Star Wars: The Silver Pledge

Chapter 312: Dominating the Battlefield

The charge of the Jedi Apprentice is still sharp.

Even after several repetitions, his physical strength was greatly depleted, and even the raging flames on the wreckage of the chariot, wrapped in a suffocating heat wave, greatly affected his breathing.

But with an increasingly determined fighting spirit, Xiao En's steps were not chaotic at all. He stepped on the flames and moved forward alone, facing a group of heavily armed [Black Wing] fighters.

In this relatively narrow passage, [Black Wing]'s firepower advantage is limited after all. On the contrary, a Jedi apprentice fighting with all his might poses infinite threats.

Once close, with the lightsaber of the Jedi Apprentice in hand, no amount of [Black Wing] fighters would be enough to cut.

So the key to combat is whether Sean can get close!

The oncoming rain of energy beams formed the first obstacle, but under the ghostly movement of the Jedi apprentices, most of the energy beams fell into the empty space, and the few who had accurate predictions could not Can't resist the Jedi's keen foreknowledge and superb swordsmanship.

In a blink of an eye, Xiao En passed the burning wreckage of the chariot, and the distance between the [Black Wing] fighter was less than fifty meters!

At this moment, the expressions of the [Black Wing] fighters were already clearly discernible in Xiao En's eyes! Facing the approach of the Jedi apprentices, they didn't panic at all, and their faces were as indifferent as puppets. And among the soldiers in the front row, someone was holding a flamethrower!

Obviously, Guo Shouming did not underestimate the combat power of a Jedi apprentice at all. Even though various deadly traps had been set up ahead, he still estimated the possibility of being approached by a Jedi.

This long and narrow tunnel is both beneficial and detrimental to the Jedi. When the superb shooting skills of the [Black Wing] fighters are not effective, then use unreasonable weapons to sweep everything.

When Sean saw the flamethrower, his heart beat slightly faster.

The sudden burst of thousands of degrees of high temperature could not be avoided by any body skills, nor could it be resisted by a piece of armor acting as a temporary shield. It was indeed a deadly threat—if he hadn't anticipated it in advance.

Sean had heard about the deadly threats he might encounter in the long and narrow battlefield. Seeing [Black Wing] really bring out the flamethrower, he made the right decision almost without hesitation. reaction.

He held the temporary shield in front of him, the lightsaber in his right hand brushed away the two passing energy beams, and drew out the short gun in his left hand to shoot forward continuously.

Jedi usually don't use firearms, but Sean and Mostima, the master and apprentice, are obviously not the usual Jedi. Sean's shooting skills are quite superb, and he has hit the target several times in a row.

It's a pity that the energy beam didn't penetrate the Pyro's armor, and only hit a transparent barrier, causing waves of ripples.

Under the protection of the deflector shield, the [Black Wing] fighters had no fear at all. The Pyro faced Xiao En's shooting without changing his face, and raised the nozzle.

At the same time, the distance between Sean and them was less than twenty meters.

At this distance, no matter how agile the Jedi apprentice was, it was impossible to avoid the oncoming torrent.

Life and death seem to have been decided.

But in the next instant, the Pyro felt his body being swept by an invisible force. He lost his footing and fell to the side, and the jet in his hand involuntarily tilted towards his teammates who were close at hand.

And when he realized that he had to retract his finger on the trigger as soon as possible, the flames had mercilessly devoured all his teammates in that direction.

This change came too violently and too suddenly, no matter how well-trained [Black Wing] was, panic would inevitably occur.

Amidst the panic of the crowd, the Jedi apprentice came in the lingering flames.

The Jedi apprentice in the sprint was like an unstoppable heavy chariot. He crushed the [Black Wing] fighters in the front row only by relying on his own kinetic energy. Those soldiers wrapped in black armor, like metal cans, were rushed to the side, and could only watch helplessly as the reaper with a lightsaber penetrated into the crowd.

The next moment, the blue light of the lightsaber swept across.

But the blade stopped abruptly before it could finish harvesting.

The Jedi apprentice looked at his wrist that was blocked halfway, and a palm covered with black arm armor that suddenly protruded from his wrist, and felt that the black hand was like a hydraulic clamp, trying to crush his wrist.

Without hesitation, Xiao En shot close to the body with his left hand gun, and several consecutive energy beams forced the opponent to loosen his wrist and dodge to the side.

Then, Sean was able to meet the opponent who suddenly restrained him.

As expected, Guo Shouming.

The leader of [Black Wing] is indeed not a commander who only knows how to hide behind his subordinates.

In the confrontation in Tianxuan Yudong, Xiao En only learned Guo Shouming's rigor and meticulousness, but he didn't really learn his skills.

Now it is acquainted.

Perhaps the normal Guo Shouming is not known for his frontal combat prowess, but at this time, the skin of Guo Shouming's neck exposed outside the armor is slightly red, his eyes are strangely black, and the whites of his eyes are almost covered by the diffused black pupils... It's not like the norm.

Sean didn't know what kind of banned drug he had injected, but judging from his grip strength just now, his strength undoubtedly surpassed that of Anping.

A Jedi apprentice will not easily misjudge the strength of the enemy and the enemy. He does have a crushing advantage over ordinary humans when holding a lightsaber. However, if the opponent is not an ordinary person, then many inherent experiences and impressions must be broken.

He needs to be more cautious, more focused.

With shortness of breath, Sean immerses himself more and more in the world of the Force, his strength becomes stronger, and the tactics he can use become more diverse.

A [Black Wing] soldier who was trying to sneak attack behind him was grabbed by his arm in the air, and the hand holding the gun was dragged sideways, blasting deadly energy beams on his teammates one after another.

Another tall [Black Wing] fighter tried to rush up to grab him, but just as he got up, he was hit in the face by an energy beam shot close to his body. A soldier next to him couldn't help being stunned for a moment before being pierced through the abdomen by the next energy beam.

At this time, Guo Shouming had just seen the opportunity created by his companions and tried to approach again, but just as his center of gravity shifted, Xiao En had already closed his momentum. He twisted his body and put the lightsaber in front of him. The defensive posture.

The Jedi Apprentice who has been strengthened by the Force has far surpassed the enemy in terms of strength, speed, and reaction. Although alone, the Jedi Apprentice is like a transcendent god, ruling the battlefield with his own strength.

In this small space, being approached by a Jedi undoubtedly means a desperate situation!

Xiao En stared at Guo Shouming, waiting for the opponent who had temporarily possessed superhuman strength after being injected with banned drugs to make the next response.

He has the advantage, but he won't be careless. The opponent is [Black Wing] who can miraculously arrange an ambush in the tunnel and set up an almost deadly series of traps. Sean doesn't think that the opponent's cards will be exhausted.

The opponent must have other ultimate moves.

And from Guo Shouming's indifferent and fierce eyes when confronting each other, Xiao En could clearly read his determination and confidence.

Guo Shouming didn't think [Black Wing] would lose, even though Xiao En had completely torn the Black Wing's defense line, the Silver Knights would soon rush to sweep the battlefield.

Sean was waiting for his hole card.

So he, who was deeply trapped in the enemy's battle, instead

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