Space Spirit Spring: Farmhouse Qiao Jun’s Wife

Chapter 857 Keep up the good work

The other three people who successfully advanced to the top twenty reluctantly hugged her, and Xiao Qi even cried like a dog.

But the competition system was like this, and this was the predetermined result. Haitang had no dissatisfaction.

Of course, Haitang, who had attended various talent classes since childhood, was successfully promoted. He looked at her with pride and pretended to want to come over for a hug, but Si Haitang dodged her and avoided her, not worrying about her embarrassment at all.

After returning to school with all the baggage, Su Haitang's treatment has obviously improved greatly. From time to time, classmates come over to cheer her up, and they are obviously on the verge of becoming her fans.

Of course, more girls came over to inquire about the details of the president's daily interactions with her during the competition. They were undoubtedly crazy fans.

Su Haitang dealt with it calmly.

Alocasia was not here, and no one in the dormitory openly opposed her. Su Haitang received a new set of bedding and began a regular study life.

It's just that her routine is different from other students. She doesn't follow the class schedule and run to the classroom, dormitory, and canteen at three o'clock and one line at a time.

Instead, he treated the school as a hotel. After getting up and having a meal, he climbed over the wall and slipped out of the school, making money while looking for the next opportunity to appear on the camera.

"Are you Haitang? Are you filming now? Where is the camera? Where is the sleeping fish? Why isn't he with you?"

Su Haitang had no consciousness of becoming famous, so he went out on the street without any disguise. He was recognized before he had gone far.

This week's show has not aired yet, and the third ranking will not be announced until the weekend. In other words, she cannot reveal the news of her elimination yet.

Su Haitang smiled, turned around and ran away.

This happened so unexpectedly that the passers-by were still confused, but she had already disappeared.

Su Haitang simply bought a hat. The brim of the hat was lowered, and he walked quickly with his head down, feeling very good.

It seems that her popularity is not bad, and her participation in the talent show was not in vain. She has gained a certain degree of recognition, which will be very helpful for her to participate in competitions or appear in TV series.

In order to become famous as soon as possible, Su Haitang decided to continue to sign up for the talent show to maintain this wave of popularity.

The main reason is that the threshold for film shooting is too high and the filming cycle for TV series is too long, so it is not easy to get ahead;

In this era of pan-entertainment, teenagers are still very enthusiastic about idol stars, and the publicity intensity is correspondingly strong.

Su Haitang has already set his sights on two upcoming talent shows.

The birth of an idol has become a hit, and follow-up works have been released one after another. She thought over and over again and decided to participate in a girl group talent show on a certain fruit channel. The name was even more lofty, called "Let's Debut!" Trainee".

As the name suggests, the main contestants of this show are new trainees from various entertainment companies who have not yet debuted. At the same time, individual trainees with a certain foundation or reputation will also be accepted to sign up.

Su Haitang felt that she was just on the line between what she wanted and what she didn't want. Anyway, let’s try our luck first.

Before that, she planned to go to the Stone Gambling Market.

Su Haitang doesn't play stone gambling for money at all. This is not the real world. Just have enough money. No matter how much you have, it's just a number. You can't take it with you or take it with you.

She just wanted to try her luck and see if she could help Xiaoyu absorb the energy in the jade; this was a relatively hidden and safe approach. If everything went well, her next goals would be various jade shops and antique markets.

As for a higher-level museum auction, she will not consider it for the time being.

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