Space Spirit Spring: Farmhouse Qiao Jun’s Wife

Chapter 827 An unprecedented crisis


Su Haitang woke up dizzy, her brain throbbing sharply, and she wished she could throw away this broken head!

Before getting a response, Su Haitang felt pain on his arm and screamed out!

"Bitch pretending to be dead again! If you keep pretending, I can't beat you to death!"

The vicious yells and curses were accompanied by punches and kicks. The pain was so painful that Su Haitang ignored her headache. She suddenly grabbed an ankle, pulled it hard, and pulled the kicking girl's leg to sit on the ground, splitting her legs wide. open!

"Ahhh! Bitch, I'll kill you!"

The girl's flexibility was obviously not that good. She screamed in pain and hit Su Haitang with the stick in her hand without thinking!

Su Haitang had a cold face and was in extremely bad condition. Despite such an attack with no routine, he still achieved a suppressive victory without much effort!


Su Haitang shouted coldly and drove away a group of unconventional little girls.

Obviously, she traveled to a campus in a certain dimension, and unfortunately she was being violently bullied.

Su Haitang gritted his teeth and stood up, holding on to the wall to find the infirmary.

Xiaoyu didn't know what was going on, the space was completely disconnected.

That A Li was indeed good at hiding and cunning, yet he actually gave them such a cruel blow!

No wonder she was able to escape from her previous owner!

Su Haitang endured the headache and tried to recall everything before.

Xiaoyu couldn't suppress the full energy to upgrade and returned home in a hurry.

But at this critical moment, A Li suddenly appeared!

Xiaoyu was very surprised and fell into a plot. He tried his best to suppress her, but Ali jumped into his body in a suicidal manner!

Like cold water dripping into boiling oil, Xiaoyu's barely suppressed energy breaks through the critical point and is forced to upgrade!

However, Xiaoyu made a last-ditch effort and sent them out after their course was disrupted and they were almost lost in the turbulence of time and space.

So where is this? Are Cheng Yuanzheng and the little fox here?

Su Haitang had a splitting headache, which affected her nerves.

Something must be wrong with Xiaoyu!

Su Haitang inhaled repeatedly and tried to use the Purple Qi Art.

Although this body is weak, there is not much difficulty in practicing martial arts.

It's a pity that now she can't calm down!

The pain was almost unbearable for Su Haitang, an excellent special forces soldier. It would have been so painful for anyone else.

Su Haitang is also a human being and wants to be freed, but she has obsessions in her heart and dare not show weakness.

She can't be timid.

She is not alone, she also has Xiaoyu, Cheng Yuanzheng and Little Fox. She is scared, what should they do?

Su Haitang gave up the Purple Qi Jue and switched to the Yin-Yang Five Elements Jue. His head hurt, his breath almost went astray, and he suffered even more serious internal injuries!

Su Haitang gritted his teeth, wiped off cold sweat, and breathed heavily like a dead dog.

In the end, I chose the most useless Tao Te Ching.

"The Tao can be Tao, but it is not Tao; the name can be named, but it is not named..."

The scriptures are meant to be memorized and can be memorized without thinking about them.

As expected, this verse did not improve the current poor physical condition at all.

Su Haitang couldn't think about it, just playing chess to distract Guan Gong while he was scraping his bones to heal his wounds, and tried his best to concentrate on chanting sutras.

Cultivate one's moral character, maintain one's integrity, and warm one's spirit.

I don't know if it was a psychological effect, but after reciting it dozens of times, Su Haitang really felt that he could bear the terrible pain for the time being.

Or maybe the pain is numb?

She concentrated on searching for the soul of the original owner, but was disappointed to find that there was nothing left! Not even the memory is left!

Is the original owner dead?

This time she was possessed and reborn, and what she got was a hot corpse?

Thinking of the group of arrogant girls just now, Su Haitang's eyes turned cold.

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