Song Tan Jishi

Chapter 919 919 Plan for next year

Qiao Qiao sighed sincerely.

How rich are the species on the mountain in summer and autumn! Autumn cowpeas, eggplants, peppers, tomatoes, water spinach, celery, soybean sprouts...

At that time, I wanted to cut and dry them every day, and the dry goods and pickled vegetables were piled up in the small warehouse. It's good now. Although the mountains and plains are covered with green of varying shades, looking from a distance, there is still a large area of ​​land that is deserted.

But he didn't panic, and now he pointed to everyone one by one:

"In the spring, strawberries are transplanted and picked under the apple trees. I heard that the strawberries are particularly beautiful when they are ripe. I have never seen them before. No one grows them here."

"The open space over there will be planted with local big green pears - big, crisp and sweet. Then we will give them to the children!"

"And we need to plant pomegranates over there - it was already too late when we ordered the finished saplings, so we didn't have time to plant them in winter. Let's wait until spring."

As he walked, he turned his camera towards the distant mountains, and his words were full of longing for the coming year:

"Fruit trees bear fruit like giving birth to a baby. It takes many years to save the strength... But I really want to eat it, so my sister bought a big sapling that can bear fruit. It's so expensive!"

He felt distressed as he spoke.

After all, the finished saplings that can bear fruit have to be bought from other people’s orchards. If Professor Song hadn’t known a lot of people all over the world and had enough status, so when he posted on Moments, many people would enthusiastically provide information... These ordinary things It’s really not always possible to get all kinds of fruit trees.

As for the price difference between the trees dug in the orchard and the saplings in the nursery, Qiao Qiao, an intern who earns 50 RMB a day, can't help but feel heartbroken.

"And this area..." Qiaoqiao slowly came to the steepest part of the hillside: "There are so many gravels in this field that I can't finish picking them up... My sister said that the fruit trees may not grow well next year. We need to plant mugwort here."

As he spoke, he thought of something again and quickly asked the live broadcast room: "Children, have you used all the moxa sticks I gave you before? Is the effect good?"

He shook his head proudly: "The doctor sister said that although this mugwort is not three-year-old mugwort, the effect is unexpectedly good. Many people in the village are cured of winter diseases in summer and have not gotten sick yet!"

When we were talking about planting fruits for everyone to eat, everyone started talking about it. Now that mugwort is mentioned, they are even more upset:

[Just asking, this land looks quite big. Can I have my share of mugwort next year? 】

[What moxa stick? What moxa stick? Has the anchor ever given moxa sticks? 】

[How dare you ask such a question? You obviously only give the moxa sticks to those at the top of the list! 】

[Hahahaha, ecstatic to receive the goods! But I am not using it for health, but for sleeping and repelling mosquitoes, and the effect is amazing]

[What a waste of natural resources in front! I took it back and smoked it for my wife's belly. After smoking it for 7 days, she no longer had any menstrual pain! 】

[I, I, I took it back to smoke my mother’s legs. The effect was great! It’s a pity that I asked several times backstage but nothing happened]

[Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, rolling over in pain, jealousy, why don’t I have it?]

[Equal resentment to everyone who gets moxa sticks]

[Anchor, look at me! I don’t ask for much, just give me a chance to buy a handful of mugwort during the Dragon Boat Festival next year! 】

But no one is watching the anchor.

Qiaoqiao jumped up the mountain like a cheerful deer, and soon came to another slope, and then said proudly:

"My sister said that sunflowers grow here! Then you will show me the sunflowers shaking their heads - I heard that the sunflower flowers walk towards the sun during the day, and when late at night, they will suddenly shake their heads and return to their original positions..."

"After shaking our heads after watching this, we can eat melon seeds!"

[Red and hot, in a trance, hahahaha]

[God damn sunflower shakes its head]

[Hahahahahahahaha until you cry. It’s also good for the host not to watch the comments. For example, he doesn’t know our happiness at this moment.]

[By the way, I also have this question, how do the sunflower flowers return to their original positions? 】

[To be honest, I want to see it too...]

[Anchor, look at me, they are all laughing at you, only I am crying - can I buy melon seeds next year? 】

[I was laughing, but immediately stopped laughing when I saw the melon seeds - I can’t grab anything! 】

【that is! I can’t climb the signal tower anymore if I can’t! 】

Everyone started to get angry again because of things that had not been sown with seeds, and Qiaoqiao also showed everyone the planned land of Orange.

"It's a bit cold here in winter, and the orange trees are a bit afraid of freezing... But it should be fine. Other uncles in the village have some at home, so my sister said we should also plant them in the mountains!"

In the middle of winter, the sun shines warmly on me, but the wind on the mountain is still a bit cold.

Qiao Qiao's nose was blown red by the wind, and now she took everyone to another place: "Jujubes are grown sister said they are called winter jujubes, but the big jujube trees here are all ripe in autumn...I don't know why they are called winter jujubes." …”

"And the wheat fields at the foot of the mountain...are they green now? Teacher Xin said that auspicious snow heralds a good harvest, which means heavy snow covers the wheat with a thick quilt..."

"And over there, it's a place for rush breeding. Has everyone bought our straw mats? That's how I made it up."

He counted them all one by one, and everyone was dazzled, with expectant eyes and excited expressions... as if they had seen their own fields.

But, finally someone woke up.

[In other words, after looking at such a big land, I finally decided that the anchor’s family doesn’t want to make money anymore.]

[I also discovered it, what should I say? I hate him for not making good money, but I’m also touched that he can sell more to us]

【what? What? The Riddler in front of you has a good talk]

[I don’t understand what you are talking about]

[Don’t you understand this yet? The land that the anchor showed us was not very big, and the area occupied by each fruit tree and plant he planned was even smaller! 】

[This reminds me in a daze that there were only 20 acres of hawkbill peach in the beginning. 】

[There are more types and the area is smaller, so the number of proofs is smaller. If the quantity is small, how much fruit can be sold to us? 】

[Ah ah ah, every product is new, you must buy every one, so many people are grabbing so few things... Wuwuwu, my life is miserable, right?]

[Let’s just say, anchor, your peaches are delicious enough. Can you grow them on all the two to three hundred acres of land in front of you? In this way, everyone can take a turn at least one box]

【What good things are you thinking of? Don’t you understand yet? The anchor family grows what they want to eat first, and then takes out when there is more.]

[Mainly a person who does whatever he wants without trying to make money]

[Can’t I ask him to make money now? 】

[Scattered planting consumes labor and increases costs. When will we make a fortune if this continues?]

Qiaoqiao sniffed, looked at the live broadcast time, and said happily:

"It's been an hour. I can give you hand cream, ah no, the effect of the hand mask is gone!"

Fans in the live broadcast room who have forgotten their hand masks:...

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