Women are trouble!

The veteran took a long drag on his cigarette, threw away the short cigarette butt, and crushed it on the ground.

"Then what do you want to do? You can't just squat here and let the northwest wind blow all night, right?"

Feng Aihua's face twitched and he hid in the darkness behind him.

Although the light of the flashlight shone directly into the veteran's eyes, he could not clearly see that she had not taken off her pants at all, but she was still a woman, and she would still have instinctive fear when facing a strong, strange man alone.

"I, I want to go out too, it's cold, it's so cold. But what should I do? Hey, hey, hey."

"I'll get you toilet paper when I get back to the car." The veteran's tone was full of disgust, and he deliberately asked her to blow some air outside to dry the blood that might have stained her pants.

What a bad luck it got in the car!

"Hey, hey, hey, Ma, I'm sorry to bother you."

Feng Aihua squinted at the three green lights that flashed quickly beside the car. He finally let go and let the veteran go back to the car to get his things.

The veteran lit up another cigarette in annoyance and stomped back to the car. He looked around and found half a roll of dark pink toilet paper. He hugged it and exited to give it to the troublesome female soldier for emergency use.

He subconsciously glanced at the wounded man who was still sleeping with his head covered, and was keenly aware of the slight changes in Su Haitang's posture. He thought she was not sleeping peacefully, so he didn't pay much attention to it.

Maybe it's the cold.

Feng Aihua lingered for a while, then he coyly hugged the remaining toilet paper, ran back to the car with his head lowered, and whispered his thanks.

The veteran was too lazy to say anything and drove away.

The north wind is howling, and a few snowflakes are falling, making the winter night even more solemn.

A quarter of an hour later, a camouflaged off-road jeep drove down the mountain, leaving shallow tire tracks on the mountain road, which were soon covered by falling snowflakes.

Su Haitang's consciousness woke up before her body, and it felt like she was having a super realistic nightmare.

But the pain of her hands and feet being tied reminded her that this was not a dream.

She was kidnapped.

Su Haitang tried to open her eyes. Such a simple action almost exhausted her strength, but she still failed.

Su Haitang dejectedly gave up on useless efforts and tried hard to find a way out of the predicament.

correct! space!

She can separate her ideological self and enter the space, leaving her true body outside to confuse the enemy, so as not to alert the enemy.

As soon as her thoughts turned around, she felt like she was in space.

She blinked in curiosity and waved her hand in front of her eyes.

Well, it's not to the point where I can't see my fingers.

Su Haitang looked up and found a few reddish lights in the air, like mutated fireflies or mini versions of stars.

What kind of treasure is this? What about Bai Wu?

Su Haitang was confused, but did not explore it in detail. Now is not the time to think about this.

This was undoubtedly a well-planned kidnapping case. The water Feng Aihua poured into her must have been laced with sleeping pills, which were very strong, and then she was kidnapped?

Isn't it because she is jealous that everyone loves her, or because she is jealous of Ji Fengyun?

Su Haitang instinctively rejected this guess. Feng Aihua was just a pawn. Apart from a few people in the car, I don't know if he had any other accomplices.

Did they kidnap her to blackmail the He family? Her file is kept strictly confidential, and only a handful of people in the army know her true identity. Who leaked the information?

Su Haitang inevitably thought of Ji Fengyun again.

He knew all about her identity and whereabouts, and it was easy to plan a kidnapping case.

But what about the motive? What's the purpose? The Ji family is not short of money and has a good relationship with the He family. They won't be stupid enough to touch their allies, right?

I don’t know how the veteran is doing or whether he is in danger.

Feng Aihua, his acting skills are really good, especially the crying scene.

Then he looked at Su Haitang, who was holding back his anger, his eyes full of sternness!

She is being bullied for being kind, do you really think she is a soft persimmon?

Soon they will know that they too have been mistaken!

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