat without action, it is more important to find a solution to a huge crisis that is at hand. Uruk is not a time of abundance, and can only devote human and material resources to the most important places.

But if it is a goddess related to the sun... Regardless of whether what Gilgamesh said is true or not, if the other party is really the goddess of the sun, then it has absolutely nothing to do with poisonous snakes and owls. After all, the duties and habits of gods are closely related. , there is bound to be confusion when there is a crossover. Personalities will be chaotic, abilities will be chaotic, and beliefs will be chaotic. Such gods will not last at all, because they do not need foreign enemies, and believers of gods will fight with themselves, and they will be more ruthless than anyone else.

This is the case with a certain unknown Mr. Ball of Light. The internal war of the Crusaders is much more exciting than the external war.

"You have been covered by the 'Three Goddess Alliance' from the very beginning."

"What do you mean... no, there is still?"

"Gods are such self-willed things. This king will not be surprised if anything happens. From the very beginning, Uruk is ready to fight against the gods, and it is normal for the fourth **** to appear."

This is the conclusion that Gilgamesh has come to, and although Roman has not yet obtained conclusive evidence, his intuition tells him that it is very likely.

What a headache, the alliance of the three goddesses has pushed mankind to the brink of destruction, and now a fourth goddess has appeared. Will this destroy Uruk directly?

There was disgust in Gilgamesh's eyes, and murderous intent flashed across his face. He is a descendant of the gods, with one-third of the divinity, the existence of the gods to rule the increasingly powerful human beings. But he is closer to humans than the gods above, because he is also the "tool" of the gods.

Humans are the tools that work in place of the gods, and Gilgamesh is the tools that govern humans in place of the gods. Although it seems that Gilgamesh is more advanced than humans, tools are tools, and he is not much different from humans in the eyes of gods.

Gilgamesh must have seen this clearly after Enkidu died.

"You are responsible for this."

"Huh?!" Roman looked at Gilgamesh in surprise, not understanding what he meant.

Gilgamesh looked at Roman with disgust: "This king can't leave Uruk, so this matter is left to you. Aren't you just good at dealing with gods? If you can't even do this little thing, just do it. Go feed the monsters, don't waste this king's food here."

"Don't make things so easy, how can it be so easy to deal with gods! If you have strength and like to act arbitrarily, it doesn't make sense at all—"

Roman held his hands and stopped talking at the end, and there was even a look of grief on his face. This broken mouth knows to talk nonsense, look, finally something happened.

The quick-talking Roman completely forgot that there were still two gods hidden in his body. It just so happened that Steno entered the singularity and began to pay attention to every move of the outside world. It was obvious that Steno had heard the words just now.

Roman can completely imagine how this evening will be spent... Roman suddenly felt that insomnia would be better.

Roman suddenly remembered another thing: "By the way, I heard that the Holy Grail is in your hands?"

"That's right. The treasures in this world belong to this king. Of course, the Holy Grail also has this qualification. Of course, it will appear in this king's treasure house."

Gilgamesh is not the only one who can take the robbery for granted. As far as Roman knew, Alexander the Great was also such a thing.

However, Roman knew that the reason why the Holy Grail appeared in Gilgamesh's treasury was not what Gilgamesh did, but that the Holy Grail had the qualification to "enter the heroic king's treasury", and then appeared in Gilgamesh's treasury . This ancient king has a treasure trove of "the archetype of all treasures in the world", which is a very useful treasure trove.

I just don't know if that Holy Grail is the Holy Grail of the King of Magic.

In the end, Gilgameshra was bred. Like the legend, this ancient king was an out-and-out tyrant who used people as tools at all. Ushiwakamaru and the two were also driven to the front by Gilgamesh. They could not help by staying in the palace. Hunting monsters on the front was the best place to go.

As a result, it was already afternoon when he came out of the palace, and Roman forgot even lunch time. Looking back, it seems that he did nothing during the time he stayed in the palace. It was more like watching Gilgamesh busy alone, but for some reason, Roman felt tired.

The sun had gone down, and the afterglow shone on the ground, and the whole earth was dyed pale red. Looking to the north, on the position of the Warcraft front, it was impossible to tell where there was blood and where there was sunlight. Roman has never entered the Warcraft front, but it must be very tragic there. It's a pity that he is not the type that is good at fighting, and he can't help when he is on the Warcraft front.

In fact, Roman thinks that he can still be a field doctor, but Gilgamesh doesn't seem to think so, and feels that Roman is unconsciously overkill.

Although it should be very happy to be judged like this by Gilgamesh, but with those cold eyes as if looking at a tool, Roman felt that those words in Gilgamesh's mouth were just a measure of the size of the tool.

Roman doesn't think there is anything wrong with this. If he can't even do this, he will fail the role of king.

"Speaking of which, Lixiang will be in Uruk tomorrow, and I don't know how they are doing."

PS: Everyone knows who this Mother Earth is.

Chapter 855 Chapter 368 The Goddess Reincarnated

In the depths of the ground 100 kilometers away from Uruk, a large hole has been dug out at some point. The height of the big hole is more than 100 meters, and the area of ​​the platform can prevent an army of ten thousand people. However, even so, the Big Hollow was extremely crowded at this time.

Countless monster larvae were crawling on the platform, and they were motionless. If you look closely, you will find that they emerge from the grooves on the platform, and start to expand from the tiny lumps of flesh that cannot be seen. In the blink of an eye, they are the size of a car. At this time, the expansion rate has slowed down, but it has not stopped. down.

This is how the monsters attacking the monster front were born. It only takes ten minutes to create hundreds of monster corps. When you open your eyes, you can fight. You must have several well-trained fighters. beat it. No matter day or night, the number of monsters will increase, so no matter how many monsters are killed on the monster front, the next time they attack, the number of monsters will still be endless.

Human beings have absolutely no chance of winning. As long as the goddess of beasts is still alive, the number of beasts will not decrease, and the soldiers guarding the front lines of beasts will continue to die.

When she raised her head, she could already see the top of the big void. Her figure was like a big mountain, and even the sun would be shaded. She is the **** of praise and fear in human poetry, a great being that cannot be resisted.

One breath and one look can destroy a country.


A heavy roaring sound resounded on the altar, like dull thunder echoing continuously, and finally calmed down to heavy breathing, and a scorching gust of wind blew on the altar.

His voice was like thunder, his breath was like a gust of wind, and his every move caused an earthquake. This is already the power of God.

The goddess of beasts created countless beasts, drove them out of their lair, and stopped to continue the work of making beasts.

Among the Three Goddess Alliance, the Goddess of Warcraft is the most powerful, because the Goddess of Warcraft can create countless beasts. But in fact, the strength of the three goddesses is still unknown, and no one will care.

No one knows how the Goddess of Warcraft and the Goddess of the Sun appeared, and even the Goddess of Warcraft and the Goddess of the Sun do not know. Times, the reason for the appearance seems to have been erased.

But it doesn't matter. In other words, the Goddess of Warcraft doesn't care about this.

From the moment she appeared, the Goddess of Warcraft understood the meaning of her appearance in this era. There was no sign, but the desire etched in her soul drove her to do so - to restore the glory of the Earth Mother and let the Earth Mother rule the world again.

The Goddess of Warcraft was convinced of this idea, and it was for no reason that even she herself felt unbelievable missions that drove her to act.

She found the goddess who was also summoned here at the first time, and sent her an invitation to form an alliance. The other party quickly agreed to the invitation of the goddess of beasts. But unfortunately, the goddess of the sun lacked interest in the glory of the earth goddess, and until now, she has not been able to work hard, clinging to her own territory, and is completely unwilling to go out. But it doesn't matter, even if only she didn't make trouble. Even if it is a goddess of beasts, it is not too difficult to conquer the earth.

The power of the Goddess of Warcraft has expanded to a terrifying level in an instant. There are many strong humans in this era, but the Warcraft born in the soil of the Age of God has an absolute advantage, and the mere humans have no power to block the Warcraft. Therefore, the Goddess of Warcraft's power The action went well.

However, her actions soon attracted the attention of the native gods, and the **** who found her was the goddess of this era, Ishtar. A goddess who represents war, harvest, reproduction, etc., is a very powerful goddess... Although she regrets in some respects, Ishtar finally agreed to the invitation of the goddess of beasts.

The age of the earth mother **** has passed, and now is the age of the father god, and the one above all is the father **** who was once ruled by the mother god. As long as it is a goddess, no one is unwilling to return to the age of the mother goddess, and Ishtar has no reason to refuse the invitation of the goddess of beasts.

Ishtar seems to be working hard, but unfortunately, I don't know whether it is a problem of ability or not being able to kill his followers, and there is no progress until now. Aside from causing a little trouble for Uruk, there were few past results.

But the goddess of beasts doesn't care, just like what she said just now, she doesn't need help from other people, as long as these gods don't make trouble, even if only she can rule the ground.

Enkidu is dead, and the only one standing in the way of the Goddess of Warcraft is Gilgamesh. Possessing two-thirds of the divinity, the king in his prime is a problem, but the Goddess of Warcraft is confident of killing Gilgamesh when he leaves Uruk's Great Barrier.

With just one look, the king who rules all of Uruk will be killed. Gilgamesh is also obviously in danger, so he has been hiding in the depths of Uruk. To the surprise of the Goddess of Warcraft, Gilgamesh gave up his personal use of force and directed the remaining humans to resist the tide of Warcraft.

This accident caused the Goddess of Warcraft to slow down the progress of destroying humans again and again. But it was only slowing down. With the continuous reduction of human beings, Uruk was eventually destroyed by endless monsters.

Owls and venomous snakes did not exist in ancient times, but they are completely different from those species that have lost their offensive power in later generations. However, the Goddess of Warcraft did not choose these ancestors. There are only occasional giant snakes to protect owls and venomous snakes. Don't get killed too much.

The reason for creating ineffective poisonous snakes and owls is just the impulse of the Goddess of Warcraft. This urge was inexplicable, but she didn't have much thought about it.

It was probably the birth of that child that made her think differently.

"That human."

The Goddess of Warcraft remembered the human he saw last night and this morning. He was a magician from Chaldea, and the Goddess of Warcraft only knew him. But the Goddess of Warcraft feels that there is something wrong with this, she should know more, but neither Greece nor Uruk has any memory of Roman.

That human, he is special.

In the end, the Goddess of Warcraft doesn't know yet, but her intuition tells her that her relationship with Roman is not just a strange enemy.

The intuition of the gods is not a simple thing.

From the first sight of Roman, the goddess of beasts had the urge to "must find her", so she drove the beasts to attack the front of the beasts more violently, and it wasn't until now that she calmed down.

When she destroys the monster front and Uruk, she will be able to get the truth at that time.

The Goddess of Warcraft lowered her head and looked at the meatballs on the altar. Those were the larvae of Warcraft. As long as magic power was injected, the larvae could grow quickly. Even if you leave it alone, the altar will absorb the magic power of the leylines and gradually grow. Goddess of Warcraft did not catalyze the growth of Warcraft as before, she still has more important things to do.

Enkidu led the monsters to destroy the cities of Mesopotamia, drove all humans to Uruk, and let the goddess of monsters occupy two-thirds of the land of Mesopotamia before everyone reflected. The goddess knows the importance of a leader who can lead the Warcraft action in the Warcraft community.

But just one Enki is not enough. Although Enkidu has great power, it is a pity that he is not mature enough. This can be seen from the failure two days ago. Therefore, the Goddess of Warcraft intends to give birth to a new child, a more mature and excellent individual than Enkidu who can lead the group of Warcraft.

So the Goddess of Warcraft now uses less magic power and puts more magic power on nursing the unborn child.


New people appeared on the altar. Because it is a big hole in the ground, only the streamer of magic power can be used, so this person can only see a faint shadow.

He wears a loose robe and has ankle-length hair. There are not many human figures that can come to this altar, and there is only one human figure called the Goddess of Warcraft.

"You're back, Jin Gu."

The Goddess of Warcraft said softly, "That's the case, there is still a breeze blowing on the altar.

Jin Gu, if someone can see his true appearance here, they will find that the figure called "Jin Gu" is exactly the same as En Qi. To be precise, Enkidu's body in the underworld was stolen, and then another person with the appearance of Enkidu was born and was born by re-implanting the armor-piercing magic furnace heart.

At present, the Goddess of Warcraft is led by Jin Gu to attack the Warcraft front. Before that, the whole way was like a broken bamboo. Only Gilgamesh blocked the war on the Warcraft front, and the two sides are still at a stalemate.

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