This kid, wasn't he really addicted to Kamen Rider just now?

It's over, Lelouch, you idiot, have you forgotten why you are sitting in the projection room?

Roman sighed softly: "By the way, do you want to read comics?"


"Yes. After get off work this afternoon, I'm going to go to the bookstore. If you have any comics you want to read, I can bring you some."

Roman felt that he should rent some girl comics and let the two princesses stay in the same room with them... Just wait for me! ! !

what is this? Pull the British royal family into the house circle? And then put these people to waste?

what is going on? He is Solomonye, ​​and now he has a spiritual foundation with a scumbag with the "Hero Maker" skill, why would he do such a stupid thing?

Roman suddenly tugged at his hair, his expression looking very painful and full of remorse.

"Luo, Roman, are you not feeling well? What happened? Doctor! Doctor!"

"Hey, Roman, what are you doing? You scared Nanali and Yuffie!"

"Ah? What?" Roman woke up suddenly, and then saw that everyone's faces had become very flustered, "I'm sorry, I just suddenly realized that I forgot to do something."

"What did you forget to do?"

"I forgot to turn off the gas at home."

"Don't look like it doesn't matter. Isn't it time to go home and go to quarantine?"

"Lelouch, you'll turn into a funny ranting knight like this." Roman looked calm, "Don't worry, if you forget to turn off the gas at home, my cat will help you turn it off. ."

"Cat? You have a cat? No, where can there be a cat who knows how to turn off the gas?"

"Who said no? Meow Yuchuan, Meow C, they should all know how to turn off the gas, don't underestimate them!"

Perhaps thinking that he had cultivated a group of useless firewood, Roman became incoherent.

"Doctor Roman." A cold voice suddenly came from behind, which made Roman feel frightened for a while.

What, what's going on? Why is she here? Although it is normal to say that she will appear in the palace, but it is also too coincidental, right?

"Um... what's the matter?" Turning around, Roman saw a maid with long green hair, or C.C in maid's uniform.

In other words, what was said just now has been heard? Then again, I heard it when I heard it, and there was no need to panic.

Roman looked at C.C calmly and calmly, while C.C stared at him even colder: "Although I really want to know the difference between C-miao and Yuchuan-miao, but the princess asked you to go to the trainer, please Dr. Roman with me. come over."

Ok? Princess Marianne's summons? It's really strange that Princess Mariana actually took the initiative to find him, is it about Lelouch?

"I see." Roman looked at the children sitting at the dining table again, "Everyone, it seems that Princess Mariana is looking for me, so I'm sorry. Lelouch, if I can't come back before lunch, You might have to work hard."

It's really hard to do, to be summoned at this time.

Roman followed C.C out of the restaurant, and the two went to the trainer. Originally Roman was following behind C.C, feeling the aura of the green-haired witch, but after a moment of hesitation, he walked quickly and walked side by side with C.C. As a result, C.C quickened his pace as if he was angry, so Roman could only follow. behind.

Why get angry? It's hard to do. Sure enough, no matter how long it took, he still didn't understand what a woman with an active mind was thinking, and said it was because C.C was getting old?

As if hearing Roman's voice, C.C suddenly stopped, startling Roman, but Roman soon discovered that she was just waiting for the maid in front to pass by, and then turned in another direction.


"Please don't talk to me, Dr. Roman, I'm not your cat. If you talk to me for no reason, it will make people suspicious."

Sure enough, he was angry because he was said to be a cat. Then again, isn't C.C's reaction the same as that of a cat?

PS: how to say it? After the serious plot is over, should I write the astringent plot, will it feel awkward if I write it? I want to write so much!

Chapter 972 Chapter 19 Princess Mariana

Cats are always arrogant. When they are happy, they will let you touch its back. When they are angry, they simply run to a place that no one knows about. They never thought that the owner would be worried about it.

He has even touched his belly, so he's a liar... Wait, it's not the cat who will touch the owner's belly, but the dog.

Could it be that he got C.C's species wrong?

(C.C: If given the choice, I would like to be treated as a human)

The two walked unhurriedly for about ten minutes. On the way, Roman repeatedly tried to open up the topic, but they were interrupted by C.C indifferently. When they got to Princess Mariana's training room, C.C was stunned. .

Unlike other princesses, Princess Mariana is a real strength. "Shining Mariana" is the kind of powerful fighter who regards going to the battlefield as a postpartum reexamination campaign. Therefore, the Aries Palace is different from other palaces, and has set up a training venue, so that Princess Mariana maintains her strength and will not regress in a comfortable life.

However, when Roman stepped into the training room, he felt a sense of oppression entering the battlefield.

Of course, this sense of oppression is nothing to Roman at all. He is the man who once saved the world, and a mere human hero can't give him much pressure.

Princess Mariana is not yet 30 years old, and her body is at its peak, even if she has two children, it has not affected her much. This lady has a beautiful face, her smile is very friendly, as pure as an angel. At least on the surface, Princess Mariana is very easy to capture people's hearts.

No wonder there are so many people following this imperial concubine. For any warrior, a woman with an unmatched but pure smile, no one can refuse her.

She is wearing tight training clothes at this time, and her graceful figure can be seen at a glance. This imperial concubine has a strong body, but there is no bloated muscle on her body, and she can still maintain the figure that makes most women. How is it done?

It's not that Roman has never seen this type of woman, but whether it's Tohsaka Rin or Lika, they have nothing to do with ordinary humans.

"Guian, Princess Mariana."

"Hello, Dr. Roman." Marianna kept her smile unchanged, her slender hair tied in a ponytail behind her, and even her sassy side did not have the shadow of "Glitter Marianne" at all.

"It's the fourth time we've met, Dr. Roman. Although you are the personal doctor who takes care of Nanali, it's a pity that I have never gotten to know you, so I leave Nanali to you."

Yes, yes, to meet an irresponsible mother like you, whether it is Nanali or Lelouch, it is very hard.

When Roman entered the palace, Marianna hurriedly handed Nanali to Roman, and then ran to the battlefield herself. The reason why she went to the battlefield was not because the war was urgent, but because Nanali, who had been crying for months, bored her, and Marianna, who no longer wanted to see Nanali's face, needed to keep herself as a gentle mother. image, so I simply went to the battlefield, and it took a few months. Although I came back on the way, I just came back for a day or two before leaving.

Maybe it was after venting on the battlefield and only now returned to the palace.

He is a cold-blooded and ruthless person, but he can maintain a gentle appearance. It is amazing to be able to do this.

Roman didn't feel much. Some people are sentimental, and some people are indifferent by nature. This is normal and not surprising. Even if Marianne was Nanali's mother, Roman wouldn't think there was any problem. Sometimes, there was no difference between Roman's equal treatment and indifference.

Maybe in the world of Goetia, it is precisely because of the indifference of King Solomon that he will go to extremes.

"I don't know what's wrong with Her Royal Highness inviting me here?"

"First of all, I would like to thank you for taking care of my two children while I was away. I have seen that you truly love Nanali and take care of Lelouch at the same time. What happened yesterday I I already know, you take good care of the feelings of these two children, are you the type that is very good at taking care of children?"

"Are you trying to say that I'm a pediatrician? But you guessed wrong. I'm not good at taking care of children. It's better to say that I'm a mess in education."

Roman felt his head start to hurt. He has so many children and so many daughters, but only one grew up through his education, and turned out to be a big devil who burned the world. As for the others... in retrospect, it seems to be more or less extreme.

Sure enough, our family is not the type that is good at education.

"It doesn't matter, as long as Nanali and Lelouch are happy, I can see that they are happy from the bottom of their hearts. To be honest, I am a very busy person, and I am His Majesty's sword, and I must walk on the battlefield. If I hadn't had two children, maybe I would have stayed on the battlefield. Now that you are taking care of them, I can confidently expand the territory for His Majesty."

This is simply irresponsible, and Marianne has not fulfilled her obligations as a mother at all. Even if Roman is not here, someone will take care of these two children. This is the palace. Will Charles let Mariana's child die here... It's really hard to say.

Roman suddenly felt that he had become very important. If Marianne was not in the Aries Palace, who knew who would be detrimental to these two children?

Maybe in the eyes of Marianne and Charles, the lives of these two children are not important at all.

"Stop talking, let's get into the theme."

"Is this just gossip? What is the status of these two children in your mind?"

Roman didn't expect that the life of Nanali and Lelouch was just "gossip" with Marianne. Even so, there was no need to say it so frankly, right?

"Is this weird? Doctor Roman should be able to see my attitude. The urgency of the war is just an excuse. Compared with taking care of children, killing on the battlefield will make me feel more comfortable." Marianne He has been paying attention to Roman's expression, and found that his face has not changed, so he smiled with satisfaction, "Well, it really is, just like what C.C said, even if I can say it bluntly, it can make ordinary people feel angry and angry. If it's incredible, it's just that in your opinion, and you're not surprised that it's just the norm."

Chapter 973 Chapter 20

"I'm curious about your origins, but C.C has no plans to tell me."

Roman glanced at C.C and didn't say anything, but Marianne's smile became even more weird.

"So I think it's better to decide for yourself."


Marianne threw what was in her hand, and Roman took it in a panic. Only then did he realize that Marianne had been holding two training wooden swords in her hands.

"What are you doing?"

"What? Of course you're sure? Since you haven't told me your plan, then use my method to confirm."

Roman felt that Marianne's momentum was rising, and he suddenly felt a strange feeling in his heart: "Wait, what are you doing? I'm just a doctor, and I don't know any swordsmanship."

Use the sword to determine what? Although warriors often use this method to understand the enemy, Roman is just a doctor. If he dies, he is a magician, and he is not the type that is good at fighting, let alone let him fight with a sword.

"I have observed you. Your arm strength is not inferior to that of an ordinary knight. The posture and force of holding the knife are some kind of sword-holding skills. Although you try to hide it, you still expose your abilities in details. Come out, this cannot be hidden."

"No, I'm telling the truth."

Roman wanted to explain clearly, but Marianne obviously didn't intend to listen to his explanation.

It's all Mellie's fault. Because of the fusion with Meili's spiritual base, it is inevitable to acquire some of Meili's habits, especially in Roman's weaker aspects, Meili's spiritual base will make up part of his weakness in that position, including Hand-to-hand combat skills.

However, Roman still knows nothing about these techniques. It seems that this part of the skills recorded on the spiritual foundation can only be reflected on Roman's body, but he himself has not undergone any training and has very little experience in hand-to-hand combat.

Roman looked at the wooden sword in his hand, then raised his left hand gently: "Can I admit defeat?"

"I have a suggestion." C.C, who had been quietly working as a maid, suddenly said, "You can't see anything with a wooden sword."

You're right, but there's always a not-so-good feeling.

"Just use the real sword. Maybe under the threat of death, more secrets will be revealed. Do your best Mariana, I believe he will find a way to keep himself alive."

As expected of a witch, her suggestions always make people feel deeply malicious. Roman can already be sure that C.C is really angry, but why is he angry, Roman really can't figure out the reason.

"Did you misunderstand me, C.C, or did I **** you off again? It was my fault that I was addicted to video games last night, and I wanted to say no, but it was so much fun."

"—" C.C looked forward with a blank expression, turning a deaf ear to Roman's explanation.

"Come on, then."

Roman suddenly heard a gust of wind, he subconsciously reached out his hand to catch it, and then felt his hand sink, it turned out that Marianne really threw the real sword over.

"Where exactly did you hide your sword? You had this plan from the beginning, right? Is Princess Marianne's training room going to be a murder scene?"

Roman subconsciously swung the sword in his hand. For him who was used to using a scalpel, the long sword was still too heavy. But the sword was in Roman's hands, and he didn't feel any discomfort at all. It's not that there's anything wrong with this sword, but that Meili's spiritual foundation is working.

"Then it's about to begin!" Marianne raised another sword, and raised it with interest.

Roman found that Mariana was about to attack, he raised his hand and shook it in front of him: "Wait a minute, at least let me prepare!"

However, Marianna didn't care so much at all, her sword had already come to Roman.



"It will hurt!!"

"Stop now!"

"I'm really going to fight back!"


Two minutes later, the battle was over, and there were no more hurried footsteps in the training room, only gasping for breath.

Princess Marianna lay motionless on the floor, her chest tightly wrapped in tights undulating, her muscles still twitching faintly. The palms of her hands have been released, and the sharp sword is stuck on the wooden floor. And her face still showed the stiffness that endured the pain.

"I said, if you do it, you will be injured."

Don't underestimate our doctors, no matter what, they are eating with (surgical) knives.

Roman looked down at Marianna, her lips trembling, and she didn't know if she wanted to speak or was patient, it should be the latter, because she couldn't make a sound yet.

As a brilliant doctor, Roman knew all the important parts of the human body. Bones, nerves, muscles, how to temporarily disable the nerves, make the muscles unable to contract, and disintegrate the opponent's combat power without receiving real damage... Probably only Roman can do it.

Of course, if Netherland Chasing Soul is thirty years younger, maybe it can be done. Unless he's some sort of sweeper disguised as an old man.

In fact, if it is an ordinary person, he can't stand up in the first 30 seconds, and even a well-trained knight will never take more than one minute. But Princess this woman a monster? In two full minutes, Roman beat her more than 20 times. When she was hit for the first time, she understood the main point of Roman's attack, but she was about to tear her own muscles and force her nerves to work... Roman felt that if Princess Mariana hadn't done this, she It might last longer.

"Hey, C.C, Princess Marianne will take care of you... eh? Where's the person?"

When Roman looked back, he found that C.C had run off to somewhere, as if she had left the training room when he was fighting with Mariana.

"C.C, where have you gone?" Roman thought for a while, then decided to leave the training room.

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