Star Boss, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 376 376. Charlotte, who is not a powerful character? 0 exposure rate after being covered!

In any case, Gevos is a top military academy with the same reputation as Palton, and he came all the way to participate in the competition. It is really not suitable for students who punish them so clearly from the beginning.

You may even speculate whether Palton's move was deliberately to stumbling on Gervase, hoping that they would have various difficulties before the game? So if during the game, will Palton continue to use these little tricks?

Although the Davis Branch Dean wants to punish Charlotte, he still needs to be "persuaded and seduced" to slowly lure the other party into the trap, so as not to affect Palton's good reputation.

Now, the instigator only ran 10 laps, and used these 10 laps to pull and trample Palton. He really only made a profit but no loss.

Before the competition even started, people from various military academies were already laughing. Others couldn't tell why they were secretly commenting on Palton's "arrogance". It was really annoying!

Ye Baiyu was surprised that Xia Luo accepted the punishment so readily. Didn't she refuse to bow her head at the scene of the accident before? Why did you suddenly change your mind now?

However, the 10-lap penalty was enough, and Ye Baiyu couldn't fault it.

Although Professor Wei Lan didn't understand why Charlotte suddenly asked to be punished, he felt that there was nothing wrong with this way of handling it, and it could turn hostility into friendship.

It's not a big deal in the first place, so why be so tense like just now? Professor Wei Lan thought so.

As a result, the fights that had a tendency to become more and more violent came to an end.

It is not appropriate for Branch Dean Davis to pursue the matter any further, and the matter can only end here.

If it makes a big fuss again at this time, others will only point fingers at Palton.

Dean Davis watched Gewarth's group leave his office, and looked at Charlotte with special emphasis, his eyes filled with contemplation.

"Is this Charlotte a contestant from the Gevos Mecha Branch?" Dean Davis asked Ye Baiyu beside him.

After the entry list for the Gervos Mecha Branch came out, Dean Davis also read it. However, he didn't pay much attention to the candidates among them.

Now that I think about it carefully, I finally remember where I have seen this name. She seems to be a candidate for the Gervos Mecha Branch.

Ye Baiyu didn't pay much attention to the other entries, but he carefully read the entry list of the Gevos Mecha Branch.

So, he said with certainty: "It is true that he is a candidate for the Mecha Branch, but according to common sense, the candidate should not be a powerful character."

The director of the Davis branch noticed Ye Baiyu's wording, so he thought about it: "Isn't it a powerful character? It's okay for Ouyang Zongzhe, even Min Taisheng was beaten like that by her, it's not something that can be done by just a random person. "

Ye Baiyu also understood this, so he left room for words.

He didn't pay attention to that fight from the beginning, but based on what he saw when he finally arrived, the kid named Charlotte was probably pretty good at it.

But what if she is really powerful? How could he only be an alternate? The substitutes don't have much chance to play, so they are just a precaution.

If she is really a very powerful character, Gevos will definitely guarantee her appearance, and will not let her be a dispensable substitute, maybe she will not even have a chance to appear.

Division Chief Davis thought about the problem more thoroughly than he did. He had a vague guess at the possibility, but he couldn't be so sure.

Because from his perspective, he had never heard of someone like Charlotte.

For example, among the official participants, such as Eric and Han Jiaxin from Gervos, which one of them has not participated in other inter-school competitions? It has a certain reputation among the students of military academies.

The students who can represent the Gevos Mecha Branch in the competition will not be unknowns, at least they must be very active in Gevos.

As long as they're active enough, then Palton will notice.

Especially those students who have emerged since their freshman days, Palton will not miss them. After all, from first grade to fifth grade, they have five full years to do research.

For example, Eric and Han Jiaxin, these two children attended this game as spectators the year before last, and the director of Davis Branch had already noticed it.

But now this Charlotte, the dean of the Davis branch is not sure about her specific situation.

Davis knows the habits of that guy Robert. He always only uses upperclassmen. Even the alternates are mostly fifth graders.

However, this fifth grade class was admitted in the normal three-year period, and Davis had never heard of Charlotte.

Davis was analyzed privately by the dean, but he really couldn't figure out the details of Charlotte.

What Dean Davis didn't know was that from the moment Robert took a fancy to Charlotte and intended to send her to compete, he had made corresponding arrangements.

He covered up all the news about Charlotte in the academy, so that even if Palton wanted to inquire, he would not know about it.

Fifth graders like Eric and Han Jiaxin have been in school for nearly five years. During this period, they have participated in many large-scale competitions or activities. Robert couldn't hide it even if he wanted to.

News within the college can be blocked, but he cannot cover up the honors these outstanding students have received outside.

Therefore, as long as they are sent out to compete, Palton's people will definitely be able to investigate some information about them.

But Charlotte is different. She has only been in Gervas for more than a year, during which she has been immersed in her studies and has not participated in any major competitions or activities outside the school.

In other words, except for the 58th Geworth Virtual Mech Competition, she has almost zero exposure in the public eye in the professional field of mechs, and there is nothing to check.

As for the contents of the Virtual Mech Contest, even if it is analyzed, nothing can be analyzed. Charlotte's changes over the past year have not been the slightest bit, and Robert is not worried about it at all.

After Charlotte entered the academy, all her hard work and hard work were just word of mouth among teachers and students within the academy.

On a planet like Gevos, which is not open to the outside world, it is difficult for these word-of-mouth messages to be conveyed to the outside world.

The only time she could reveal her own strength was Gevos' freshman physical training. At that time, her performance could be said to be far ahead, with the spirit of a leader.

However, because of the accident that happened later, this time the freshmen's physical fitness training did not place an edited promotional video on Gevos's official website as usual.

Because of this, Palton didn't know much about Charlotte's freshmen.

For the Davis branch principal, it was indeed difficult for him to find out Charlotte's ability.

Small preview~ In the July chapter, a certain male idol will appear~ and his identity will change~ Please wait patiently for the details~


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