Star Sea Lord

Chapter 11

Shayuan Star is in a synchronous orbit.

Tens of thousands of purple warships surrounded six small fortresses with a diameter of [-] kilometers, protecting them airtightly.Numerous carrier-based disc fighters came in and out in an endless stream, traveling between the surface of the planet and the neighboring satellites. Along with them, there were also a large number of cargo spaceships, which continuously transported the wealth and material resources they had collected back to the fortress.

This is the occupation base of the Gambino people on Shayuan Star and its star system.Every time an administrative planet is conquered, the Gambino people's legion will leave a garrison fleet and a large number of servants here, allowing them to handle all the affairs of the fallen planet.

The most important task of these occupation fleets is to collect all the visible and movable wealth resources on the surface of the planet and transport them back to the base.Including all human beings on the planet, they will all be looted!

After these days of continuous searching, all kinds of spoils piled up like a mountain, and almost all the battleships and fortresses were filled to the brim. The Lord Admiral Demuqi sitting here was very happy for this.In its view, as long as this military operation is over, with its own merits, rich rewards are at its fingertips.You must know that the justice and strictness of the commander of Sagus Nuoqi is well-known throughout the royal court!

In the take-off and landing center of the No. [-] Fortress, a large number of disc-shaped spaceships with different functions and different missions are taking off and landing in a hurry. Under the dispatch of the air crew control tower, everything is in good order, busy but not in a hurry.

As far as the eyes can see, the interior space of the fortress is huge, like a huge super city!And it's a city made of purple-black spar and blood-colored metal!All the facilities are shining with a strange purple-red light!On both sides of the corridor with a width of tens of meters, murals full of weird styles can be seen everywhere!

A large number of Gambino fighters are either driving a suspension flywheel, or flying fast in the air with their own strength, coming and going in a hurry!At a glance, almost all fighters are not weaker than human beings with supernatural powers in the primordial star realm!

A flying saucer with a spherical flame emblem engraved on the outer bulkhead rushed over from a distance, almost hitting several cargo ships that had just taken off, scaring the nearby small flying saucers to scramble to avoid it.

Officer Gambino, who was in charge of air crew dispatching, looked a little unhappy, but after thinking about it, he held back his attack.In this civilized race whose internal hierarchy is so strict that it is almost harsh, the aristocratic class such as Yanyin warriors originally enjoyed a lot of preferential treatment.

After the flying saucer landed, the cabin door was roughly kicked open, and Razi walked out with a gloomy face. Because of extreme anger, the scales on the surface of its body had faint fiery red textures, and the continuously overflowing flame energy made The temperature of the surrounding air soared!

Several servants belonging to it approached tremblingly, but were blasted away by it unceremoniously.

"Get out! Get away from me!" It gnashed its teeth and roared at these servants, its thick tail flicked fiercely behind it, rolling up bursts of terrifying wind pressure.

Seeing that there are no more eye-catching goods within 20 meters around, it snorted coldly, stepped on a small floating flywheel with heavy steps, and rushed towards its own residence.

This noble Yanyin warrior does have reason to be angry: the human remnants found in the ruins of the city today all have the strength of low-level blazing warriors, which are far beyond the comparison of ordinary human civilians. If they can all be captured alive, For a noble like it, it is a big contribution!And judging from past experience, there may be one or several human settlements hidden behind these humans. As long as they are all dug out, Lord Demuqi will be very happy!

But what it didn't expect was that the group of human beings were unimaginably tough, and would rather die in battle than surrender!Seeing that there was no way out, the strongest human being didn't hesitate to explode himself, dragging a group of Gambino fighters to die in front of it!

As for the few remaining people, I don't know what methods they used to escape such a tight encirclement net!By the way, hundreds of brave Gambino people were killed!

In short, the Gambino people's encirclement and suppression operation, after paying such a high price of casualties, basically got nothing except for some corpses.

"Damn reptiles, damn reptiles..." Razi cursed resentfully,

"In the face of the great and noble warrior Wang Tingyan, it is unforgivable that you dare to resist if you don't obediently capture them! One day, I will kill and eat you weak reptiles..."

After venting for a while, it found that its residence had arrived.

As Yanyin warriors, the elite class in the royal court, the treatment in all aspects of daily life is naturally extremely generous!Even though it is only a newly awakened bloodline, it also owns a private villa as its own residence.The interior is magnificently decorated, and the beautiful purple and blue murals on the wall are all proudly written by the masters!

His mate, whom he brought back last month, had tidied up the room for the last time, prepared a sumptuous dinner for him, and knelt by the gate as usual, waiting for him to come back.

Razi glanced at it indifferently, swung his tail and killed it, then rushed into the hall without looking back, and began to enjoy his own dinner as if nothing had happened.

A few servants stepped forward, quickly carried away the corpse, cleaned up the blood on the ground, and sprinkled precious petals that exuded a fragrance.Everything was going on in an orderly manner, and it was obviously not the first time this kind of thing had been done.

This is a long-standing tradition of the Gambino civilization. Due to the special nature of the entire population's genes, the number of female individuals is far greater than that of males, and the number of Yanyin warriors who have the ability to impregnate females and reproduce offspring is even rarer. !In addition, the living conditions of the Gambino family who had not left their home planet at that time were harsh and their resources were extremely limited, so the elders of the royal court set such rules!

All clansmen who have awakened their blood and successfully evolved into Yanyin warriors have the right to choose and change their spouses at will!And all females of the Xing tribe are brought up by the clergy of the holy temple at the beginning of their birth. They are screened and assessed once a year. All individuals who are considered to be weak in physique and have no hope of giving birth to strong offspring will be "processed" in advance, so as not to Waste of precious survival resources.

After these female tribesmen become adults, they will accept the personal selection of Yanyin warriors. All female individuals who are selected as spouses, after being taken home by these nobles, will be rejected if they fail to conceive within a month. Kill without mercy, and then go to the temple to pick a new spouse to bring back.

These female Gambinos are out-and-out vassals. Unless they can also awaken their blood and transform into Yanyin warriors, they will have almost no status in the clan, even inferior to those ordinary servants!They must be absolutely obedient to their spouses, and they will be killed without hesitation if they disobey even a little bit, and Yanyin warriors don't have to bear any responsibility!

It has not been half a year since Lazi awakened his bloodline, but he has already fully enjoyed such privileges, and has changed several spouses in succession.Those beautiful female individuals used to disdain it at all, and they didn't even bother to look at it!But now, these beauties who were once out of reach for it knelt down at its feet one by one in incomparable humility, trying their best to please it, longing to be favored by it!That kind of psychological satisfaction is indeed immeasurable!

Perhaps, I will change my wife more frequently in the future!Lazi chewed the barbecue meat in big mouthfuls, thinking secretly.


At this time, the camp of the Grand Commander Sagus Nuoqi had left the main channel of wde-q2306 outside the Jingfeng star field, and was advancing to the depths of the Yuyang star field surrounded by a large number of elite personal guards.

This star field has been occupied for more than ten days, and all resistance forces have basically been wiped out. It is impossible to pose any threat to the camp, but the commander decided to stop there and not move forward.

This place is already close to the mainland of the empire, and if it continues to attack, the unforeseen consequences it may cause are extremely fearful even for the always rebellious one.

"Respected Your Excellency, the Great Commander, the main force of the human empire has left the border and entered the overseas dominion area!" The old Gambino wise man is respectfully reporting to it on the throne:

"Just half a day ago, we discovered their forward fleet, and there was a brief exchange of fire between the two sides! As a result..."

"What's the result?" Sagus Noch asked indifferently.

The wise man's expression was a bit bitter: "Our forwards gathered all the harassing fleets that could be summoned nearby. The number of troops on both sides was two to one, but the result was still a big defeat for our side. Less than [-]% of the tribesmen who escaped back... "

The Grand Commander sighed softly, bowed his head silently, looked at the scepter in his hand, and remained silent for a long while.

For this result, it is not surprising.The overall strength of human civilization is inherently stronger than that of Gambino civilization. Reflected in the combat effectiveness of the army, it is necessary to concentrate two to three times as many fleets and high-level powerhouses in order to tie with the human legion, and it must be commanded well. arrive!

The Gambino family is a nomadic civilization, and its productivity is not as good as that of the human world. The number of individuals in the whole family and the amount of resources per capita are far behind that of human beings. It is absolutely impossible to fully confront human civilization alone. Actual delusion! The bloody battle of the royal court 60 years ago has fully proved this point.

Although after many years of recuperation, this time it secretly colluded with some forces in the human world and caught the empire by surprise by means of a sneak attack, but that was just a moment of luck after all, not to mention that it only captured the outer areas of the empire's forces .If you want to make further progress, you will be reckless—the foundation and strength of the most powerful country in the human world cannot be easily shaken by its current strength.Although the Grand Commander is arrogant, he is not stupid.

"Velax, do you think we should immediately take all the spoils and retreat, or concentrate our strength and choose an opportunity to fight with the Imperial Army?" After a long silence, the voice of the Grand Commander sounded again.

The wise man of Gambino thought for a moment and said cautiously: "If we start the war like this, we will only suffer losses; but if we retreat immediately, the legions of the human empire will take advantage of the situation to pursue us, and we will also suffer losses! So if conditions permit, we still have to find a way Those who fight a dozen do not seek to win, at least let them understand our strength and determination."

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