Star Boss, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 474: 474. The Meritorious Charlotte? Gevos shrouded in doubt? All kinds of reasons for not b

These doubts arose in Charlotte's mind. She could think of these, and so could Gusta and the others.

Recently, the top management of Gevos will definitely start to screen this "conspirator" in some secret and difficult-to-detect way.

In fact, just as Charlotte expected, the college's top management had already linked this matter to what happened during the freshmen's physical training.

Although the matter has officially been settled and concluded, it has been under investigation privately.

Rather, it was Major General Randall who had been following up.

After all, there are a lot of doubts here.

Not only was it reported by Encore that someone was killing Xinsheng, there was also a man-made structure discovered deep underground during the search and rescue of survivors.

This should have been a very important clue, but when it was discovered, it had been destroyed by man-made fire.

And according to the judgment of several professors from the weapons and equipment branch, it was in a state that had just been destroyed by fire not long ago.

The person in charge at that time, Professor Li Chengfeng, once said that before the accident, the scene had been closely monitored by "golden eagles" and no teacher had been close to the site of the incident.

After the accident, the teachers also formed a team to carry out search and rescue work, and no one was left alone.

All the fingers are pointed at the freshmen of Charlotte's class.

Now that this matter seems to be the work of an insider, everyone will naturally think of the mastermind who has never been found out before.

Therefore, after this incident, the hospital contacted Ares Randall again, reported the relevant situation to him, and asked for his investigation help.

Events that had been unresolved before are now merged with the latest events, and there may be some new progress.

Of course, as far as Gewarth is concerned, he will not rely entirely on the military, and some investigations will be carried out within the college.

For a moment, Gervath was shrouded in doubt, and there was no joyful atmosphere after the friendly match some time ago.

Because Gusta's laboratory was broken into, the Gervos hospital organized each branch to conduct a self-examination to see if there were any other losses.

Fortunately, after the inventory was completed, no other losses were found.

However, such results are naturally more worthy of attention.

Why focus solely on Professor Gusta’s Laboratory No. 3? Do you want to break in at the risk of causing such a big commotion and exposing yourself?

The people behind the scenes will not know that if they do this, they will undoubtedly expose their existence.

Even if the incident was not noticed for a moment due to the chaos of the scene in Gevos, it would definitely be found out afterwards.

If it was really the work of the "insider", that person had been hiding in Gevos for so long and was exposed so easily?

Presumably what that person wants to steal is so important that even if he is exposed, it doesn't matter. What exactly is the other person trying to steal?

Not only the academy is thinking about these issues, but Charlotte is also thinking about it.

Even if you take such a big risk, you still have to take action. What you want to steal shouldn't be something insignificant.

If it is Professor Gusta, what is his most important technical achievement?

Soon, an answer was revealed.

Professor Gusta's most famous new technology recently, isn't it the reduction of the pain frequency of mechas?

Moreover, this technology itself has great significance across the ages. It can completely change the history of mechas, and it will definitely be recorded in the annals of history.

In this case, it makes sense for the people behind the scenes to go to such great lengths.

Charlotte thought further and now based on the information she has obtained, it seems that those who are related to the "ghost" are members of the "Taotie".

In other words, the person who wants to obtain Professor Gusta's research data is also the "Taotie" organization?

This seemed to be a reasonable motive, but Charlotte always felt that there seemed to be some information that she didn't know.

Could it be that "Taotie" also plans to research mechas? But as far as the mecha's biological purpose is concerned, it's completely unnecessary.

Or do they want to develop mechas and use them to deal with ordinary federal people?

But they are engaged in shady business, and they are not purely interested in killing people. This is also unreasonable.

Or do they want to use these mechas to deal with the military's ground troops? This is more likely.

However, Charlotte felt that instead of putting so much effort into studying mechas that they were not good at, "Taotie" might as well study warships, which were the weapons that could compete with the military on a large scale.

After thinking about it, Charlotte couldn't figure out a valid reason.

In recent days, because the situational simulation drill venue needs repairs and maintenance, the senior students have not been able to train.

Lessons for the lower grades remained as usual and seemed unaffected by the turmoil.

However, when such a big thing happened, all personnel were organized to evacuate at that time. Even if there was no real accident later, the teachers and students would definitely discuss it in private.

Especially for the Mecha Branch, because the incident happened in their internal teaching place, there will be more discussions.

During Charlotte's daily activities within the branch, she heard many people talk about this matter.

Especially when they see her, an important person involved, everyone will take the initiative to ask a few questions.

However, Charlotte always gave very brief answers and did not talk much.

People who were familiar with Xia Luo, such as Qin Shaoyang and Chu Pengfei, were already anxious to care about Xia Luo's situation as soon as the crisis was resolved that day.

God knows how unexpected it was when they were told to evacuate immediately and seek refuge.

Especially when I heard the professors talking privately that the only person holding back the 120 mechas on the front line was Charlotte.

Qin Shaoyang and Chu Pengfei were so excited that they rushed over to help.

Eric, Han Jiaxin and other companions who fought alongside Charlotte are the same.

If he hadn't been stopped by a few professors from the college, these passionate men from the mecha piloting department wouldn't have let Charlotte face danger alone.

It's just that the college leaders have their own considerations and cannot act impulsively like their students.

It was only after learning that Charlotte was safe and sound that her usual friends finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Afterwards, people from other branches, such as Li Xinmiao, Tang Letian, Su Xi, Jin, Qiao Ling, and Su Nuo, also expressed their concern to Charlotte one after another.

Charlotte is different now from when she first entered school. She is always surrounded by a group of peers.

In this accident, Charlotte made a meritorious deed.

In the eyes of the academy, although Charlotte solved this major crisis by "coincidence", he still showed his solid skills in mecha piloting.

Such a student with strong mecha driving ability has made a significant contribution to the college, so the college naturally wants to give him some rewards.

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