Special Years

Chapter 539: Sniper and counter-sniper (1)

Han Yan Wang's training mode is always so weird.

It is unknown whether other snipers also participate in this kind of bizarre training solemnly, but it is simply incredible for me!

Han boasted that the training he received when he learned sniper shooting in the 1st division was completely different.

In the contemptuous words of Han Yanwang, the sniper profession in the field army is not called the sniper profession, it is called the rifleman profession.

Various tests of concentration, concentration, memory, and observation made every member of the hunter team a little exhausted.

"We rest here for fifteen minutes and then move on."

After speaking solemnly, leaning against the tree trunk, the whole person relaxed.

Han boasted that even a simulated sniper mission was extremely complicated.

When other people practice sniping, they squat there at a fixed position, and then shoot at different targets, all they want is an accuracy.

He Han Yan Wang is not, give you a map, mark the target area, specify the target, and then let you find it yourself.

There is nothing to say, just look for it!

But early in the morning, the people were pulled ten kilometers away, and the sniper team rushed down like a sheep, just like the previous training.

In the final analysis, it is to make people exhausted when they go to the sniping point, making it more difficult for everyone.

"You said……"

Serenity suddenly asked worriedly: "Should we go earlier? We have five groups here now. Are we going first or later?"

Zhuang Yan thought about it for a while, and said, "I think... it doesn't matter if you go first and then go up. Anyway, although our goals are the same, our goals are different. Take a break, take a breath, and then rush over to enter first. Shooting position, after hiding, we will wait for the other teams to fire first, and we will take advantage of when they fire to attract the attention of Class B and Team Korea, and then we will shoot."

Zhuang Yan felt that the group that fired first was expected to be cannon fodder, not the first.

Because this time the simulated sniper mission is set up like this - Class A and Class B are divided into two sniper squads, and each squad is divided into five groups, that is, positive and auxiliary shooters.

The simulation training is carried out in the form of confrontation, and the tasks are long-distance search, infiltration and sniping, with a distance of ten kilometers.

When class A played the role of sniper team infiltration, class B served as the counter-sniper mission near the target.

Conversely, Class B is responsible for the infiltration sniper mission, then Class A is responsible for the counter-sniper.

On the other hand, Han Zixuan, Sun Hongjian, Zhang Zhiang, and Yan Guanjun automatically joined the counter-sniper side, simulating the security personnel of the mission target.

The target is set at the place marked on the map. Each sniper team has a specific target. The target will be marked with numbers 1-5 with yellow paint. Before starting the task, you can draw lots. Whatever number is drawn, the team must penetrate. Go to the vicinity of the target area and shoot at the designated number of targets once, and hit the vital part is the victory.

There is only one chance for Tong Gong, and there is only one bullet on Zhuang Yan and others.

Although there will not be only one bullet on the battlefield, this is training. Since it is training, it must be strict and difficult, and try to simulate the worst situation that may be encountered on the battlefield.

As for the method of sniping, it is up to the team to choose, this time Han boasted that he had given everyone enough freedom.

All the planning, infiltration routes, camouflage, etc., were all negotiated and formulated by two members of the team.

Okay, it depends on the effect.

When a squad of five teams performs sniper missions, as another squad, they are on the counter-sniper side.

Of course, Zhuang Yan understood Han's self-proclaimed good intentions.

As the saying goes, to practice fighting, you must learn to be beaten first. Similarly, to learn sniping, you must first learn to counter sniping.

Snipers have a law on the battlefield. When choosing a sniper target, they usually choose high-value targets.

What is a high-value goal?

In the eyes of snipers, this is not static. It is necessary to adapt measures to local conditions and make judgments based on the actual combat environment at that time, rather than blindly pursuing sniping and killing the supreme commander.

Many people think that the first person to be killed by a sniper is of course the one with the highest rank. In fact, this concept is wrong.

For example, as a professional sniper, when you encounter an attacking combat force, the highest-ranking commander is definitely your first choice, because without the commander, the attacking force will fall into chaos and lead to attack Fail.

If you come across a unit that is already stationed in place, the Supreme Commander may not be the best choice for you.

Because even if the top commander is shot in the head at this time, it will not have much impact on the combat effectiveness of the entire army. They will quickly make adjustments and replace the command position with lower-level officers.

At this time, the important facilities in the camp are the priority targets you should look for - such as heavy weapons operators, or soldiers and officers with optical aspiration instruments, or directly kill the other party's radio or signal soldiers.

This can be done.

However, all of the above options will fail in a special case.

This is the case when the enemy team also has snipers, and all previous selection sequences have to make way for this.

The greatest threat to snipers is always the enemy's snipers.

Therefore, in order to learn the sniper profession well, to be a top sniper, you must first learn to counter sniper.

In this simulated sniper mission, the combat squad on the counter-sniper side can use high-powered binoculars to observe the surrounding four directions without blind spots on a five-meter-high wooden platform near the target, simulating the alert soldiers of important targets in the battlefield.

As long as the sniper is discovered by the counter-sniper method, the mission will immediately fail.

After the rules were announced last night, Zhuang Yan didn't think this task was too difficult at first.

Majestic is extremely confident in his marksmanship.

He jokingly said to the serious: "Our partners are invincible in the world, I dare not say anything else in the team, if you want to talk about the accuracy of the shooting at the extreme distance of the 85 sniper, I dare to say that I recognized the second and no one dared to recognize the first. ."

Under the premise of the same accuracy rate~www.wuxiaspot.com~, of course, the person who can shoot at a longer distance is better.

This mission uses 85 sniper, and the bullets are carefully selected, only one shot.

In the shooting training of the usual hunter team, the solemn shooting results are the most stable in the team.

As expected of the shooting champion of Army Group A, at least Zhuang Yan absolutely dared to pat his chest on this point and say that he did not embarrass the people of the old army.

When I listened to Han Zizheng's briefing last night, Zhuang Yan didn't feel how difficult the task was at first.

But the more I listened, the more wrong it became. In the end, I got the issued map, put it in my hand and unfolded it, and immediately felt that something was wrong.

"I rely on!"

He couldn't help but muttered in secret.


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