Sorry, I don't play poker on luck

Chapter 370: Stand aside and don’t grab monsters

Yu Duoduo and the others helped sell the giant mosquito, and then exchanged it for silver notes and gave them to Shi Li.

On the day they were recruited, a soldier left the village with their team of nearly a hundred recruits.

It’s not that Tokidachi doesn’t know anyone among his peers.

There were plenty of fish and the stone lock test was successfully passed.

"It seems like the war is going to be tight this time."

Walking in the team, Yu Duoduo looked at them and sighed: "In previous years, I saw them come to the village to recruit soldiers, and they would only set out in teams of a thousand people."

From his mouth, Shi Li learned that this village was relatively close to the defense line and was a centralized recruitment point for surrounding villages and towns.

The place they are going to now is the recruit camp.

After two or three days of training in the recruit camp, they will be assigned to various key points on the defense line.

The team's pace was not slow, and they walked for a whole day and night. After resting for 3 hours at night, they arrived at their destination.

The so-called new military camp is actually very crude.

It's just a developed playground, plus a bunch of large tents.

There were not many people on the playground at this time, only about a thousand recruits.

The new officer led the hundreds of them through a series of procedures quickly, without giving them any time to rest, and asked them to join the training.

But the training didn't last long before it was time to eat and rest.

Shili and Yu Duoduo were assigned to the same group, and after eating, they went into the tent to rest.

The tent was large, able to accommodate at least a hundred people.

Here, he saw all kinds of Kung Fu beasts.

There are also some like the octopus-headed sister, who are basically human-looking with some animal features.

Then black and white alternate, as if it were the main color of their skin.

Most kung fu beasts are 100% black and white, and a few have other colors, with black and white accounting for 80% to 90%.

At least that's the part that's exposed and can be seen immediately.

For example, Brother Long, the owner of the tower, was wearing clothes at the time, and he didn't know whether it was black and white underneath the clothes.

"Hey, I found a strange guy."

At this moment, Yu Duoduo next to him tugged at him.

Following what the other party pointed out, Shi Li did see a strange-looking guy.

The opponent is a human-like kung fu beast.

With a beard, he looks like a man in his fifties.

The only animal feature on its body is a pair of small antlers on its head.

From these points alone, this man is not conspicuous.

The reason why he has a strange appearance is because his hands are tightly locked behind his back by a piece of metal shackles.

"Is this a prisoner going to war?"

Yu Duoduo looked at it for a while.

"This prisoner is too famous."

Tokidachi noticed that there were actually two people serving the deer-antlered man.

However, just when the two wanted to observe and discuss further, a fierce gong sound suddenly sounded outside the tent.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

“Everyone is ready for battle!!!”

The soldiers on duty shouted loudly, which echoed throughout the camp.

"Enemy attack?!"

Yu Duoduo quickly grabbed the recruit sword he chose and stood up suddenly.

"These guys are so brave! They dare to attack the recruit camp!"

Excitement flashed in his eyes.

What other enemy could it be, Gunmon!

As people living relatively close to the defense line, it is not like they have never seen gun beasts in recent years.

The defense line is too long, so there will always be small groups of gun beasts lurking in occasionally.

This also resulted in the folk customs of these people being relatively tough.

Just like Yu Duoduo, when he heard about an enemy attack, he wanted to rush out and fight immediately.

As for Tokidachi, he was just curious about Gunmon.

His weapon of choice was a short sword.

The reason is simple, this thing is the lightest and most convenient.

Anyway, I don’t fight with my body.

Boom! ! !

Suddenly there was an explosion not far away, and then their tent was lit by flames.

All of a sudden, everyone's pace became faster. Some people rushed out from the tent door, while some people directly paddled the tent to escape.

Tokidachi was also the type who drew holes nearby, and he even looked back during the process.

It was discovered that the deer-antlered man and his younger brother acted very calmly before the commotion.

He just stood there and didn't take a step forward.

The burning object above fell down, and when it was about to hit them, it seemed to hit something soft but elastic and transparent, and was bounced aside.

It can be seen that they are several masters.

When we walked out of the tent, there was already a fight outside.

Taking this opportunity, Tokidachi finally got to see the face of Gungunmon.

It is very different from the projection of the Gunmon card that Anichun took out before.

First of all, the enemies in front of me are basically humanoid.

To put it bluntly, it is very similar to Kung Fu Beast.

There are two biggest differences.

One is the color of the appearance, not the main tone of black and white.

The other thing is that, whether it's through transformation or innateness, they have many mechanical parts.

For example, gun barrel hand, thruster foot, all kinds of things.

Tokidachi stood in the dark, comparing the battles between the two sides.

The fighting style of Kung Fu Beast is like ancient martial arts.

However, it is paired with some Qinggong, Qigong waves, internal force protective shields and the like.

Gunmon's fighting style is like a new weapon.

Combined with more technological elements.

What about hydraulic punching, energy cannon firing, and protective shield power? To be honest, the effect seems to be similar to that of Kung Fu Beast.

Relatively speaking, Gunmon prefers long-range attacks, while Kung Fumon prefers close attacks.

The number of gunmons is relatively small, only about a hundred people.

But they were able to sneak past the defense line and sneak in. They were obviously much more elite than the group of new recruits present.

At this time, it was basically one against ten, and the two sides were fighting in a stalemate, which was difficult to distinguish.

However, this deadlock was suddenly broken.

Bang! ! !

A fire exploded in mid-air, attracting the attention of everyone present.

A huge shock wave interrupted all battles.

In the firelight, two figures shot out.

Boom! x2

They hit the ground, causing a cloud of flying dust.


"grown ups!"



For a moment, the people on both sides divided into two sides in a tacit understanding, and each ran to inspect their own pit.

It seems that this should be a confrontation between the leaders of both sides, which resulted in this result.

The person who climbed out from the Kung Fu Beast camp was a tall horse-headed man.

On the Gunmon side, there is a bear man with double rocket launchers on his back.

In terms of status, it seems that the horse-headed man is better.

Because he climbed out of the pit on his own.

The bear man was much worse off, so his subordinates dug him out and supported him.

"Hmph, yellow-haired boy, with this little strength, you dare to attack my camp?"

The centaur's head spat on the ground with a mouthful of blue light and bloody phlegm.

The bear man seemed to be stimulated, his expression changed and he opened his mouth.


He spit out a mouthful of blue liquid, and you could see that there were some broken screws and other metal parts mixed in it.

This made Shi Li couldn't help but wonder what the body structure of these gun beasts was like. They vomited blood and contained screws.

At this time, the gunman who was supporting the bear man saw this and immediately took out a small bag from his arms.

The small bag fell open, and the bear man raised his head consciously and opened his mouth.

The subordinate then untied the string from the pouch, lifted it, and poured it into its mouth.

The golden nuts fell into the bear man's mouth.

Yes, nuts.


Seeing the bear man's face suddenly become much better, Shi Li didn't know how to complain for a while.

"I didn't expect that a mere recruit camp would have a sixth-level prefecture-level master in charge."

The bear man looked at the horse head and said in a vicious tone.

The two clans use the same standard for dividing strength. There are three levels of heaven, earth and people, with each level ranging from one to nine.

Xiong Nan himself is only at the third level of the Earth-level half-step, and there is a clear gap in strength.

"Hmph, the general is really clever. He knew that you gangsters would come to attack the new recruits.

It's really worth my while waiting here. "

Centaur is actually one of the guards under General Zebra.

There were many colleagues like him who were sent out to guard the new barracks, just to prevent the despicable Gunmon from trying to block the new blood in the army.

"Oh, really."

However, at this moment, a person walked out of the shadow of the gun beast: "I wonder if your generals expected me to come."

I saw the man walking out with his hands behind his back, strolling leisurely.

His Gunmon bloodline seems to be more pure.

Because the whole head is directly the head of a gun!


Seeing this person appear, the horse-headed man frowned immediately.

Because he didn't feel the slightest aura of force from the other party.

But as the general's personal guard, the horse-headed people know more or less some secrets that ordinary people don't know.

First of all, just like the royal family of Kung Fumon, Gunmon also has a royal family.

The royal family of kung fu beasts are born with special bloodlines and can perform techniques that can only be used by royal bloodlines.

When the kung fu method is running, it will show characteristics that are different from ordinary kung fu beasts.

As for the royal family of gun beasts, their features are more obvious.

That is, the head is a pure gun.

But whether they are the royal family of Kung Fu Beasts or Gun Cannon Beasts, they all have one characteristic.

That is, even if they do not undergo practice, training or transformation, they will all have at least an earth-level strength when they reach adulthood. This is the natural advantage of the royal family.

The king of gun beasts in front of him still didn't feel the slightest fluctuation in force at this distance.

Then there are only two possibilities.

The first is that the opponent's strength has reached a point where it can crush you.

If the other party does not actively release his breath, he is not qualified to detect the other party's breath.

The second type is...

"Lord Apostle!"

At this time, all the gun beasts led by Xiong Man fell to the ground on one knee towards each other.


These two words represent the second possibility.

It is rumored that the methods of the apostles are mysterious and unpredictable, and they have no force at all.

However, it can severely damage or kill the target in an instant without being noticed at all.

The horse-headed man's pupils shrank and he immediately gave orders to everyone.

"Everyone at the ground level and above is left to block the enemy!

The remaining people evacuate quickly! immediately! "

In fact, no matter what the possibility is, it is not something that these new recruits can handle.

The only thing he could do was to buy them enough time to escape.

The recruits who received this order stayed in place at this time, not quite understanding what happened.

"What are you still doing? Follow the order!"

It wasn't until a new officer scolded everyone that they realized the seriousness of the problem.

"General, take care!"

I don’t know who took the lead in shouting this, and the recruits responded one after another.

"General, take care!" xN

Then, they scattered and fled.

"Everyone, catch up."

Looking at the crowd of scattered birds and beasts with great interest, the gunman issued an order.

"But, sir, you..."

This order made Xiong Man hesitate a little.

"Don't worry, they are no match for me."

The gunman glanced at the remaining soldiers.

"If you talk arrogantly, I want to see how much you weigh!"

When a tall tiger-headed recruit heard this, he shouted loudly and rushed forward with a move like a hungry tiger.

Faced with this attack, the gunman stood firm and motionless.

Just looked up at each other.


Before anyone could understand what happened, the tiger-headed man flew backwards and fell to the ground, his life or death unknown.


For a moment, both the Kung Fu Beast and the Gunman Beast present were shocked.

Is this the power of an apostle?

"The vitality is quite tenacious."

The gun-headed man glanced at the tiger-headed man lying down, and then looked at the bear man: "Aren't you going to chase me?"

"Got the order!"

The bear man woke up from a dream and said, "Follow me!"

He waved his hand and took the lead in chasing the new recruits in the direction of their escape.

After a while, only the gun-headed man was left on the field to face the kung fu beasts alone.

The horse-headed man's gaze swept across the soldiers.

Finally it fell on the deer-antlered man and his attendants.

"Old sir, thank you very much..."

He nodded slightly respectfully.

From the first moment he discovered these three people among the new recruits, he felt something was very wrong.

It can be very clearly noticed that the other party is also a master.

And he is a master of that level who cannot detect his aura.

But the other party seemed unwilling to reveal his identity, and he couldn't get any information out of it.

Therefore, with the tacit understanding of both parties, they were temporarily treated as new recruits.

At this time, they can stay and help in the battle, which gives me a little peace of mind.

The deer-antlered man nodded in return, but said nothing.

The one who spoke on his behalf was one of the attendants who took the initiative to stand up.

"The general said that we should stay above the prefecture level. If we meet the requirements, we must obey the military order."

After saying this, the two attendants took a few steps forward and stood together with the Kung Fu Beast soldiers.

Moving their footsteps, they had already surrounded the spear-headed apostle.

"Come together, it will save me trouble."

The gun-headed man spoke with a smile.

The vigorous battle imagined did not happen.

In just the blink of an eye, all the kung fu beasts fell to the ground.

Before losing consciousness, their eyes were filled with confusion, and they had no idea what had just happened.


The deer-antlered man, who had remained expressionless throughout the entire process, with his hands shackled by shackles, let out a sigh.

It seems that I have to take action myself.

However, just when he was about to step out, his shoulder was held down by a hand.

Looking back, he saw a young man from the sheep tribe.

"I said you guys sent it too quickly, don't grab the monsters."

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