Star Wars: The Silver Pledge

Chapter 222 Anonymous Account

Xiao En pondered for a while, and did not question the authenticity of this information. On the one hand, there was no reason to question, and on the other hand, there was no need to question: Although being unable to go to District 7 is a very serious problem, it is not impossible to solve.

Xiao En is no stranger to the geography of Tianxuan District. After all, he once single-handedly fought from the Ninth District to [Nirvana], and is fully capable of independently planning the route to [Rainbow Port]. Although it is certainly not as appropriate as the red-faced person, there is no better choice at this time.

After making up his mind, Sean immediately stepped up and quickly walked towards the ninth district along the abandoned passage.

The Jedi Apprentice's mobility was extremely astonishing, and he quickly reached the end of the long passage, and when he returned to the Tianxuan Ninth District again, Xiao En couldn't help but feel emotional.

In just a few days, he has experienced too many things, and his mood has almost completely changed.

It's a pity that now is not the time to be immersed in emotion.

Due to the warning in the wristband, Sean carefully avoided the places associated with the Seventh District, and found a route to the Eighth District from the red-faced man's map.

What he saw along the way more or less confirmed the credibility of the anonymous warning: Xiao En could see mercenaries coming from other places in various places, and the places directly connected to the seventh district were blocked openly, so the secret arrangement could be One can imagine.

Fortunately, District 8 finally left an opening. After a lot of twists and turns, Sean came to the block of District 8 along a purified sewer.

The moment you walk from the underground to the ground, a dazzling brilliance blooms in front of your eyes, and countless neon lights illuminate the streets with colorful lights. The ears are filled with festive music played loudly by various stores, and the head is accompanied by rumbling crackling sounds, and gorgeous fireworks bloom from time to time.

Xiao En was stunned for a moment, realizing that Tianxuan Eighth District was celebrating a festival, and from the impassioned advertising slogan, it could be vaguely distinguished that it was the most important [Happy Gathering Festival] of [Li].

"Ah, yes, today is【Happy Gathering Festival】"

This space city was originally transformed from five nearly abandoned large spaceships. Later, due to various opportunities, more and more spaceships joined in and transformed into various functional modules of the city. With the continuous expansion of the city, [Li] has gradually become a trade hub between [Kun] and [Xun], and even a port for external exchanges in the entire galaxy.

Today, the city no longer needs to rely on abandoned spaceships to expand its scale. It has a very complete industrial production system inside, but the history is forever engraved in the form of culture. For [Li], there is nothing more important than "gathering together" and "unity". The annual [Happy Gathering Festival] also arouses the joy of locals more than other statutory holidays.

Looking at the countless smiling faces on the street, Xiao En felt as if he had passed away. What he saw and heard in Tianhuang District not long ago seemed to be hallucinations—or what he saw before him was hallucinations.

Like a dream, Sean subconsciously leaned sideways.

A beam of scorching energy flew past his cheek, knocking sparks under his feet.

The dazzling lights and shadows were quickly submerged in the feasting and feasting. People on the street only thought that the light flickering on the corner of the street was some kind of special fireworks, and they didn't even realize that someone would shoot in the civilian area of ​​[Happy Gathering Festival]!

But for Xiao En, the fate of killing his life just passed by!

The extremely thin sense of crisis suddenly shrouded again, Xiao En only felt that every hair on his body stood on end, and Fei Yu's indifferent eyes vaguely appeared in his mind.

He backed away abruptly, as if to retreat into the shelter of the sewer entrance. However, just as he took the steps, his center of gravity swayed in mid-air, and an incredible constricting force burst out from his waist and abdomen, which forced the Jedi apprentice's figure to freeze, and then turned to the front again.

At the same time, a beam of energy fell predictably behind him, sparking again where he should have landed.

Sean immediately seized the opportunity, took two steps forward, and squeezed into the crowd on the street.

The sniper didn't follow. After all, Flying Fish was not Xiaxi, and he wasn't crazy about ignoring the casualties of civilians.

However, Sean only breathed a sigh of relief before becoming tense again.

The cover of the crowd is only temporary, and sooner or later the street celebration of the [Happy Gathering Festival] will come to an end, and the crowd will gradually disperse. Moreover, only the main road in the entire Eighth District has such a dense crowd. Once they leave the main road, the threat of flying fish will follow immediately.

And the main road in District 8 does not lead to 【Rainbow Port】.

Xiao En considered using the cover of the crowd to change his identity again, but he gave up this futile attempt when he thought about the flying fish's tracking ability.

The other party was able to track all the way from Tianhuang District to Tianxuan Eighth District. This tracking ability has reached an unbelievable level. It is impossible for ordinary disguises to deceive him.

At this moment, Sean's wristband vibrated again, and an anonymous account sent a new message.

"Go along the main road to the [Viewing Platform] and wait for my response."

Sean couldn't help but sink his face.

This is the first time that an anonymous account has sent "instructions" instead of "warnings", and it is also the first time that the term "I" appears in the message.

Is it because the other party realized that Xiao En was in a passive situation, so he had to step up support? Or is there a new change?

It's a pity that the Jedi apprentices have no time to consider the identity of the anonymous account, and no matter what purpose the other party sends the message, the content is worth referring to.

Sean opened the map and carefully observed the terrain of District Eight.

As Anonymous said, continue along the main road, and you will soon arrive at the [Viewing Stage]. That is the nearest place from Tianxuan Eighth District to [Buzhou]. Not only can you see the energy core of the whole city, but you can also see the famous [Xinghe Square].

The square is the political landmark of [Li]. Every floor comes from the abandoned spaceships that first formed the city. In the city's 2,000-year history, several major historical turning points are directly related to [Xinghe Square], and its political significance is extraordinary. So now every major festival, the rulers of [Li] will give a speech to everyone in [Xinghe Square]. The voices of political leaders will be transmitted to every corner of the city through the broadcast system.

Of course, it could be every corner except the ground floor of Tianhuang District.

In fact, Sean could hear the speeches in the square now, excluding the interference from the loud music on the street and the noise of crowds.

"I am delighted that our city has continued to prosper over the past year thanks to the efforts of all citizens..."

Chen Yao's voice came out slightly distorted through an old loudspeaker. His holographic projection was also flickering and noisy from time to time by the surrounding neon advertisements.

People on the street were immersed in the atmosphere of shopping and carnival, and not many people cared about the stereotypes of city leaders.

But in Xiao En's eyes, the images in the projection still have clear political meaning.

Chen Yao is still the leader of [Li]. Although his position has been severely challenged, he still maintains his position. And behind him stood the challenger Zhang Jincheng, who had a stiff smile on his face and looked dazed.

But more important than these two people was a young woman standing on the other side of Chen Yao.

No worries!

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