Star Odyssey

Chapter 3930 No communication

"Have you ever seen a civilization that was made of bones? The bones were similar in shape to mine." Lu Yin asked, thinking of the dark square and the white bones scattered all over it.

The transparent moth said: "I haven't seen it before. I haven't encountered many civilizations. Basically, I will avoid them."

"In your opinion, how often do civilizations get destroyed?" Lu Yin asked, staring at the transparent moth.

The transparent moth thought about it seriously: "There is no answer. There is no communication in the universe."

Lu Yin exhaled, the more he understood the universe, the smaller he felt.

I used to think that the ancestral realm was the pinnacle, but there are still realms above the ancestral realm, as well as the ethereal realm of immortality. Even if you reach the realm of immortality, you will still die.

"Is there a truly invincible creature in the universe?" Lu Yin murmured to himself, but did not ask the transparent moth, but the transparent moth responded: "The universe itself is invincible. I heard that there are creatures that want to replace the universe and become that The supreme existence, but if the universe is replaced, will the universe still be the universe? A living thing, or is it not the original living thing? That creature is ultimately the universe or a living thing."

"This is a conjecture that has been circulating for a long time. It doesn't matter what the creature is or whether it can replace the universe. What matters is that this joke is funny."

Lu Yin looked at the transparent moth in trance: "A joke?"

"Yes, sometimes the universe will spread some jokes, giving a ray of light to this dark and deep starry sky. For many creatures, jokes are light."

Lu Yin smiled: "This is a good joke."

The transparent moth vibrated its wings: "Strong men, I want to join you. Give me a chance. Your civilization must have an immortal realm."

Lu Yin nodded: "Three."

The transparent moth was shocked: "Three? It is indeed a powerful civilization. You are qualified to capture civilization. I want to help you. Please give me a chance. I don't want to hide anymore."

Lu Yin said: "I can take you in. It's great that you are willing to help us. So, what do you need us to give you?"

The transparent moth said bluntly: "Qi of life, I hope to reach the realm of immortality under the protection of your civilization, so that your civilization will have the fourth powerful person in the realm of immortality. I will never leave your civilization. The more people understand the universe, The more I understand the appeal of your civilization, the more I want to be a part of capturing it.”

"How can I give you the breath of life?"

"Give me some creatures and give me enough time. For immortality, time is not important, is it?"

Lu Yin's lips curled up: "What about me? What good can I do?"

The transparent moth hesitated for a moment: "I can give you some of the life energy that your civilization gave me, plus the life energy and immortality matter that you already possess, you will definitely enter the realm of immortality faster than me. "

"Thinking about five powerful people in the Immortal Realm makes me excited. Powerful people, do you dare to imagine? Five immortal people are enough to capture any civilization and become one of the most powerful civilizations in the universe. It's so beautiful, strong people. , we don’t need to hide, we can lay out the universe, capture, capture other civilizations, and harvest life.”

Thinking of this, the transparent moth became more and more excited, and its whole body was trembling.

Lu Yin didn't know if it really thought so or if it was deliberately showing it to him, making him think that this guy was sincerely surrendering.

No matter what it thinks, there is only one result.

No matter how strong a creature is, no matter what it has experienced, it has its own limitations.

The transparent moth cannot understand Lu Yin's respect for life among humans. Even if Jiuxiao Universe will go on an expedition to the outer universe to exterminate life in the outer universe, even though the reason for living seems hypocritical, it is the fact.

They also respect life. Of course, it is not ruled out that some people ignore life, but those people cannot represent the entire human race, let alone Lu Yin.

This is human beings. Emotions are the characteristics of human beings. This is something that a transparent moth cannot guess.

The more it understands the cruelty of the universe, the less it understands that humans have respect and sympathy for life in the universe other than themselves.

Its plunder, killing, cruelty, and wisdom can only lead to one end.

"You are really afraid of the universe." Lu Yin said slowly.

The transparent moth was excited: "I'm not afraid now, I'm not afraid anymore. With the five immortals, we can make other beings afraid of us, and we will also become the civilization behind the springboard."


With a loud noise, the transparent moth's compound eyes split open, and the cracks spreading from its back spread all over its body in an instant.

It turned its body and looked above its head. Lu Yin was standing high in the sky, and the Lu Yin in front of him gradually dissipated. This was not an afterimage caused by too fast speed, but time, Lu Yin, stagnant in time.

"Why?" The transparent moth was puzzled as to why Lu Yin wanted to attack it. It had obviously surrendered.

Lu Yin looked down from a high position: "Since you are so afraid of this universe, there is no need to exist anymore. Wouldn't death make you feel more at ease?"

The compound eyes of the transparent moth suddenly became deep, like those luminous planets and the flickering light in the body, all concentrated in the compound eyes: "You despicable creature, I am going to kill you--"

Lu Yin raised his hand and dropped his palm again. The energy of life wrapped around his palm, and with extremely terrifying power, he fell with an indestructible force, smashing the huge body of the transparent moth to pieces.

The first blow cracked and the second hit shattered. It wasn't that the transparent moth had a strong defense. Its defense was actually very weak. The main reason was that Lu Yin wanted to find where the life energy was in its body and see if he could use it for himself.

It's a pity that he found the energy of life, but he couldn't use it for himself.

The energy of life dissipates visibly with the naked eye along with the vitality of the transparent moth, and it cannot be reversed.

Think about it, if the energy of life can be plundered at will, the universe will only become more chaotic.

The transparent moth spent a long time using its full sense of creatures and flowers to plunder the life energy of living beings. Even so, its life energy was not much more than Lu Yin's. Judging from its size, it is conceivable that it would have to pass through The road to plundering the life energy of living beings to achieve eternal life is more difficult than restarting the universe and entering eternal life.

So this is probably why it wants to take refuge with humans. With human escort, it can plunder the energy of life unscrupulously, much faster than before.

But it can never figure out how the human species exists in the universe. Although its cultivation has reached the limit of immortality, there is still the emotion of sympathy.

Or maybe it saw too few species.

The immortal substance was gone, and Lu Yin felt crazy and manic. He saw the immortal substance in the transparent moth merging into the void at an extremely fast speed and disappearing. It was a pity that he had no time to grab it.

The body of the transparent moth was shattered, and its compound eyes were wiped out by the terrifying force. Its resistance was meaningless, and it couldn't even utter a vicious curse before it died. Everything was too fast.

Lu Yin made a decisive move and wiped it out directly.

The weirder the creature, the less time you can give it to react.

The starry sky shrouded his heart, and the starry sky no longer contained the breath of transparent moths. Lu Yin looked at the mother tree in the distance, feeling that the battle in the universe was over.

In the distance, fully-sensory creatures are falling in pieces, losing their transparent moths, and their lives are also dissipating.

And those flowers are withering and eventually turning into powder.

Transparent moths are a disaster for this universe. This universe did not wait for the extinction disaster of Jiuxiao Universe, but it waited for transparent moths. This is the universe.

Maybe at a certain period of time, powerful creatures will appear in the Jiuxiao Universe and cause disasters.

I only hope that the three immortal realms can really make Jiuxiao Universe a powerful civilization.

The transparent moth knows too little about the universe. It has been hiding, but through its words, it can be determined that even if Jiuxiao Universe is not the most powerful civilization in the universe, it must be one of the civilizations standing on the top. If there are two more An eternal life is even more different.

I don’t know since when, Lu Yin hoped that Jiuxiao Universe would be strong.

His mentality continued to change, and the emotion of hatred had long since faded away. What remained was the same as those three people who were in the immortal realm and had knowledge of each other, and they had to survive as long as they survived.

This is a very simple wish.

Tianyuan Universe must survive, Jiuxiao Universe must survive, and humans must survive even more.

The Great Master said something that Lu Yin understood - "Maybe you still can't understand what I said now, but one day, when you have experienced the fighting and destruction between the universes, you will be able to understand it when you look back. Since it is a barrier, It’s also a burden.”

Tianyuan Universe is the barrier of Jiuxiao Universe. Once it encounters a crisis, it will be abandoned by Jiuxiao Universe without hesitation. However, at the same time, because of the existence of Tianyuan Universe, it also increases the possibility of Jiuxiao Universe being exposed. If Tianyuan Universe is not where humans are, why would Jiuxiao Universe drag it with them? Tianyuan Universe? Lan Universe is closer.

If Tianyuan Universe is abandoned one day, Lu Yin is not sure whether he will hate Jiuxiao Universe. He now knows very well how difficult it is to survive in a cruel universe.

Hate, may not hate, but he can choose to live and die with Tianyuan.

Lu Yin took a step forward and appeared in front of the mother tree.

I saw a huge mark on the trunk of the mother tree, from a transparent moth, which lives here.

This mother tree is also declining. It should have belonged to the main time and space, but it was moved here. But why didn't the transparent moth directly destroy the mother tree?

Could it be that it also knows that the mother tree can help this universe avoid disasters? Like the black mother tree that spiritualizes the universe?

Lu Yin raised his hand and placed it on the trunk of the mother tree. It only had a weak vitality, which was far inferior to the mother tree in Jiuxiao Universe. Can such a mother tree continue to survive?

After watching for a while, he raised his hand to grab the void, found the string of the main space-time sequence, and connected the main space-time with this time-space.

This time and space is no longer the previous time and space. Time and space overlap with each other, which also causes great harm to the mother tree.

Ming Zhui, Yu and the others arrived at this time and space and saw Lu Yin standing under the mother tree. They looked around and marveled at the magnificence of this battle.

"What about the creature?" Mingzui asked.

Lu Yin said: "Dead."

Mingzui and Yu looked at each other, shocked. They almost died after just being touched, but Lu Yin was unscathed. Is the gap too big?

None of them could see how big the gap was.

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