Star Boss, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 410 410. Is Charlotte out of standard? Cut off his

Currently, the number of people at this location is 5 for Palton and 4 for Gervase. Charlotte's goal is very clear - the Tan brothers.

Among all the people in Palton, Sean is the most difficult to deal with and cannot be solved for a while, so Charlotte will not touch him easily.

It's not easy to cut off his "head", so let's cut off his "hands and feet" first, break them down one by one, and make him a general without troops!

Among the people in Palton, in Charlotte's opinion, the most uncertain factor at present is the Tan brothers.

Not only do they have a tacit understanding that is unmatched by anyone else in Gervos, but they also have a newly developed technology by Palton that can slightly reduce the frequency of pain.

The most important thing is that even new underwater technologies have been applied to these two mechas.

Naturally, Charlotte had to get rid of such an invisible fire first.

At this point, she had the same idea as Eric before.

Even if other people's mechas also have this kind of underwater combat technology, they won't be as tricky as the Tan brothers who work together tacitly.

Moreover, Palton's people will not choose to go into the water with all of them, which will only create an opportunity for Gevos to catch a turtle in a urn.

In this way, after solving these two mechas, the underwater problem can basically be solved.

She will use her strength to give Palton a great deterrent, so that they will never dare to drag Gwath's people into the water again.

Until Charlotte and the Tan brothers faced off, Sean still had doubts.

If nothing else, just because Charlotte was present at this moment, he would unconsciously think more.

This also shows from the side that Sean is extremely defensive towards Charlotte.

Strong people always know other strong people best.

It's a pity that Charlotte is now fighting against two, allowing the others in Gervos to fight against one opponent each.

Even Sean himself was entangled by Eric and couldn't get rid of Charlotte.

The Tan brothers have a tacit understanding, and their twin telepathy makes up for the speed gap between them and Charlotte.

If it weren't for Charlotte's outstanding combat ability, strong insight and sensitivity to the situation, and her speed is very fast, she might also be tired of dealing with these two mechas.

This is a very open area. As far as the eye can see, it is a large flat ice field with only a few small icebergs scattered among them.

Charlotte opened the ice skates at the bottom of the mecha and quickly skated on the ice.

Close combat between masters is actually not suitable for frequent use of thrusters. It is easy for the opponent to take advantage of slight deviations in propulsion intensity.

Charlotte's powerful ice skating ability gives her a great advantage on this ice sheet.

She did not use thermal weapons all the time because she was not in such an urgent desperate situation yet.

On the other hand, the Tan brothers took turns blasting her with various hot weapons.

All of those attacks were dexterously avoided by Charlotte, and many of them landed directly on the ice.

But even if they were defeated, Tan Mo and Tan Lin still did not stop attacking.

The showdown between them and Charlotte seemed quite thrilling at first glance, but upon closer inspection, it actually felt a little careless.

It was as if both of them were not using their full strength, but were just giving in.

However, with this attack template of "you hit me, I'll dodge, and then hit back", they "enjoyed it" for many rounds.

Charlotte also didn't show her usual courage and demeanor like when she took down the three mechas in an instant, she just said "you come and I go" there.

In the suspended cockpit watching the game, Chu Pengfei looked at the suspended electronic screen, and then took a hard look at the little mecha figure in the distance. He was really worried!

"I said what's going on with Charlotte? Just now I saw her rushing forward so suddenly, why... just like this?" Chu Pengfei couldn't help but said to Qin Shaoyang next to him, "It looks like she's let go It seems like there is no momentum at all!”

Chu Pengfei felt that this was not at Xia Luo's level. He knew how fierce she was!

Qin Shaoyang also looked at the picture on the electronic screen intently: "It looks a little gentler. She must have something to consider."

Qin Shaoyang thinks more than Chu Pengfei. Based on his understanding of Xia Luo, she is very bad, and he may not know what tricks he is planning to use to trick her.

Of course, it is only these people who are familiar with Charlotte who have such doubts and discussions.

Other viewers didn't know Charlotte well. Although she wasn't playing as well as she did last night, she couldn't fault her anymore.

After all, one against two, what else do you want from others? It’s pretty good to be able to escape until now, okay?

Many people speculated whether she was using delaying tactics and wanted to wait for her teammates to deal with the others before coming to support her?

After all, the people left behind should be the more powerful ones in Palton. It is probably impossible to kill three times in an instant like before.

Although everyone felt a little regretful that they could not see such a wonderful scene, they also felt that this was a reasonable situation.

If one person really had to kill Palton to pieces, then he would really be called an incredible "monster".

Just when everyone had different guesses, something unexpected happened on the field!

Just like yesterday, that piece of ice cracked again!

Wow! A huge sound of water sounded!

First the ice cracked, and then it fell into the water. Even from the cockpit, you could faintly hear the movement there.

Tan Mo and Tan Lin looked at each other and they succeeded!

Therefore, they did not delay their fighter planes, and quickly jumped into the ice lake under the ice sheet.

As long as they are underwater, it is their home field of battle!

Sean was fighting with Eric, and he immediately noticed the situation at Charlotte.

However, I have doubts in my heart. From just now to now, her performance has not been outstanding.

So much so that at this very moment, Tan Mo and Tan Lin tricked them into going underwater.

Could it be... this is her real combat level?

But obviously, Sean judged that it shouldn't be so.

Eric took advantage of his distraction and attacked again.

Xiao En swung his sword to resist, but he noticed some strange things.

He turned his head to look at the rest of Geworth's people. They were also fighting hard, as if they were not affected by this sudden change.

On the contrary, Palton's people responded more than them.

No, he was sure that Charlotte should be the strongest in the team.

Even if she is not the captain, in essence, she should be the core existence that gathers everyone together.

Such a person fell into the water, and he was facing the Tan Brothers again, how could the people of Gewas remain unmoved!

Yes, let alone wanting to go into the water for support, Sean didn't even notice any panic in them.

They don't know how powerful Tan Mo and Tan Lin are. They once eliminated two Gewas mechas underwater!

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