Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 889: Funeral

ps: Chapter 2 is in the afternoon, ask for a monthly pass

From Yongdu to Hexi, five hundred miles away, fast boats and flying horses passed the news of Qin Bo's death to the eldest son of the concubine Pu.

After learning about this, Zipu originally wanted to keep his mourning secret, forcing Wei Jun to withdraw from Hexi and then go back. However, at this time, the Qin State had not yet formulated a strict household registration and guest house inspection system. Jin State spies were all over the Qin land, and the turmoil in Yongcheng soon spread to the ears of Zhao and Wei.

The situation in Hexi was also not good. First, the city of Shaoliang fell, and the eldest son of Zuo Shu, Hu, was captured. Then Wei Manduo personally went to Xinjiang, Quwo, and Anyi, and sent the people of the Wei family who were over 15 years old to Hexi. In the hands of Wei Ju.

Coupled with the urgent urging of the right concubine, the Qin army's strong men broke their wrists, gave up their advantages, and withdrew their troops across the board.

Because after careful consideration, Zipu thought that the loss of Hexi was only a problem for the elbows and armpits. After all, there are several sons and grandsons who covet the throne. Although the Qin state has never sealed sons, so they have no strength. In the past, they were afraid of the prestige of the three concubines and did not dare to make mistakes, but if Zipu was defeated outside, it is impossible to say. According to You Shuchang, someone has already contacted the husband's family, and they are just about to make a move.

A country cannot live without a king! To resist the outside world, you must first be safe!

Therefore, withdrawing troops first, letting the prince ascend to the throne, and stabilizing the regime is the old practice of seeking the country.

Zipu felt extremely regretful about this result. When he left 3,000 troops to garrison Dali and took tens of thousands of residents inside and outside the city across Luoshui, he asked the imperial guard to station the horse, got out of the car, and fell to his knees with a plop. on the ground. There were countless unwillingness, reluctance, resentment, and unwillingness in his eyes. It's not easy to fight until today. Qin's army has tried his best to inflict heavy losses on Wei's army. At least two of Wei Ju's divisions have lost the ability to fight again.

At this point, with a little more effort, Qin Jun may win a big victory!

But in the end, due to various factors, they failed. Although the Qin state has not completely lost Hexi, but with the withdrawal of the Qin troops, as long as the Wei family is not stupid, this fat land will change hands sooner or later.

"I will come back!" Looking at Hexi, Zipu made a solemn oath, "In his lifetime, Zipu will return to Mu Gong's career and drink the horses and rivers again, otherwise, he will die and his bones will be crushed to ashes!"


Hearing the news of Uncle Qin's death, the one who was most happy about it was probably Wei Ju.

Originally cut off by the Qin people's "rafting campaign" and trapped in Hexi, Wei Ju was also worried that he would bury all the Wei clan's elite here. Fortunately, luck was on their side. As the Qin army turned from attack to defense, Wei Shi not only relieved the predicament, but also had more ideas.

"Take all Hexi and revitalize the Wei family, this is the move!"

In Jiucheng, Hexi, Shaoliang fell to the Zhao clan, Fu clan and Wang Guan were occupied by the Wei army, and there were still Rui, Xincheng, Beizheng, Pengya, Wang, and Ling, and the Qin army left behind in Zipu. hands.

According to Wei Ju's idea, he would make persistent efforts to capture the two cities of Dali and Rui, and then join forces with Zhao Jun along the Luoshui River, thus sweeping Hexi.

If this is the case, the Wei family will reach 80 years later, and Wei Wenhou will send Wu Qiquan to take Hexi and comprehensively suppress the situation of Qin. They will jump out of the east corner of the river, have depth, increase population and land, and also jump out of Zhao's restriction on them, and can develop freely.

However, when Wei Ju excitedly informed Shaoliang's Zhao Wuxi of the plan, hoping that they would work for the Wei family again for nothing, Zhao Wuxi replied to him with a sentence, asking Wei Manduo, Wei Ju and his son Stunned, but unable to refute the words.

"Gentlemen's etiquette does not cut funerals!"


"The poem says: If you don't hang Haotian, there will be chaos and chaos. The feudal lords will fight against each other. If you have to do it, you will stop when you hear the mourning. Therefore, the ceremony of the summers will not cut down the state of mourning and hanging!"

Wei Ju was angry at Zhao Wuxi's high-sounding letter, crumpled it into a ball, and threw it to the ground. He sneered and said, "This tone really deserves to be the Minister of Jin!"

Zhao's messenger, Chu Long said with a smile: "Yes, it is precisely because he is the minister of the state of Jin, and the lord represents not only himself, but also the state of Zhao and the state of Jin, so this is why we pay special attention to this. The family of Zhao also has difficulties and also I hope the gentleman will be considerate, Shao Liang has been pulled out, as long as the gentleman says a word, the Zhao family can offer it with both hands at any time..."

Wei Ju's anger was suddenly choked by these seamless words.

In ancient times, the states of Xia and Banggu fought against each other. When they learned of the death of an enemy king or a serious disaster occurred in the country, they generally did not take advantage of the fire and robbed each other, but expressed their condolences. One of the fierce rituals of the Western Friday Ritual, that is, asking for mourning, condolences and mutual assistance for various unfortunate events of others or other countries. Later, not only the Central Plains, but also the vassal states in the barbarian land gradually accepted this rule. For example, the king of the Chu Communist Party attacked Chen, that is, "he heard Chen's mourning and stopped."

Those who violate this rule, at least on the surface of public opinion, will be spurned by the international community. For example (558 BC) when the king of Chu Gong died, the state of Wu disregarded the practice of "ceremony without killing mourning" and even launched an army to attack Chu. The gentlemen of the Central Plains in the north thought that this behavior of Wu State was immoral, and the State of Jin also criticized it when they convened an alliance meeting. At the same time, they believed that the reason why Wu State sent troops was unfavorable because Haotian was also angry with this behavior.

But the warm and affectionate classical era has quietly passed away, especially after Wu Shi entered Chu and the Jin Dynasty's six ministers fought, the original international order completely collapsed, and strange phenomena emerged one after another: Zhao's father and son, one country and two ministers, Cao's father and son, one country and two ministers. The country expelled the monarch, abolished the monarchy, and the Song Dynasty made the chicken Sichen, and religion jumped to the top of the political power...

To be honest, the most serious damage to the order of ritual and music in the Spring and Autumn Period was the Zhao regime. Within them, the official school that only taught the children of the doctor Gongsun Qing was completely reduced to a private school with no distinction. Those who can rank with the clan vassals and merchants who have contributed to the Zhao family can also appear in the temple halls and become doctors.

Therefore, the Zhao family has been criticized the most by Confucius, who restrained himself and restored rituals. However, such a regime that takes pleasure in destroying the old system and establishing its own new order suddenly pays attention to "ceremony and mourning" today. Do you dare to believe it?

Anyway, Wei Shi didn't believe it at all.

"It's obvious that you should take advantage of the chaos to insult the death, but if you don't take it, you will be to blame!"

After Chu Long went down, Wei Ju gritted his teeth with hatred, and smashed several cases and candle holders. It was obvious that the Zhao family did not want to continue to fetch chestnuts for their fire. But he couldn't say whether the Zhao family was not. First of all, it was agreed in the covenant that when attacking Hexi, Wei was the main force and Zhao Han was the assistant. Sir, the mission has been completed, and Zhao Jun has no problem returning home.

In addition, Zhao Wuxi has something to say: Zhao is the minister of a great country and the main ally of the Xia. If he does something that takes advantage of mourning, how can he be a role model for the princes? Not only that, he would also put on mourning clothes and cry a few times towards the west for the fall of Qin! Because of the rules of etiquette, at the funeral of the princes, those with different surnames will cry outside the city, those with the same surname will cry in the ancestral temple, those with the same clan will cry in the ancestral temple, and those with the same clan will cry in the Mi Temple.

After all, the Zhao family and Qin Gongshi belonged to the same clan, and they had one ancestor. In addition to offering sacrifices, the Zhao family had to send messengers to the Shaohao Temple, Boyi Temple, and Feilian Temple in Qin State to mourn!

For relatives and relatives, when they encounter a funeral, I really can't bear to slap the door!

So just as the main force of the Qin army was withdrawing to the west, Zhao Wuxi sent a messenger to Yongdu to offer condolences, and at the same time discussed the matter of redeeming their Zuo Shuchang with Qin State.

In this regard, Wei Manduo and Wei Ju could only scold Zhao Wuxi secretly, but they could not openly oppose his actions. The father and son found that after beating Qin State, they were in a dilemma. In front of them were the difficult Qin people and behind them. It is the "teammate" who accompanied him to stab the hornet's nest and withdraw with a stick. He was reluctant to deal with Qin alone. If he were enemies with Qin and Zhao at the same time, the Wei family would die! So for the Zhao family, even if they knew they were playing tricks, Wei family could only wait with a smile on their faces, and wait until the Hexi was over...

Because he was reluctant to take advantage of Hexi, the Wei pretended to be deaf and dumb, so he did not know about the state of Qin's funeral~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He did not know that the ruler of Jin had fought against Qin Hua for jade and silk, and continued to use troops against Luoshui. Zhao Wuxi was tacit, and did not force the Wei clan to quit the army. After the fight, it was impossible for Qin and Wei to reconcile again. For the fat of Hexi, the two sides must be in an endless situation. The remaining Qin people resisted stubbornly, and the battle in Hexi would probably continue until the west wind overwhelmed the east wind, or the east wind prevailed over the west wind.

Wei's offensive was very violent, and after the death of Qin Bo, the turbulence of the Qin Dynasty did not end. By mid-May, Dali had fallen, and the southern part of Hexi had been completely controlled by the Wei army. The center of gravity began to turn to the north. Wei Ju planned to use Shaoliang as the Stronghold, the Beizheng, Pengya and other cities were removed.

However, when Wei Ju took the army to receive Shaoliang, he was once again stunned by the sight in front of him.

The once prosperous Shaoliang City in Dayi, Yongzhou, has now become a ghost town, with empty streets, only a few wild dogs crawling around, and not even a grain of food left in the treasury!

The Zhao family came gently and walked heavily. All the people and food in the city were taken to Lou, Lishi, and Lin counties to enrich them and prepare for the further development of Shangjun. They waved their sleeves, leaving only an empty city full of ruins for the Wei family...

(To be continued.)

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