Star Boss, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 565: Domino effect and catastrophe? Whose handwriting? Surveillance and operating room! The

They have no way of knowing what kind of creatures are in the biological breeding warehouse and what their risk factors are.

If the access control is forcibly broken and a domino effect is caused, it may be a disaster for the search and rescue team.

Now, all functional areas are closed.

People from the search and rescue team tried, but they couldn't get in unless they violently broke down the door.

And those creatures in the breeding warehouse, even if they are still alive, are still in a state of sleep.

Charlotte thought that the safer way would definitely be to move on.

And her judgment was also what Zhang Lianping had in mind.

He directed everyone to record all the information that could be collected in images.

While everyone was busy, Charlotte continued to walk forward.

Unlike others, as an intern, she was not assigned a specific division of labor, so she had time to look at each functional area carefully.

After the functional area where the biological cultivation warehouse is located, the next functional area separated by a transparent wall seems to be some kind of "operating room".

Charlotte saw something like an operating table in the functional area, surrounded by various instruments that looked like medical equipment.

Next to the huge operating table, there are trolleys that store surgical tools, and the tools on them are also various.

From the style of these tools, Charlotte deduced that this might be a place similar to an operating room.

Those tools looked quite big, like large scalpels.

There were also many tools that Charlotte had never seen before, and they looked strange.

Charlotte looked carefully, and she felt just now that the entire laboratory, including the various functional areas inside, seemed to be using relatively advanced technology.

Let’s just talk about the monitoring equipment inside the laboratory. It is designed to be very concealed, not the kind of ordinary surveillance that is exposed.

If Charlotte hadn't observed carefully, it would have been difficult to detect those surveillance cameras in the darkness.

In addition to the central area of ​​the laboratory, there are also various monitoring systems in each functional area, all of which are well integrated into the environment.

Even Charlotte was not sure if all the surveillance equipment had been found.

This alone can assess the advanced level of the equipment here.

Maybe along the way just now, there was that kind of hidden surveillance in the passage.

However, Charlotte had not paid attention to this aspect before.

But now that I think about it, there are indeed some "existences" that seem very inconspicuous.

Perhaps those are the various types of surveillance hidden on the wall.

Looking at these small and imperceptible monitors in front of me, they seem to be unresponsive, and I don't know if they are still functioning normally like the access control.

If they are still functioning normally, maybe they can take advantage of one or two.

Charlotte thought about this and prepared to find an opportunity to communicate with Alpha.

Looking at this laboratory again, from Charlotte's point of view, this laboratory does not feel any sense of age, let alone backward.

Everything here seems to be no different from the current level of the Star Federation.

It's still a little weird. Judging from many details, this pyramid seems to have existed for a long time.

But why can these equipment inside still remain advanced? It is impossible for anyone to update it in real time.

Could it be that very advanced technology was used here a long time ago?

If you think about it this way, wouldn't it mean that during the era of pyramid construction, the technology mastered by the builders exceeded the ordinary level of the Star Federation at that time?

Then the builder behind this is even more worthy of consideration. Whose handiwork is it?

This sudden appearance of the pyramid on the planet Sandra seemed to reveal the tip of an iceberg.

While Charlotte and the others were investigating this laboratory, the Search and Rescue Team 1 also made a breakthrough.

Under Ares' instructions, the search and rescue team 1 simulated the hour and minute hands on the mechanical dial and tried various time intervals.

Considering that the time when the main door was opened by the scientific research team could not be determined, the search and rescue team 1 tried cautiously in one-hour units.

Finally, after about three hours, they successfully opened the main door.

It can be seen that the time interval used by the door mechanism is not a 24-hour clock.

However, because the time when the door was first opened is unknown, the search and rescue team cannot accurately deduce the specific time interval.

However, this is not a big problem and does not affect the next actions.

On the other side, the reinforcements from Search and Rescue Team 4, after meeting up with the original members of Team 4, also followed Ares's instructions and took a small path, and then successfully rendezvoused with Team 1.

In this mountain, various routes are intertwined. In fact, many roads can be connected.

It's just that the map was not completely drawn due to the interference of the pyramid at the beginning, so no one would notice this.

Now, Ares has personally sorted out all aspects of information and further improved the map, so there are more possibilities for action paths.

Under his deployment, Search and Rescue Team 4, together with its reinforcement team, were all going to support Search and Rescue Team 1.

According to Ares, the risk factor of entering through the main entrance may be higher.

He is always like this, making judgments very quickly and accurately.

In Owen's words, Major General Xin was right, he never made a mistake.

At this point, after Search and Rescue Team 1 and Search and Rescue Team 4 reunited, they arranged for several people to guard outside.

In addition, after consideration, the captains of the two teams decided to send people back again.

Wait until you reach a place with signals and report the latest situation to your superiors again.

Everyone else entered the pyramid.

The three interns Justin, Ouyang Zongzhe, and Qi Yang were immediately assigned to Search and Rescue Team 4 after entering Cave No. 2, and they were divided into two groups with Charlotte's Search and Rescue Team 3 to conduct investigations.

At this time, they were also merged into the joint team along with the 4th team.

Together with others, Justin and the others were arranging their equipment and preparing for departure.

Originally, the captain of Team 4 planned to leave them outside.

However, the captain of Team 1 believes that now that there are more people in the team, safety is relatively better, and these interns can also be allowed to practice beside them.

Justin and the others were not afraid of trouble, and they all expressed their willingness to go in with the team.

So, they will soon enter the building together.

When Justin played in a friendly match before, he and Ouyang Zongzhe didn't know each other until they played together.

Now that the two of them are interning together in Zhan Zhi 8, they are naturally more able to talk.

"Hey, Ouyang, what do you think is in this building?" Justin came to the side and said, "It looks weird to me."

Ouyang Zongzhe adjusted the "sound pedal" on his calf and replied casually: "How should I know? Ask the captain."

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