Sakuragi walked back to Qin Ziyun, looked at Qin Ziyun’s satisfied smile, and returned to the silly smiling Sakuragi mode.

“Hahaha, Ziyun, this genius has won again. Tonight’s dinner we are hot pot, the hot pot base sent by the boss is really delicious. After eating it last time, I miss it so much! ”

“Well, since you won, just follow the old rules. You point, I do. ”

For Sakuragi’s performance just now, Qin Ziyun was still very satisfied. In addition, they had an agreement that they would die if Sakuragi won the basketball game and listened to him on what to eat, but if he lost, Sakuragi would eat her medicated meal. Since Sakuragi won today, it was natural to listen to him.

Under the gaze of everyone, the Sakuragi six left the basketball hall together, and asked Sakuragi as they walked to the high palace: “Hanamichi, when did you learn basketball?” Don’t even tell us, it’s too much of a friend. ”

Sakuragi touched her head and said with a smug smirk, “I’ve been studying for a year.” Every day after school, I have to go to the field with Ziyun to practice, so I am too busy, so I didn’t tell you. ”


Sakuragi’s words made the four members of the Sakuragi Legion show a bad smile. Their eyes were a little ambiguous, looking back and forth at Sakuragi and Qin Ziyun.

“Stupid! You guys oh what! ”

Sakuragi, who was embarrassed by the sight, went up and gave them a head mallet. Looking at the head with white smoke, it really hurts.

“But I didn’t expect that Hanamichi’s basketball strength would be so strong, and playing Oda one-on-one actually didn’t see any pressure at all. You must know that Oda is the ace of the school basketball team, and there are only a few people in the entire junior high school world who can beat Oda . ”

Yohei is really proud and proud of his brother, and if Sakuragi can become a basketball player in the future, it will definitely be an honorable thing for the Sakuragi Army.

“Hahaha, of course! I’m a genius! ”

Hearing his brother’s sincere praise, Sakuragi immediately touched his hair and laughed proudly.

“Okay, less bragging. If you still want to eat hot pot, hurry up and buy me ingredients. Come to my house for dinner today, I will go to your house to invite uncle, Yangping, you will also come together. ”

Qin Ziyun interrupted Sakuragi’s boasting and ordered him to hurry up and do things.

The queen’s order was absolute, and looking at the Sakuragi Legion who left with laughter and playfulness, Qin Ziyun sighed in her heart.

She watched Sakuragi grow up little by little, and Qin Ziyun saw his talent and hard work. Even Qin Ziyun, who has always been proud, has to admit that Sakuragi is indeed a monster-level genius in basketball.

In fact, what Qin Yan taught Sakura at the beginning was more about how to develop his physical potential. Let Sakuragi know how to increase his strength, speed, bounce, etc. In terms of basketball techniques, Sakuragi is given the most basic basic basketball skills. It was only when he was about to leave at the end that he taught Sakuragi the two difficult skills of changing hands in the air and pulling rods.

And it was with these simple skills that Sakuragi went from unknown in the wild ball world to the title of red-haired devil. Although there is also the terrifying persecution of Qin Ziyun’s medicinal diet, Sakuragi’s own unparalleled basketball talent is the most fundamental element.

After more than a month, the five members of the Sakuragi Legion, who had risen to high school, were standing in a row at this time, bored in front of Xiangbei High School, obviously waiting for someone.

“Hanamichi, what kind of person is the eldest brother of the big sister? Will it be as terrifying as the big sister’s head? ”

I was fortunate enough to taste Qin Ziyun’s medicinal meal once, and I already knew why Sakuragi was so afraid of Qin Ziyun. At this time, thinking that Qin Ziyun’s medicinal diet was learned from his eldest brother, he couldn’t help but feel a strong fear of this eldest brother he had never met.

The other three members of the Sakuragi Legion also looked at Sakuragi, and they were also curious about who this Qin Yan was.

“The boss is a very powerful person, I have never seen anyone more powerful than him! A few of you must be respectful when you see the boss, if you upset him, see if I don’t hammer you.” ”

For Qin Yan, who saved his father’s life, Sakuragi is a million points of respect, and no one is allowed to be disrespectful to Qin Yan.

“Look. They’re coming. ”

Although Yema didn’t know Qin Yan, Qin Ziyun, a big beauty, was too eye-catching.

Originally, Qin Ziyun’s appearance was already the best choice, but when she and Qin Yan stood together, they had no choice but to be reduced to green leaves.

Qin Yan’s handsomeness is extremely oppressive, his face is like a carving, and his angular face is extremely handsome. The white cufflinks and neat and clean British pinstriped shirt show his rigorous style, and it is just right to show his slender and straight and perfect body. The deep black pupils were slightly dark purple, appearing deeper and more noble, and the cold light shining in the eyes added a bit of indifference and domineering. The tall nose and thick and moderate lips are at this time with a dazzling smile, like a wisp of spring breeze, blowing to the bottom of people’s hearts.

“Hanamichi, long time no see.”

Qin Yan walked up to Sakuragi, smiled and reached out to hold Sakuragi, who was half a day taller than himself, and gave him a cordial hug.

“Boss, you’re finally back!”

Sakuragi looked at Qin Yan, and his eyes couldn’t help but burst with tears, it was this handsome man in front of him who saved his family and completely changed his fate.

“Well, I’m back, just follow me in the future.”

Patting Sakuragi’s shoulder, Qin Yan said to Sakuragi seriously.

“Okay, boss, I will always follow you!”

Sakuragi promised Qin Yan firmly. And this is at the school gate, as if a casual promise, but was insisted on by Sakuragi Hanamichi for a lifetime. No matter where Qin Yan turned to fight later, Sakuragi Hanamichi always followed him and never gave up.

“Well, I believe you. Let’s go, Hanamichi, let’s go inside. Trust me ikebana, this is where our dreams begin. ”

With Qin Yan’s promise, the group of seven people walked into the place where the dream began, Xiangbei High School.

Qin Yan looked at this high school with Japanese local characteristics in front of him, and he couldn’t help but feel a burst of excitement in his heart. Remembering the helplessness and confusion he felt a year ago, he couldn’t help but thank Sakuragi beside him. If it weren’t for him, it might have taken him a long time to get out of that painful period.

During the four years in Huaxia, Qin Yan studied while looking for traces of the Qin family. (In ’98, secondary school was still a four-year system.) But no matter how he inquired and searched, there was not the slightest trace of the Qin family.

And just a year ago, Qin Yan finally made up his mind. Adventured to return to the Qin family land, but found that there was no Qin family there. In other words, Qin Yan is not a rebirth of rejuvenation, but a complete crossing into a new world.

This discovery made Qin Yan very confused, because as far as he understood, this world was not the slightest different from the world before him. It was as if only things related to his Qin Yan did not exist in this world. This discovery made Qin Yan feel lonely and helpless, and also made Qin Yan feel confused about why he came to this world.

Confused, Qin Yan chose to return to Japan because there were at least relatives who cared about him. And it was this time that came back that allowed him to meet Sakuragi Hanamichi and let him know what kind of world he had come to.

When he knew that he had come to the world of slam dunk, Qin Yan was excited and excited. At first, he fell in love with basketball because he liked the Slam Dunk manga. Because of his physical defects, he envies and loves even more, Sakuragi and others who sweat hard for their dreams. They also prefer the trust and dependence between their teammates, and that kind of hot-blooded youth is what Qin Yan has always dreamed of.

It can be said that the slam dunk master is the beginning of Qin Yan’s basketball dream, and now that he is finally standing at the starting line, how can he not be excited.

And now, he finally walked into the place where the dream began with Sakuragi, and now Qin Yan just wants to say, Xiangbei, I’m coming!

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