Star Boss, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 493: Dog-Eared Qi Yang of Langhuan Military Academy! Different presentation methods of B-lev

Compared with the boy in front of him, Xu Zhijie and Shen Youning did not have animalistic appearances.

In fact, it is relatively normal to have traces of animal transformation.

After all, Gevos and Palton are military academies located at the top of the entire Star Federation. Most of the students there are from good backgrounds, and there are a lot of A-level genes.

Even the number of S-class super gene carriers has not been small over the years.

When Charlotte was in Gvos, she was used to seeing classmates who did not have animalistic appearances, but she would not forget that the entire Star Federation was still dominated by B-level gene users.

When he participated in a friendly match in Palton before, Charlotte also discovered that the appearance of the spectators from various military academies was also different.

Some of them will have no signs of animal transformation, but more of them will be obvious B-level gene users.

If it is a first-class military academy, in terms of personnel composition, there may still be some students with A-level genes.

But if it is a second- or third-rate military academy, then most of the students should have the appearance of B-level gene users.

Even in the headquarters of the 8th Army, there are many people with B-level genes.

Charlotte had already discovered this situation when they were eating in the cafeteria just now.

However, according to her observation, here at the headquarters, most people with B-level genes should be ordinary soldiers or officers with lower military ranks.

As for officers with higher military ranks, there are relatively fewer beast-like appearances.

The star field of the entire Star Federation is too vast, and the military units will need a lot of combat power. It is impossible for all people to be A-level genes.

In grassroots units, more soldiers, as well as low-level officers, can only be B-level geneticists.

On the front line of combat, let alone B-level genes, there will be many soldiers with C-level genes.

This also fully shows that whether it is an officer or a soldier, if the genetic condition is not ideal, the road to joining the army will be more difficult.

They are often sent to more dangerous front lines, and even if they have been in the army long enough, it is more difficult to climb up.

Those officers with B-level genes can only go up little by little unless they have accumulated enough military merits on the front line.

The unsatisfactory genetic situation often means that those people's family background is not strong enough, so the opportunities to get it will be much less.

For them, everything has to be done step by step by themselves, which is also the basic replacement rule for personnel transfer and promotion in the military system.

While Charlotte was thinking about this, the boy who suddenly appeared in front of him was also looking at them, and stepped forward to say hello.

"Hello, I'm a new intern, Qi Yang." The boy said with a smile, "Are you here for an intern too? Nice to meet you all!"

The boy's attitude is very friendly, and when he speaks, his expression is very sincere.

Charlotte, the three of them, as well as Xu Zhijie and Shen Youning who just met next to them, also greeted Qi Yang and introduced themselves.

Justin also told the other party very enthusiastically that he should go to sign for the luggage bag first, and then go to his dormitory to pack the luggage.

Qi Yang's ears are a little bit pointed, and there are short fluff at the base of the ears, like a dog's ears.

The animalized appearance of B-level gene users is also different, and there are many different ways of presentation.

Charlotte has seen dog ears growing on the head, and some like Qi Yang, growing on normal human ears.

Qi Yang's traces of animalization are very few, but there is a slight difference in the shape of the ears, which is almost negligible.

In the headquarters of the Eighth Army of this war branch, even if many people have a beastly appearance, it seems that it will not be so obvious.

Sure enough, in this kind of military unit, even the B-level gene carriers were screened.

During the process of communicating with Qi Yang, several people got the general information about him.

Qi Yang studied at the Langhuan Military Academy in Langhuanxing. Like Charlotte and the others, he also learned mech driving.

Looking at this Qi Yang, Charlotte couldn't help but have questions in his mind.

There are a total of 8 students who came to Zhanzhi 8th Army headquarters for internship this time.

Logically speaking, Gevos and Palton should each have three places, so there should be only two people left.

But now, Xu Zhijie, Shen Youning, and Qi Yang, how come there are three people who are studying in other military academies?

What about Palton? How many people will come to Palton?

Charlotte felt that there was no reason why Palton's quota would be abandoned.

However, the doubts in her heart can only be answered after Palton's people come.

Palton Military Academy is located in the A12 star field in the south, which is relatively far from the A17 star field in the north. It is estimated that there will be at least one flight transfer midway.

If you are unlucky, it is possible to transfer twice or three times.

Therefore, it is understandable that Palton's people have not arrived yet.

None of the boys were difficult to get along with, and after chatting for a while, they became acquainted with each other.

Because Qi Yang just arrived, everyone was very helpful to him.

"Have you had dinner? If not, I have some snacks over there, you can have some." Shen Youning said enthusiastically.

He is observant and has a kind personality.

It's past dinner time now, and there probably won't be any more dinner served in the cafeteria.

If Qi Yang came over at this time, it was very likely that he hadn't eaten yet.

Hearing Shen Youning's concern, Qi Yang couldn't help rubbing his head, and said with a smile: "Thank you so much, I was busy on my way just now, and I am afraid that no one will go through the formalities when I come here too late, so Haven't had time to eat yet."

He had an honest smile and every move he made was quite simple.

Shen Youning said kindly: "Then let's have some snacks. Let's make do with it tonight and have a full breakfast tomorrow."

Qi Yang smiled honestly again: "Well, I'm really sorry for causing you trouble."

Justin said next to him: "Not to mention, it is a bit inconvenient here. If you are hungry at night, you can only eat some dry food."

In Justin's opinion, it is indeed not as convenient as Gerworth.

In Gevos, if you are hungry at night, you can go to the restaurants and restaurants in the central square to eat, or you can go to the big supermarket to buy some simple fast food.

Even in normal times, they can store some food in the dormitory, and when they need it, they can operate it in the small kitchen of the dormitory, and they will never be hungry.

However, compared to Justin's thoughts, Eric said from the side: "This is not a school dormitory, so we can't ask for so much."

Eric, a rational person, suddenly woke up Justin and told him not to be too idealistic about his internship, otherwise he would suffer a lot later.

Tomorrow there will be a little interaction between Lao Qin and Xia Xia→_→

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