"That... am I okay?"

"Ahhh! What's the use of saying such things now?!"

The nonsense of the adults is completely unbelievable. If one day you listen to the words of the adults calmly, you will not be far from being deceived.

On the way back, Roman could only keep comforting Lixiang, hoping that she would not remember the villain's deeds, and then the two separated on the way. Lixiang needs to go back to the small villa to observe Anna's condition. You must know that Roman only had a simple treatment when he left last night. Now Anna's injury can only be treated by natural repair. It is still unclear whether there are medical staff going to the villa. Knowing that Lixiang must go back to take care of Anna.

As for Roman, of course, he had to return to the palace to discuss the next battle with Gilgamesh.

"It turns out that the goddess of beasts is not the real Tiamat, but the almighty Greek goddess who got Tiamat."

Because the fighting time was short, Gilgamesh could not get the report in time, and could only get first-hand information from Roman's words.

"But it's enough to treat the goddess of beasts as the real Tiamat. Whether it's her power or her actions, the hatred of humans is no less than Tiamat. This result should be fortunate, after all, according to legends Tiamat of Mesopotamia is one of the creator gods of Mesopotamia, and the real Tiamat appears, perhaps our work is much less."

This can be heard as a cold joke. The fact that the work is much less is not easy, but that the real Tiamat has appeared. Uruk may not even have room to resist, and human beings will be destroyed in an instant.

"However, the news that the 'Three Goddess Alliance' is not stable is very important. Jin Gu said it himself, and even the Goddess of Warcraft admitted this. It seems that Ishtar and the other goddess have ulterior motives."

Ishtar also said that the "Three Goddess Alliance" actually has its own purpose, but the competitors are goddesses of the same rank. Malicious competition will lead to various evil consequences, so the winner will be selected by competition. .

In other words, although the "Three Goddess Alliance" is an alliance, none of the goddesses in it wants the other two to win.

"Ishtar's idea has been clarified, that stupid woman is best to deal with, and the probability of winning over is also very high, and now there is just a lack of an opportunity to have a positive dialogue. But the biggest problem is that the stupid goddess can calmly If you are obedient, if you can't even listen to what you say, then you won't be able to meet the premise of negotiation."

When it comes to Ishtar, Gilgamesh's emotions will get out of control, and there will be some helplessness on his face in addition to anger. That kind of feeling is like two people whose IQ is not at the same level. When you are willing to explain it to him, he completely ignores you, but you have to do it.

"That's not a problem at all." Mei Li smiled wickedly, and the British scumbag looked at Roman from the corner of the eye, "You are not a king who is good at dealing with people, since you don't know how to deal with Ishtar Negotiate, then simply let someone who is good at this do it."

Hearing this, Gilgamesh couldn't help but set his eyes on Roman.

"Wait, what are you looking at me for? I have nothing to do with Ishtar."

"What about the one named Tohsaka Rin?"

"I've only seen it a few times."

"...It's really hard to handle. Ishtar is not a good girl who can talk well. Probably, she can only be held captive like Lixiang and preached well."

"Even so, the covenant of the 'Three Goddess Alliance' is still there, and Ishtar will still not switch camps to stand on our side."

"There is no need to make her betray the 'Three Goddess Alliance', just let her stand by and watch. Aren't they competing? There will never be conditions for mutual help in the covenant, and the goddess is also stingy."

Roman felt that the grievance between Gilgamesh and the gods would never be resolved, especially Ishtar who killed Enkidu. As long as this goddess was mentioned, even the calm state would become annoyed.

Until now, it's hard to imagine Gilgamesh and Ishtar sitting at a table and talking happily, it's really scary.

"Since the Goddess of Warcraft has already appeared on the Warcraft front, it means that the Goddess of Warcraft and Jin inherently have a certain grasp of dealing with the other two goddesses—tsk, we don't have much time left, we must do so before the Goddess of Warcraft resists next time. Get in touch with them, if the Goddess of Warcraft completes the preparations first, Uruk will have no chance. Romani, you tell Lixiang, she will go to Kusa next, be sure to establish a good relationship with Kusa , this time there is nothing to lose.”

"Kusa...and a leopard man..."

"Don't worry, Roman, I will definitely protect Lixiang." "I have no confidence in you at all."

Roman has already seen through this woman. Although he told him rationally that Meili is actually a very reliable magician, whether it is communication or feeling, Meili will give people a feeling of being unreliable.

After leaving the palace, Roman returned to the villa, but saw Lixiang who was in a hurry.

Roman suddenly had an ominous premonition, because the person who could go wrong here is Anna. Could it be that the injury has worsened?

How can it be? Roman did not go out until Anna's injury stabilized.

"What's wrong? Lixiang, with a worried look on her face, is there something wrong with Anna?"

"Dad, you're back! Anna, Anna, she's gone!"


How could the injured Anna be gone?


Anna couldn't disappear for no reason. Her injuries have stabilized, and with two older sisters protecting her, it's just whimsical that someone wants to kidnap her.

In other words, Anna actually chose to leave here by herself.

Judging from the traces left in the room, it didn't take long for Anna to leave, about when the Goddess of Warcraft appeared on the battlefield.

At Anna's speed, if you don't want others to catch up, people here will never find her. Since Anna left silently, it meant that she didn't want anyone to disturb her.

When the goddess of beasts appeared, Anna, who was supposed to be sleeping on the bed, woke up. The spiritual foundation of the Goddess of Warcraft is too powerful. Although Anna is also summoned in the state of a goddess, she is very different from the Goddess of Warcraft, and the whole person is awakened by a strong sense of crisis.

She walked to the window and looked at the Goddess of Warcraft in the distance. It is very difficult to see the Goddess of Warcraft at this distance, but in Anna's eyes, the figure of the Goddess of Warcraft is very clear.

"Anna, don't go there!!"

As if she understood what Anna meant, the sister hidden in her body made a sound to stop her.

Anna planned to go to the battlefield to fight. At this time, it was absolutely impossible to stay here and watch everyone work hard, while she was lying on this bed.

More importantly, the Goddess of Warcraft——

"I'm sorry, elder sister, I must go. No one can stop the Goddess of Warcraft now, neither Lixiang nor Roman can get there. The Goddess of Warcraft can easily destroy the Warcraft front, and only I can stop her."

Although the spiritual base and magical response of the two were far apart, Anna's tone was calm as if she was expounding the truth that could not be changed.

The strange thing is that Steno and Yurielle didn't think there was anything wrong with Anna's words: "No, Anna, you can't go there. The problem of the Goddess of Warcraft is left to them, I believe Roman will find a way to solve it. Even if Even at the expense of Uruk, I will not allow you to take risks, Anna."

The elder sister's words were very strict, and they absolutely did not allow it to happen only in the matter of sacrificing Anna. However, whether it is Steno or Uriel, now they are just souls who have lost their bodies. Without a body, they can't stop Anna from doing anything at all.

Her sister's words made her body stiff. She seemed to be very obedient and fearful of such a stern sister, but this subconscious change soon disappeared.

Chapter 897, Chapter 408, Anna and Gorgon

"I'm sorry, elder sister, this time I must go. This is the trouble I caused, and I must not leave the trouble to them. This may be my mission in this era."

"We are gods, and who can give us a mission?"


Anna didn't speak, and after a moment of silence, she jumped out of the window.


Anna ignored the voice in her ear. In the few seconds she hesitated, the battlefield had changed. Regardless of the short time, for a powerful goddess like the Goddess of Warcraft, it is no problem to destroy the Warcraft front in an instant.

All Ana wants to do now is to get to the battlefield before widespread casualties appear.

Her speed was very fast, leaving only an afterimage of her petite figure. Others could not detect anyone passing by, and could only feel a gust of wind blowing past.

The wound that had healed opened again due to the strenuous exercise, and drops of blood spilled on the ground, but they were all ignored by Anna. But when she didn't expect it, the battlefield changed again in the blink of an eye.

Anna rushed over at the fastest speed, and finally saw the Goddess of Warcraft in front of the Warcraft front. However, Jin Gu also appeared at this time. He actually persuaded the Goddess of Warcraft away, and Jin Gu also followed. After the two leaders left, the tide of monsters that surrounded the front of monsters naturally began to retreat, and the crisis of the front of monsters disappeared.

"Great, the battle is over, the Goddess of Warcraft has retreated."

"I just said, just leave these things to them, we don't need to care about the survival of human beings."

"The ability of Chaldea may be average, but they always have the luck to save the day. It's really not easy to get to where they are today."

"This may be the help of inhibition, and you don't need to worry about it at all, Anna."

Although I don't know why the Goddess of Warcraft suddenly retreated, it was a relieved result. I was lucky to be able to see everyone (people I knew) alive in this position, and Anna didn't need to take risks.

"Anna, what are you doing? Where are you going?!"

Steno and Yurielle found that Anna didn't even plan to look back, nor did she plan to contact Roman, so she left in the other direction of the Warcraft front. Her move was obviously to bypass Roman and the others and act secretly.

"Don't go there! Anna, you don't need to do this anymore."

Anna shook her head: "The crisis is not over yet, my elder sister. The goddess of beasts is still alive, and the beasts under her servitude may, and will be produced endlessly. As long as the goddess of beasts is still alive, the attack of the beasts will not stop, as long as the beasts are alive. If the goddess is willing, the Warcraft Front will never be able to protect Uruk."

"What does this have to do with you! Anna, don't care about humans. They die when they die. It's not worth our effort at all."

"You're already injured, Anna, hurry up and stop!!"

Anna turned a deaf ear to the voices of the two older sisters, her figure kept away from Uruk until she was tired.

At this time, the sky was getting dark, and Anna had to start resting. Her old injuries have not healed, and she is not suitable for long-term strenuous exercise. She must find a way to heal the wounds.

During this period, he encountered several monsters, but they were all killed by Anna with ease. There was no food on his body, so he could only pluck unknown fruits from the surrounding fruit trees.

The voices of the two elder sisters disappeared since they were far away from Uruk, and Anna felt that the two elder sisters must be angry. In my memory, as long as there is anything unhappy about the elder sisters, they will definitely find joy in Anna (Medusa). Bullying Anna (Medusa) has become Steno and Yurielle. The most interesting thing ever.

——I hope that Anna (Medusa) that my elder sister meets next time will not anger my elder sister again.

Relying on her sense of the Goddess of Warcraft, Anna is getting closer and closer to the Goddess of Warcraft, and the dense surrounding of Warcraft is the best proof.

According to the magic power remaining in the air, she finally found a huge hole under a mountain. When Anna was hesitating whether to go in, she felt someone approaching, and she had to hide immediately.


The altar in the ground is now empty. Today's attack made the Goddess of Warcraft drive out all the beasts in the altar. The Goddess of Warcraft who returned to the altar did not continue to produce beasts, but curled up in a corner of the altar.

When Jin Gu returned to the altar, he saw the demon goddess who was obviously weak.

The awakened Goddess of Warcraft was in a bad state and seemed to be suffering. Although this kind of pain is not severe, it is not a normal thing to appear on a powerful goddess.

"Mother, don't tell me - you're going to give birth?"

Jin Gu is connected to the current state of the Goddess of Warcraft, and it is easy to think of the state of human women giving birth to children, but this is even more strange. Gods are not human and do not produce painfully like humans.

The larvae are hidden in the body, but they do not appear in the abdomen, but rather like a replica, which takes shape in an instant when they are born. Therefore, the **** can still move during pregnancy, but the power of the mother is inevitably taken away by the young.

"...No, Jin Gu, there is something wrong with this child."


"That's right. I feel that the child can come out and the time is ripe. My weakness has started to stop, but the child can't come out. She lacks an opportunity, and we seem to lack the conditions for her to come out."

The new goddess that was supposed to be born stopped, as if the conditions for her to be born were lacking. She is still hidden in the body of the Goddess of Warcraft, but lacks a door to come out, so she has to stay in the body of the Goddess of Warcraft.

The Goddess of Warcraft began to flap her slender tail anxiously. God's birth comes naturally, and when the time comes, a new God will appear, as simple as breathing. All a mother needs to do is to protect herself, because to protect herself is to protect the child in her own body. God is not as careful as a human to protect his belly. Basically, as long as it's not severely traumatized, the child will be fine.

Jin Gu suddenly raised his head and looked up at the sky: "It seems that today's movement is too big, and our two allies can't stand it anymore. - Mother Mother, today's actions have already made the two goddesses discover your weakness. status."

"Am I being too reckless? It's a pity that I can't control my emotions occasionally. I can only say that pregnancy emotions are always elusive. Don't be afraid, Jin Gu, I'm still here, even if they come in, It's too daring to do it, not to mention that we still have a covenant."

"I know. At least in terms of safety, we can be guaranteed, but letting them discover the secret of your impending birth is the biggest obstacle to our plan. Mother, please wait here, I will go now Send them away, for these two goddesses who have no position, as long as we do business as usual, they will not act rashly."

"Three Goddess Alliance", although they have concluded a covenant, but they have their own minds, they still regard the other two as their opponents. The purpose of the covenant is to make their conflict erupt before Uruk is destroyed.

Jin Gu is not the middle coordinator of the "Three Goddess Alliance". He has always stood on the side of the Goddess of Warcraft, but the inaction of the other two goddesses makes Jin Gu look like the execution of the "Three Goddess Alliance". By.

Looking back at the Goddess of Warcraft, Jin Gu felt more and more bad. Even if he can hide the two goddesses now, he will inevitably be exposed in the next action.

He must complete the original plan before the fact that the Goddess of Warcraft is weak is discovered.

Jin Gu left the underground altar, but he was so worried that he didn't realize that Anna was hiding in the height of the big tree, waiting for the opportunity to take advantage of it. After confirming that Jin Gu would not come back, Anna sped up her figure and dived into the cave.

The moment he entered the hole, his body seemed to be in a jar filled with viscous liquid. The entire cave was surrounded by enchantments, strange magic power was constantly flowing, and the blood-red organs on the walls made the cave look like the body of some kind of animal.

"...This is... a human?"

Anna looked at the wall of the cave. There were sarcoid on the wall, but Anna could see the human beings who were imprisoned in these sarcoid, and they were still alive. After the Goddess of Warcraft captured the humans, they did not kill them immediately, but used their lives as the raw material to maintain the enchantment.

It may be used to strengthen one's own strength, or it may be used to generate a wave of monsters. If conditions do not permit, the goddess of monsters may raise human beings in captivity like humans treat livestock-Nippur may be a failed experiment.

Anna did not save people without authorization. If these humans are rescued, it will inevitably touch the barrier, the Gorgon inside will react, and Jin Gu who left may also come back.

Going down the passage, you will soon reach the underground platform, which is an altar and the core of the enchantment. In the center of the altar, the Goddess of Warcraft was in a daze. But when Anna entered the altar, the Goddess of Warcraft woke up immediately, and realized that the person who came in was not Jin Gu's Goddess of Warcraft, and looked at it with the fiercest eyes.

The Goddess of Warcraft shouted: "Who is it? Who is where!?"

"...I'm here, Goddess of Warcraft. No, Gorgon, that's your real name."

Goddess of Warcraft - Gorgon's eyes fell on Anna. The difference in strength between the two was so far away, but when Gorgon saw Anna, his body began to tremble: "—you, you are—what? This chill is—"

Gorgon's body was trembling, and the composite divinity possessed by Lingji was crumbling, as if it could not sustain and disband in the next moment. Her sanity began to slacken, and as long as it went on like this, her brain would go crazy.

"What's going on? Jin Gu! Jin Gu, where are you...?"

"Gorgon, you are not a **** Tiamat, you are just an ordinary monster that you can't even see your appearance."

Anna's footsteps approached step by step, bringing more and more pressure to the mighty Gorgon. The slender body is rolling, and he may lose his mind and go crazy at any time: "What is this Servant? I have never seen such an ugly Servant! Take her away quickly, don't let that kind of thing enter my field of vision! Who All right, kill her! Get that monster out of this temple!"

It was obvious that with a slight movement, Gorgon could easily kill Anna in front of him, but now Gorgon seems to have encountered an irresistible natural enemy, and flinched in front of the weak Anna.

"...Sure enough, you can't see me, Gorgon. If, if you still want to see me, there will be some... chances of saving. If I can, I don't want to come this far. Presumably that's why I'm here, Gorgon is over, and your hatred is over here."

"I don't know, I don't know, I don't know you! Get out of here! Don't show up in front of me! Get out!"

The subterranean altar was covered with a grayish white, and the earthy altar seemed to have become something else.

This is the petrified magic eye, the most advanced magic eye. As long as it is seen by the pair of demon eyes, everything turns to stone, whether it is living creatures or immobile dead objects.

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