Star Boss, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 525. 525. Each major performs its duties——Come on,

Charlotte was not an expert in this field, but she could still tell that the soil here was particularly hard, a bit like hardened rocks.

In this way, it is an interesting natural environment. I don’t know what the specific cause is.

The scouts carefully inspected the mountains surrounding the signal point and found several accessible locations.

Immediately afterwards, Charlotte and the other interns followed the regular troops to their destination.

Judging from the first point, this is a section of the mountain, a steeper side.

At this time, there were many gravel blocks stacked around this section.

Judging from the fragmentation of the stones, the color and luster are still relatively new, as if they were damaged not long ago.

Charlotte learned from a brief exchange between several captains that this place should have been a natural cave entrance.

Today, the entrance to the cave has been blocked by collapsed rubble, making it temporarily inaccessible.

However, based on the location of the signal points in the mountains and the stations where scientific researchers were not far away, the scouts had already drawn some conclusions.

They can basically determine that the mission target enters the mountain through this cave.

After a while of communication, these well-trained search and rescue teams took action.

The Firestorm Stone Skin Group was next on the scene. They were the first to use survey instruments to estimate the thickness of the mountain and the spatial structure within a certain distance.

With the help of advanced equipment, they can instantly generate a holographic map within a certain range to form a three-dimensional and intuitive image.

However, due to the obstacles and constraints of the internal environment of the mountain, the holographic image map cannot achieve full coverage.

However, these map images are sufficient for the Firestoneskin group's search for points.

After completing the mapping of the local area, three of the Firestorm Stonehide team stepped forward carrying the metal box.

Pushing the button, they opened the metal case.

Neatly placed in the box is the "Pangolin" - a precise firestorm stone-skin weapon.

This is a professional pyrotechnic equipment specially provided by the military. However, it is not as uncontrollable as a single pyrotechnic, but can achieve extremely high accuracy.

In this kind of mountain environment, the safety factor of using this kind of equipment will be higher, and it can avoid mountain collapse and landslides caused by firestorms to the greatest extent.

The disc-shaped metal equipment was directly fastened to the most suitable position on the mountain. The three soldiers responsible for fixing the firestorm stone skin quickly manually entered the various data from the previous exploration on the "Pangolin" to adjust the firestorm stone skin. Power and range.

Immediately, the group retreated a little distance.

After retreating beyond a certain range, they activated the terminal equipment in their hands.

Immediately, the disc device sounded a crisp electronic sound.

Along with this burst of electronic sound, a burst of light red light spread outward, gradually covering a circular area.

Three "pangolins", three circles.

They overlap each other to form a larger circle.

Immediately afterwards, Charlotte saw that within the area covered by this large circle, the rocks were gradually broken into stones.

Soon, the stone broke into particles and then turned into powder.

The powder formed after the crushed stones vibrated slightly in the air.

Suddenly, the small area where the "Pangolin" was operating was completely covered in smoke and dust.

Everyone's vision was blocked for a moment.

After waiting patiently for a while, after the dust dispersed, everything in front of me became clear again.

A circular hole suddenly appeared on the mountain that was originally blocked by rubble.

Although it is not as big as the original natural cave entrance, it is still large enough for the search and rescue team to enter.

The entire blasting process is fast, quiet, and very precise.

Except for the area just covered by the light red aperture and its edges, the rest of the mountain will be basically unaffected.

This is a firestone method that directly acts on the inside of the stone and crushes the stone from the inside, rather than the traditional firestone method that relies on external firepower.

Charlotte has never seen this kind of firestorm stone skin method on the earth before. It is a product of military fighting skills in the interstellar era.

Precise positioning, minimal noise, and no need to worry about the mountain collapsing in the strong firestorm stone skin of Gongdanyao. These are the advanced features of this equipment.

Charlotte has taken a series of core courses in the weapons and equipment branch, so she knows the general principle of this equipment - it is based on the principle of combining high-frequency vibration and low-light particle penetration, thereby directly destroying the internal structure of the object, accurately and efficiently.

The three circles formed by the firestorm stone were next to each other, forming a larger round hole.

Looking from the outside, it was pitch black inside the cave, and the situation could not be clearly seen for the time being.

Charlotte guessed that it should be the original natural path inside the mountain.

It seems that the people in the Firestorm Stonehide Group found the spot very accurately.

Of course, this also benefited from the previous investigation by the scouts.

Based on sufficient reconnaissance, the Firestorm Stonehide Team already knew that this place would be connected to the internal space for advancement.

Immediately afterwards, the person in charge of the Firestorm Stone Skin took out the search equipment and some military folding shovels, and tidied up the entrance of the cave a little more.

These folding shovels are made of special metal and are very sharp in normal mode.

If you encounter hard rocks and other solid objects that are not easily cut, you can activate the "light particle sharp mode" inside.

With the blessing of light particles, these folding shovels can really cut iron like mud. They have an extremely wide range of applications and greatly reduce the difficulty of soldiers' tasks.

The soldiers of the Huobashipi team in front of them were very fast, their movements were clean and neat, and the whole process was very orderly.

With their efforts, a small hole was finally formed on the mountain for soldiers to enter.

Everything was done quickly and efficiently, and everyone performed their duties.

They can often understand each other's meaning with just a few gestures, and then follow the established steps to operate, even the language communication is very little.

It can be seen from this that these soldiers are really well-trained.

The interns like Charlotte are not at the front of the line. Like Eric and Justin, Charlotte can only stand at the back of the line.

Even as interns, however, they displayed a high level of quality.

No one spoke casually, and everyone's expression was serious.

Everyone is concentrating on their tasks, and they all reflect their professionalism.

The Huobashi skin group completed their task and retreated to the side for the time being.

Immediately afterwards, another group of soldiers stepped forward, they were in charge of environmental exploration.

The entrance of the cave is so deep that the end cannot be seen at a glance, and no one knows what kind of dangerous situation will be inside.

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