Star Boss, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 319: The Untouchable Bottom Line, the Most Fundamental and Difficult Enemy of Mech Masters

In fact, in the interstellar era, similar to the circulation of small arms, even though the government is still under control, there will still be some private channels between the three religions and nine streams.

Desperate organizations like "Glutton" have repeatedly banned the trafficking and sale of heavy firearms, which often causes headaches for the Federation.

It's just that, no matter if it's a "glutton" who is daring and has done all kinds of bad things, or a mercenary group who can apply for weapons, it is impossible for them to own a mecha.

Mecha is not allowed to be owned by any civil organization, it is a bottom line.

Of course, mechas are not the only weapons of mass destruction that are absolutely prohibited.

They are all red lines, which belong to the highest military force, and no civilians can easily set foot in them.

Of course, these highest technologies are not so easy to be reproduced and go away.

Whether it is mechas or other top-level military forces such as battleships, the types of technologies used in them are countless.

Even for a large-scale non-organization like "Glutton", the warships it uses are nothing but refits after robbing civilian aircraft, and they are incomparable with real military warships.

As far as the equipped weapons are concerned, they are not of the same grade.

Because of this, "Glutton" does not like to confront the regular army head-on, but likes to fight guerrilla warfare, taking advantage of the unpreparedness of the direct fleet at the destination, and doing all kinds of illegal activities.

Mecha, is the full official military force.

The reason Gevos can have so many mechas is also because of the nature of its military academy, which is directly under the jurisdiction of the military department.

Because of this relationship, Gevos was able to obtain the mecha specially provided by the military for daily teaching and training.

Of course, the model is not particularly advanced. Don't even think about the high-end mecha.

Now, the holographic interstellar beast chosen by Charlotte is the six-star double-forked rhinoceros beetle.

Although she had practiced mecha battles with Qin Shaoheng for a long time at the beginning, this was the first time she faced Zerg alien beasts.

Therefore, Charlotte chose the less difficult Zerg type.

Of course, there are far more interstellar beasts than Zerg.

There are also differences in size between different races.

For example, during the freshmen's physical fitness training, the open-back rat they met on Biqiu was a small interstellar beast.

It's just that, in the interstellar era, there are many other ways to eliminate beasts of the level of the Rat, and there is no need to use mechas at all.

For Charlotte, who is about to enter the military and become a mech master, fighting against other races of interstellar beasts is of little significance.

At least for now, the most fundamental and difficult enemy of a mecha master is the Zerg alien beast.

Based on some specific situations, dealing with the Zerg is also the original purpose of the mech being made.

At this time, the six-star double-forked rhinoceros beetle chosen by Charlotte, although it sounds like a tiny bug, is a real interstellar alien beast, which is completely different from the little bugs on the earth.

On the earth, such insignificant bugs, bugs that can be trampled to death with just one foot, have become terrifying existences in the interstellar era.

Here, the whole situation is reversed.

Ordinary humans have become tiny existences, and the Zerg don't even need to use their true abilities, just a pair of reptiles can crush humans into meat paste.

They have mutated into behemoths that turn people's faces, they are extremely destructive, and they are threats that the entire Federation must face up to.

If humans hadn't mastered the technology, perhaps the entire federal territory would already be dominated by interstellar beasts.

Zerg alien beasts are not much smaller than mechs in terms of size alone.

It's just so magical, interstellar alien beasts cannot be judged by convention, there are too many unknowns in them.

Charlotte has entered a specific area, which is a temporary place for her to use, and she will fight the six-star double-forked rhinoceros beetle here.

Before Charlotte's eyes, the image of a large insect gradually appeared, and it continued to solidify until it was almost the same as the real one.

Silently looking at the appearance of this Zerg alien beast, Charlotte couldn't help but praise it, good technique.

Being able to make super-giant holographic images so realistic is worthy of the era of the Great Interstellar.

Under the influence of natural light, holographic images are actually prone to instability, and often become virtual and real.

Especially if it is a giant image, it is more susceptible to the influence of surrounding light.

However, the strange beast in front of him can be presented very clearly, without any sense of falsehood, which shows that the technology is first-class.

Long oval body, very large, dark tan in color overall.

Compared with the body, the head is slightly smaller.

The carapace wing covering the back is very smooth and bright, and there are six black dots on it, which are called star spots, which is also the origin of the name of the six-star double-pronged rhinoceros beetle.

Like the two-pronged rhinoceros beetle on Earth, this one has a double-pronged horn at the end of its head, which is extremely thick and long.

Because of this remarkable appearance feature, similar insects have another easy-to-understand name on the earth-unicorn fairy.

From a rough look, the length of the horn process of the one in front of him has exceeded the length of its body, which seems a bit uncoordinated.

Not only that, but the center of the pronotum also has a bifurcated horn process at the end.

There is no doubt that this should be a male insect, because the female insect has no horns on the head and chest.

Indeed, as far as the six-star double-forked rhinoceros beetle is concerned, females are not the best choice for fighting.

For training purposes, males are more valuable in terms of physical fitness and combat effectiveness.

Although the six-star double-pronged rhinoceros beetle is already in the category of the least difficult to get started among the Zerg alien beasts, it does not mean that it is not aggressive.

Charlotte had studied in class, and knew that the interstellar alien in front of her was carnivorous, so it had a row of sharp sawtooth in its mouth, which was very different from the one on Earth.

On Earth, insects like unicorns prefer to eat sweet things, such as various soft and rotten fruits.

Charlotte stood where she was, observing the six-star double-forked rhinoceros beetle in front of her, and didn't rush forward.

Unlike those extremely belligerent Zerg, the six-star double-forked rhinoceros beetle in front of it also wandered in place, and did not attack Charlotte first.

It's just that the huge horns are always facing Charlotte's direction, and the back armor wing is also moving faintly, as if it may attack at any time.

Like the unicorn on the earth, the six-star double-forked rhinoceros beetle is a very powerful beast of the Zerg race. It is not inferior to other Zerg races in terms of strength, and it is a veritable king of power.

The thick and long horns, as well as the indestructible carapace, are its fighting strength.

In another area in the distance, someone has long paid attention to Charlotte.

Thank you for the little cute "AT2001" from the starting point~

A large number of new characters will be unlocked soon~

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