Star Boss, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 146 146. His protection of her is not hopeless

"Hey, Brother Shaoyang, don't leave! Let's play for a while longer!" Someone asked to stay.

Another person also said: "That's right, it's rare to bring a girl out. It's fun for everyone to play together!"

Qin Shaoyang glanced at these people impatiently, ignored them at all, and walked out of the box on his own.

After he left his seat, Charlotte also stood up and followed him out.

Behind him, those people were still trying to stay.

If this were to change in the past, you could just leave and the rest of the people would still have fun together.

But today, because of Charlotte's presence, these people were certainly not willing to let him go just like that.

After all, it is rare to find a girl with such an upright appearance and such a unique temperament.

However, they did not dare to force the young master of the Qin family to stay.

After they left, someone murmured: "What! Are you showing off your face again, who are you showing it to?"

Others also echoed: "It's like this every time. You can leave whenever you want, and you can't have fun together at all."

"It's a pity that we can't play with such a beautiful girl." Some people said it was a pity.

Of course, no matter what they say, Qin Shaoyang will not hear it.

And these people would never dare to say it in front of him, because Qin Shaoyang has a very bad temper, and if anyone displeases him, he will immediately attack them on the spot.

After walking out of the bar and walking to the parking lot, Qin Shaoyang finally couldn't hold it back and stopped.

Turning to look at Charlotte who was following him, he said impatiently: "Don't come to a place like this next time."

He didn't say the reason, it seemed like an order.

Charlotte looked at him with dark eyes, and then said after a long time: "Let's talk about something serious. When do you plan to go to Gwarth?"

Qin Shaoyang: "..." So, are you listening to me?

Although Xia Luo did not respond to Qin Shaoyang's words, Qin Shaoyang still answered her question: "Besides, it depends on my mood."

Charlotte was silent for a while and said calmly: "Be mature and don't always act like a child who won't grow up."

What Xia Luo said was very similar to what Qin Shaoheng usually said.

This preaching tone immediately made Qin Shaoyang irritated: "Who are you? What about me, should you take care of me?"

Of course, Charlotte would not be free to preach to him. It was already very rare to be able to say a few words to him.

Since Qin Shaoyang didn't appreciate it, she wouldn't waste any words.

"It's up to you." Charlotte said nonchalantly, "That's your life, it's up to you."

This tone once again made Qin Shaoyang unhappy.

She looked like she was doing her best for him before, but now he just replied and she stopped talking.

snort! Perfunctory! hypocritical!

Qin Shaoyang wanted to say something to refute Xia Luo, but Xia Luo's attitude that this matter had nothing to do with him would make him look pretentious if he really said more.

Really, every time I talk to this woman, I always get mad at her!

Gritting his teeth, Qin Shaoyang tried to hold back his temper: "Go away, don't follow me."

Charlotte: "..." Mentally retarded.

"I think Young Master Qin may have forgotten that it was you who asked me to follow you every step of the way." Charlotte finally explained, "Of course, if you can tell a clear time when you will return to Gevos, I will Get out of here immediately."

Only then did Qin Shaoyang realize that she had a reason to follow him.

Moreover, this request was made by himself.

To be honest, Qin Shaoyang didn't take this matter to heart at all, and he just brought it up to embarrass her.

As for going to Gwath, isn't it up to him to decide in the end?

In fact, he had made up his mind early on, and no matter what Charlotte did or said, he would not waver.

Everything will be her useless efforts.

However, of course Qin Shaoyang would not tell Xia Luoming, otherwise how could he continue to torment her?

So, he said vaguely: "I am a person who is surprisingly a bit stubborn. Whether you go to Gwath depends on how you convince me."

The ungrateful smile on his face was bright: "I'm looking forward to showing your true ability."

As he continued to walk to the parking lot, he spoke in a rather arrogant tone: "The car is relatively small and cannot accommodate two people. Miss Xia will find a way to go back by herself."

With that said, he left without caring about Charlotte behind him.

Charlotte stood still and looked at the direction he left. His expression was neither happy nor angry.

Alpha's mechanical voice sounded: "Master, do you need to track Qin Shaoyang's whereabouts?"

Charlotte turned around and walked towards the road outside.

"No need, he is going back to the Qin family anyway." Xia Luo said lightly.

According to her investigation, although this Qin Shaoyang was very unsociable and spent all day doing nothing, he had never stayed out at night.

In some ways, he is not hopeless.

With Charlotte's insight, she could naturally see the protective actions he made towards her in the bar box just now.

He is a bit impatient in his words and deeds, but his nature has not been corrupted yet, and there is still the possibility of reforming him in the future.

However, who should change it and how it should be changed has nothing to do with her.

Charlotte doesn't care about this and won't meddle in other people's business. She had only one purpose from beginning to end, and that was to complete the task assigned by Professor Gusta and bring Qin Shaoyang back to Gvos.

As for what kind of trouble he would cause in the college after returning to Gwath, or even being expelled from school, it had nothing to do with her.

It's evening now, people are coming and going on the street, and traffic is constantly flowing.

It's time to eat. Because of Qin Shaoyang's affairs, Xia Luo has delayed his dinner.

Of course Charlotte would not skip such an important thing as eating.

She found a restaurant on the street and sat down to eat with determination.

In the interstellar age, the cuisine of different planets is more or less different.

As the main galaxy of the A3 star field, the Baoqin Galaxy naturally has a developed food culture.

Hera is the largest planet in the Baoqin main galaxy, and it is also an extra-large planet famous throughout the Star Federation.

Before Charlotte set out for Hera, she carefully investigated the situation here.

The information says that the food on Planet Hera is quite rich.

Also, if the food, clothing, housing and transportation were not superior, how could there be so many famous families settling here?

Ancheng is the largest city on the planet Hera, gathering all kinds of delicacies from the entire planet.

Charlotte has been busy since arriving and has not had time to taste the special delicacies here.

Now that I have this opportunity, I am not in a hurry to go back.

It was obviously past meal time, and even if she went back, the host might not leave any food for her as a guest.

Charlotte, the guest, is also quite self-conscious and will not trouble them unless necessary.

They are just strangers who met by chance, so there is no need for too much involvement.

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