Special Years

Chapter 328: Farewell to Wang Dazui

After dinner, Wang Dazui and Zhuang Yan sat on the viewing platform on the edge of the playground.

Looking out from the viewing platform, in the distance are Heights 1, 2, 3, and 4, as well as a huge shooting range.

The sun had disappeared over the mountain, and the western sky was golden.

"Dazui, I see your luggage is packed, are you really going to leave?" asked solemnly.

Wang Dazui looked at the sky, and after a while he said: "Well, people are not as good as heaven, I finally understand now, saying that people are definitely better than the sky, but in the end, fate will often put you together..."

Turning his head to look at Zhuang Yan, he asked, "Aren't you going to leave? I heard from the document today that you plan to stay?"

Zhuang Yan nodded slightly and said, "Yes, I plan to stay temporarily."

Wang Dazui said: "Are you really not knowing or pretending not to know? Even if you help them train new recruits here, you may not be able to stay, maybe you should go back to the old company in a daze. Solemn, have you ever thought about it? , The company commander and instructor of the company originally had opinions on us soldiers who stayed in the team, we are betrayal, and now go back and apologize or something, maybe it is not embarrassing."

Zhuang Yan said: "I know the consequences, and I am very clear."

Wang Dazui became anxious: "Then you still stay? Are you crazy?"

Zhuang Yan tore off a leaf from the grass beside him, put it in his mouth, didn't speak, just looked into the distance.

Wang Dazui added: "It's too late for you to go back now. The recruits haven't reported yet. With our military quality, no matter how unhappy the company commander and the instructor are, they won't waste talents. At least be a deputy squad leader or squad leader, and you stay here. Here, after taking the recruits and going back, others have already assigned the squad leader and deputy squad leader during the recruiting period. What should you do when you go back? Be a veteran? Bai Lai's training team has suffered for these six months? If you take it, you won’t get any credit. When you join the party in June and July, do you think there will be your share?”

Seeing Zhuang Yan's silence, he continued: "I really can't understand you, did you crash your brain by visiting your home? You don't want to go to the military academy, and you don't want to stay in the team. You say that you depend on the teaching team for life and death. What are you doing? It’s okay to stay on, but now others are clearly telling you to leave, but you still don’t leave? What do you think you are? Noble sentiment? Sacrifice? Or what?”

He threw away the leaves solemnly and said, "Dazui, have I told you before that my dad was also a soldier?"

Wang Dazui said in amazement, "Why are you telling me this? What does this have to do with whether your father is a soldier?"

Zhuang Yan said, "I was in a hurry before I visited the house. I didn't tell you. I went back because my father had liver cancer."

"How could this be?" Wang Dazui was startled.

Zhuang Yan said: "I wanted to spend more time, but my dad chased me away. He said that since some things cannot be changed, it is better to consider other things that can be done well. His illness is a fait accompli, and he does not want to This incident affected my service in the army, so he didn't tell me for a long time, he just communicated with my squad leader, and then the squad leader of my old company couldn't help it, so he told me."

"I don't want to say my dad is too lofty, but he fought wars and worked hard for this country, and there are eight military medals in his drawer that he never took out. He said, because compared with the sacrificed comrades, he has He's so happy, so he won't worry about it so much, he's here in life and death, and he still cares about fame and fortune?"

"Back then, when my dad came back, according to the level, he was the deputy of the unit, and the unit just built a new house, so he could have the largest apartment, but there was an old worker who was relying on the old to sell the old, so he just moved in first, and refused to move out because of the noise. My dad changed it with him later, and has been living until now. Because of this, I felt that my dad was very soft and he didn't dare to fight for what was originally his own. But now I think about it, really Wrong. My dad is not a softie, and my dad doesn't care. He is not afraid of fighting and the enemy is desperate, but he is afraid of an old worker?"

"Dazui, I've been thinking a lot these days. It's not that I'm solemn and arrogant, but I'm thinking about it, compared with the old confused, compared with the Liu Xiangdong of the first squadron, what's not satisfied with my solemnity? My family is in good condition. , there is no shortage of food and clothing. In my first year as a soldier, I won third-class merit, won the top gold medal, and became a squad leader... What am I not satisfied with? Why should I worry about this little bit of gain and loss? Joining the party really means So important? Is it really that important to be a monitor?"

Speaking of which, he shook his head and smiled wryly.

"It doesn't matter at all, what matters is your inner peace, which is more valuable than anything else. I stay, at least my inner peace is, I don't want to treat party tickets and squad leader orders as hawkers in the market. , every penny is worth every penny, so even if I become the squad leader, even if I join the party with the party vote, what's the point?"

Wang Dazui was completely speechless.

He suddenly felt that Zhuang Yan and himself had embarked on a different path.

However, for Wang Dazui, he still had to stick to his own path.

"I admire your idea very much, but..." he said, "I still decided to leave, I have to consider my future, I don't want to retire from the army and go back to my hometown to live a life of ignorance, I want to become a volunteer soldier, The reform of the military service system is an opportunity, and I also meet this condition, and maybe there will not be such a good opportunity in the future..."

"I understand and respect your choice," said solemnly. "Everyone has their own aspirations, big mouths. You and I are belligerent and friendly brothers. This will never change in our lifetime."

"Yeah!" Wang Dazui looked at the horizon, raised three fingers, put them together, and swore, "I promise to the sun that I will miss you and write to you."

Zhuang Yan suddenly laughed.

Pointing to the horizon, he couldn't help sneering at Wang Dazui again.

"I said big mouth, can you be honest, or find a better time to swear? The sun is going down..."

The two couldn't help but burst into laughter.

Early the next morning, a truck came to the division and stopped by the basketball court.

Wang Dazui and the other coaches and squad leaders who chose to return to the company all walked out of the exhaust with their luggage and walked to the truck silently.

Xu Ning and Deng Zhenliang from the first district team took the little monster they caught and kept as a pet, and opened the bird cage on the lawn.

"Let's go, go back to your mountain forest, and live your life freely! I can't take care of you anymore..."

The little monster that had been raised for a period of time climbed out of the cage~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and looked around to make sure that the soldiers next to him had decided to release him, so he turned around and jumped towards the back mountain, and soon disappeared. In the bushes behind the cooking class.

This time the farewell was silent and silent.

Everything is done in silence.

Everyone silently shook hands, hugged silently, and then got into the car.

The car slowly slid out of the gate of the teaching team. Zhuang Yan had already sent off his comrades in the same district team and the students in military training. Now, he has to send off the coaches and squad leaders of the teaching team who fought side by side with him.

The coaching team is a training base and the most parting unit.

Here, there is always a faint sadness floating in the air.

When he couldn't see Wang Dazui's car, Zhuang Yan said silently in his heart: "Goodbye comrade-in-arms! I wish you good luck in your life."


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