When Qianling

left the treasure house of the high commissioner, he was holding a very shabby oil-paper umbrella in one hand, and in the other hand was carrying a bag, which was full of nails covered with talismans, which could be used to launch some difficult [Enchantment] (in fact, it was an upgraded version of [Tent]) When

trying the umbrella in the wild, Qianling also found its name on the top of the umbrella handle

. There seems to be such a legend about the bone umbrella, as if it is a monster conjured by the umbrella that has been used for a long time and absorbs a lot of moisture. (

The bone umbrella (ほねからかさ) is a Japanese monster that appears in Toriyama Shiyan's "Hundred Weapons Vain Bag")

Qianling injected magic into it, and felt that the umbrella in his hand suddenly came out of his hand and flew into the air, spinning at high speed in mid-air, but there was a connection that connected the magic power of Qianling to it, and the bone umbrella opened violently in mid-air, and a large amount of light blue water vapor gushed out of it.

After a while, the surroundings were already filled with fog, but Qianling's vision did not change at all, and because of his mana around him, Qianling's perception ability was strengthened countless times, but it was much more difficult for others.

First of all, the visual blinding effect, and then the perception of mana is also significantly weakened, in short, this umbrella is a superb auxiliary outfit, but the mana consumption is a bit large.


On a busy street in Tokyo, a monk with a healing surgical scar on his forehead is surrounded by a volcanic head, an octopus head and an ant head.

[It's finally about to start.,Although I haven't found Knotweed Yuhito yet, but the guy from Gojo Chiling is back!There can't be any mistakes in the current arrangement!]

At the time of the Shibuya Incident, due to the resistance of the spell party, the combat power of the spell spirit side was greatly damaged, and now the top combat power of the spell spirit side is only present in these cases!

With a clapping of his hands, the mana exploded, lighting up the spells scattered throughout Japan (except Hokkaido), and the scattered enchantments gradually unfolded, covering all of Japan (except Hokkaido).

"Then, the Death Destruction Journey begins! I will cross all ordinary people to the [Other Shore]!"

However, the Death Destruction Journey that is now unfolding is very different from the manga, since there is no real person's technique to create a thousand [Swimmers], Qi Suo can only use the restraint to increase the strength of the [Curse], hoping to convert as many humans as possible into sorcerers.

But in this case, Qi Suo lacks the ability to control these unstable spell masters, and the uncertainty has greatly increased, resulting in a great change in the rules of the current death and destruction return tour

[Damn Gojo Thousand Spirits, if it weren't for the death of a real person, how could my enchantment technique have such a big flaw!]


Qian Ling was eating Daifuku and drinking milk tea in a dessert shop, and a huge barrier covered the entire sky, making the fast spoon that Qian Ling was throwing suddenly stop.

[Has it started?Death and Destruction Tour,Are you going to start fighting monsters to earn points?]

There are about two hundred people within the range of a thousand inspirations, and after the enchantment was lowered, there was actually a mana in the human body that skyrocketed, and the brain also appeared a circuit unique to a sorcerer, and there was also a mana that was greatly improved.

Under Qianling's keen perception, this fluctuation was as obvious as wasabi in Daifuku.

[Naturally formed?And isn't the probability too high??, so how many sorcerers should there be in a city?].

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