"Miss, what do you think?"

Nan Wuyou, who was first called by Li Yu, shook his head in distress: "I don't know, I just think that the other party must be uneasy and kind! That disgusting scum, you can't even believe a word!"

But Li Yu said: "What he said should be 80% or 90% true."


"Nan Yujin, your father once chatted with me."

Nan Wuyou's eyes widened immediately, and she said in disbelief, "Really? He actually was with you... sorry I didn't mean that."

Li Yu said: "It's nothing, that's what you meant. How could the patriarch of the dignified Nan family talk about family affairs with the leader of the mere civilian mercenaries? It's a very reasonable question, which makes people have nothing to say."

Nan Wuyou hurriedly apologized: "I'm sorry, I..."

"It's okay, I don't mind." Li Yu said, "Not everyone is as condescending as Nan Heli, and I don't expect to be able to cooperate happily with people other than Lao Nan. But in fact, when Lao Nan was around, He once suggested to me that if something happens to him, I can go to Nan Yujin."

Nan Wuyou's heart suddenly rose. Even though she knew very well that in Li Yu's current situation, it was impossible to put aside her prejudices and cooperate with Nan Yujin, but she was still afraid, afraid that she would be left behind.

Unlike Li Yu, Nan Wuyou, who is now alone, does not have the calmness to laugh in any adversity!

Li Yu said calmly: "Nan Yujin doesn't care about fame, but about actual profit. As long as it is profitable, yesterday's enemy can also be today's friend. Besides, although he is cunning, he doesn't know how to act emotionally. He can do any profitable business, which makes his business partners all over the galaxy. Because as long as you are not a sentimental person, even if you hate him, you can still get what you want from him.”

Nan Wuyou clenched his fists when he heard this.

"So, do you think that based on a rational judgment, we should accept his conditions?" The woman's voice trembled slightly, "Exit the dry galaxy to avoid the edge, and then feel at ease to be his lackey for fifteen years, until he consciously retreats from his position , hand over the power to me?!"

While talking, Nan Wuyou's tone gradually became agitated: "So, do you really think that he will keep his promise? Do you really think that the previous conspiracy and traps have nothing to do with him, and are all led by the Xia family? You..."

Li Yu interrupted helplessly: "Okay, calm down my little princess, I just said that the content of his statement is credible, and I didn't say that his promise was also credible. Think about it. Is it possible for a profitable person to be a gentleman? Is it possible to be honest and trustworthy? If Nan Yujin is so easy to deal with, why would I want to do business with you after Nan Heli's death? Wouldn't it be good to just take his line? Do you think Are you a good partner?"

This question made Nan Wuyou speechless, and the slight throbbing in his heart disappeared.

"Say so much, on the one hand, I am repeating your father's words, and on the other hand, I want you to understand. It is precisely because this person values ​​money over fame that he has no reason to persecute you too much. No matter how ingenious and euphemistic his plot is, , the final result, after all, is that he pushed out the legitimate heir, even if people can't get evidence, it doesn't prevent them from suspecting the biggest vested interest."

Nan Wuyou nodded, this is indeed the truth.

"He said that his position is not stable. He is not lying. Even Nan Du, who believes in procedural justice, can't understand him and secretly supported you. How many other elders really believe him?"

Nan Wuyou couldn't help retorting: "So what if you're not convinced? If there is no more suitable candidate, why don't you push him up? If you don't believe him in the first few years, after he sits in the position of Patriarch for a few years and uses his means enough, people will Naturally convinced! My father stumbled and stumbled in the first few years! Since Nan Yujin wants to be the head of the Nan family, how could he not have the awareness to overcome difficulties!"

Li Yu said: "Of course he has this awareness, that's why he accepted the Xia family's conditions and expelled you from the family meeting in a clever and domineering way. But in fact, he has a better choice: put on the posture of a saint Supporting you to the top, and then making you the regent. For him, the benefits will not be small, because with you at the front, all the old and young left by Lao Nan will obey him. "

Nan Wuyou said: "But I won't, I will overthrow him sooner or later."

Li Yu said: "He didn't expect to be able to suppress you all the time, it's not worth it, as long as you retreat bravely when you are full-fledged, even if you pinch your nose, you still have to recognize him as a hero of the elders."

Nan Wuyou disagreed: "I've only heard that the bird's bow is hidden..."

"You don't have that ability, I can see that."

Nan Wuyou stopped talking immediately.

Indeed, the one who can kill all the heroes of the older generation is a rare hero, and although Nan Wuyou is neither stupid nor indecisive, but he is probably a few lifetimes away from the rare hero.

If Nan Heli really put on the posture of a saint the whole time as Li Yu said, then...then she really could only pinch her nose to recognize this second uncle.

"So Nan Yujin's statement on the stakes is not wrong. We are dead, and it will not benefit him. From his current position, he does not want to be a puppet of the Xia family, and he really needs to prepare more pawns to restrain him. And the It is a great deterrent for the Xia family that we secretly sent out the Qian galaxy, and this is indeed a matter of mutual benefit."

Nan Wuyou asked: "It's fine to send us out, but if you send Xiao En out too, won't he be afraid of the secret being exposed?"

"If you don't send it out, won't the secret be exposed? Of course, if the risks are equal, you should choose the path with more benefits."

At this point in Li Yu's explanation, Nan Wuyou finally had nothing to say.

As a matter of fact, she had a faint understanding of the truths Li Yu said, but she was unwilling to accept the deal from the enemy after all.

No matter how reasonable and beneficial what Nan Yujin said, Nan Wuyou was still unhappy, didn't like it, and didn't want to accept it.

But where does she have the right to call the shots? Now the so-called tripartite cooperation between her and Baiyin and the Jedi apprentices is that she is the weakest. Why should she affect the interests of the three parties because of her own likes and dislikes?

Now that Li Yu had refuted her to the point of being speechless, Nan Wuyou naturally couldn't pester her endlessly, but in the silence, she felt a little strange.

With Li Yu's temperament, would he accept a reasonable proposal so honestly?

It's true that Nan Yujin may despise fame and value profit, but Li Yu...

No one could guess what Li Yu valued.

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