Star Boss, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 362 362. The time difference between them? Charlotte's over-interpretation of him!

Compared with second- and third-rate military academies, Geworth's curriculum can be regarded as very intensive, and the academic pressure is not comparable to that of ordinary academies.

Only those selected elites can withstand this pressure.

In this case, if you want to do extra study, you need to devote more energy in your spare time.

Even for these elites, it is very hard and difficult to achieve this step.

Shangguan Yan is undoubtedly a smart person, as are Qin Shaoyang and Chu Pengfei, they have done a very good job.

Charlotte felt that if she was on earth before the end of the world, she might not have done better than them.

The reason why she was able to walk faster and farther than them was only due to her special physique.

The current Charlotte has a strong ability to repair her body.

In other words, after high-intensity study, she can adjust to the fatigue of her body at an extremely fast speed and continue to prepare for the next high-intensity study.

And all of this is because of the Saldia energy stone.

Of course, Charlotte would not explain these reasons to Shang Guanyan, she just said lightly: "What are you comparing with me? You are you, and I am me. Everyone's situation is different, don't just look at others , so that you will ignore what suits you.”

Charlotte spoke plainly, and was not overjoyed by Shangguan Yan's high evaluation of her.

In addition, Shang Guanyan has a relatively close relationship with her, so Charlotte did not say some polite and self-deprecating words to him like ordinary people.

What she said was the most genuine thoughts in her heart. Everyone has their own characteristics, and the development paths suitable for them are also different. There is really no need to just learn from others.

Some spiritual whipping and encouragement are necessary, but blindly learning to walk in Handan will forget the self.

Hearing this, Shangguan Yan also seemed to be inspired, and he turned to meditate.

Charlotte is like this, and everyone around her can always learn something from her.

She is very sensible, very mature, and seems to have a wealth of life insights, which is an experience that Shangguan Yan would not have at his age.

No matter how smart Gevos's proud sons are, they still lack some things after they haven't experienced many things.

Here, Xia Luo and Shangguan Yan talked from time to time, the atmosphere was quiet, but it didn't look stiff and awkward.

On the other side, on a certain battleship, Qin Shaoheng had just finished dealing with the matter at hand.

In this star field, it is already early morning.

He is really busy recently, so he can occasionally take a break from his busy schedule.

Turning on the optical computer and canceling the mute setting, Qin Shaoheng had time to look at the information on the optical computer.

Soon, he saw two unread text messages from Charlotte.

Qin Shaoheng tapped his finger and opened the chat interface.

Immediately, two messages were displayed in front of him.

The content of the text is not long, and you can read it at a glance.

However, he stared at the two paragraphs of text for a long time.

Immediately, as if seeing something interesting, Qin Shaoheng couldn't help but chuckled.

The stern way of speaking is very similar to her style.

When did he ask her to take care of Shaoyang? It was obviously just an ordinary greeting, but she over-interpreted his meaning.

Shaoyang said before that he would go to Palton with Charlotte, so he paid attention to Palton's entry list this time.

Some surprises, at least from Qin Shaoheng's point of view, after his training, the current Charlotte must have reached the level of an official participant.

Unexpectedly, in the end, he became an alternate.

However, thinking of the accident that happened in the previous year's competition, coupled with Robert's scheming, it is not difficult for Qin Shaoheng to guess some possibilities.

Therefore, even though Charlotte was only a substitute on the list, he still looked forward to her performance.

In his opinion, sooner or later she will become a blockbuster.

As for the virtual mech contest, Qin Shaoheng did not expect that she would learn something from Professor Meng Qiu.

He didn't intend to tell her at first, and it wasn't a big deal after all.

He knew Charlotte's character, if he took the initiative to tell her about this, she would definitely think about it.

She never liked to owe others, but he didn't originally want to get anything in return for helping her.

What can Charlotte really bring to him now? It's just an investment for the future.

Qin Shaoheng looked at these two messages and thought about things casually, so he should let his brain relax.

Li Jiu knocked on the door and entered, and said respectfully, "Major General, it's getting late, go and have a rest."

Only then did Qin Shaoheng come back to his senses, and looked at the time again, and it was at this point before he knew it.

"Well, I'm going to rest for a while, and I'll deal with the rest tomorrow." Qin Shaoheng didn't insist on staying and working either.

The most urgent part has been dealt with, and the rest can be done tomorrow.

The work is endless, Qin Shaoheng knows very well that proper rest is necessary.

Li Jiu looked at the back of the major general leaving, and couldn't help recalling the previous details.

Before the internal meeting just now, under such a busy situation, the major general actually asked him what time it was and whether it was morning?

What can Palton have? Isn't it the upcoming friendly match between North and South military academies? I heard that the younger brother of the major general will also observe and study on the spot as an outstanding junior.

Because of this, the major general will be concerned about the weather conditions in Palton, as well as the time sooner or later.

As expected, the major general attaches great importance to his family. This is why he can take into account the time difference when contacting his brother under such a busy situation.

For the sake of his younger brother, the major general is indeed a reliable elder brother, Li Jiu couldn't help thinking.

As for Palton, in the Rhine villa area, Charlotte didn't have anything to do in the morning.

After all, it is outside, conditions are restricted, and Charlotte is not easy to use Palton's resources to study.

The teachers are doing the final debugging of various equipment, and the official contestants are also making the final competition planning.

Palton will provide relevant venues for the game personnel to conduct regular training, but everyone will not take it too seriously.

After all, it is in someone else's territory, so you must pay attention to all aspects, and you can't see through your own cards.

The alternates like Xia Luo and the spectators like Qin Shaoyang and Chu Pengfei were the ones who had nothing to do.

Encore came to see Charlotte in the morning, nothing more than gossip.

After more than a year of accumulation, Encore's armor production level is actually very good, otherwise he would not have been selected to watch the game.

Encore likes to be with Charlotte, even though Charlotte is not a warm personality.

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