Space Spirit Spring: Farmhouse Qiao Jun’s Wife

Chapter 818 There is no such thing as the most outrageous thing, only the more outrageous one!

Xiaoyu's words seemed to contain a lot of information. Su Haitang licked it and focused on the key points first.

"Emotions you shouldn't have?"

Xiaoyu was a little confused and confused.

"She developed a possessive desire for her master that went beyond master-slave emotions, and she killed her master's beloved Taoist monk and her son, so..."

Hold the grass!

Su Haitang was prepared to receive a wave of bloodshed, but he didn't expect it to be so explosive!

"The hatred of killing his wife and son should really destroy her."

Su Haitang clicked his tongue to express his understanding.

Xiaoyu added more confusedly: "Her original owner was a woman."

Got a big straw!

Su Haitang was shocked again!

It’s just a love that crosses species. It’s a master-servant love that transcends worldly boundaries. Unexpectedly, there is also a lily factor!

This little girl is stronger than she imagined! Can't afford to offend.

Xiaoyu sighed, a little wilted.

"Su Haitang, if one day, you..."


Su Haitang cut off his question decisively, not even hearing the hypothetical question.

"Cheng Yuanzheng and I are a couple. This was decided from the beginning. We will not cause those messy things. There are no ifs."

"And Xiaoyu, please remember that you have helped me so much, and I am not an ungrateful person. No matter what the reason is, I will never hurt you. I will only say this once."

Xiaoyu blinked, and white mist suddenly surged up, covering his little hand wiping his eyes.

"I'm so awesome, you're the only one who offends me because of your lack of heart, huh!"

The launch of Tsundere Jade means that Xiaoyu has got rid of the sadness of things hurting others.

Su Haitang breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the lawless little girl in the space with a slight headache.

"Then what should she do? She is a former weapon spirit, that is to say, your senior? Can one divine weapon coexist with two weapon spirits? She was not beaten to pieces?"

Xiaoyu sighed and admitted that this was exactly what made her embarrassed.

"Logically speaking, you can't have two weapon spirits. I don't understand why she can stay safe."

"Perhaps her master missed his old relationship and gave her a chance to survive? Maybe she is like a little fox. Her original fate has changed. She has retrained and is no longer a weapon spirit here? I can't say for sure."

Su Haitang thought for a while, looked at Xiaoyu's troubled appearance, and comforted him.

"Take it one step at a time. If she is useful to you, don't be careless! If you can't do it, you can ask the beasts to do it for you. There is no need to feel any psychological burden."

"No one is as important as you, Xiaoyu."

Xiaoyu's face turned slightly red, she moved her butt coyly, and snorted arrogantly.

"I'm not that murderous! It's rare to find someone of the same kind. If she doesn't have the intention to harm others, I won't tolerate her."

"I will raise you as a child bride. She will be trained and nurtured from an early age, and she will fall in love with you over time." Su Haitang summed it up in a non-serious manner, which made Xiaoyu blush completely with embarrassment!

"Su Haitang, if you keep talking nonsense, be careful that I ignore you!"

Su Haitang smiled and sighed.

"It's good to see you regain your energy. Xiaoyu, one day I will leave you, and I am happy to have a companion to accompany you, really."

"Why are you so sensational all of a sudden? In the worst case, I'll have to find your reincarnation."

Xiaoyu pursed her lips and moved her butt uncomfortably, as if the bed where the imperial concubine was used to sleeping was suddenly infested with insects.

"No, you should have your own life. Xiaoyu, you are not my servant, you are my relative."

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