Star World Legendary Guild

Chapter 1514: The Holy Pattern Union is framed

On the morning of May 17, Xingyu 1180, a market appeared in the Huilang tribe. The scale of this market had exceeded that of the Black Niutu tribe. Even some vegetarian orcs came to trade with human caravans.

Of course, this time the Holy Mark Guild received a lot of various animal skins during the three-day transaction, but it did not reach one-fiftieth of the animal skins purchased by the Holy Mark Guild.

Of course, the purchase of animal skins in the past three days also left the reserve of animal skins in the Huilang tribe empty. This also made Yan Tielong very puzzled, so he couldn't help but curiously asked Mukokofu Lang, how few animal skins did their tribe have?

When asked by Yan Tielong, Mukokofu Lang said that after learning from the human world, he believed that the wolves should not be so domineering, so he collected taxes from the vassal orcs, but he would not squeeze them to death, nor would he eat Kai Zhi for the sake of appetite. other vegetarian orcs, and now that some vegetarian orcs dare to trade with their tribe, it already illustrates the problem.

Regarding Muke Kefu Lang's proud narration, Yan Tielong couldn't help but praise the other party's approach. After all, Muke Kefu Lang's approach will stabilize the Huilang tribe in the future.

During these three days with Mukokofulang, Yan Tielong got a lot of information about the orc continent. Among them, the separation between vegetarian orcs and carnivorous orcs became more and more serious. Now a great shaman of the spiny goat orcs has stepped forward to challenge the carnivorous orcs. Some people are concerned about the safety of vegetarian orcs.

For the great shaman of the spiny goat orcs to stand up, there will naturally be support from a large number of vegetarian orcs. After all, if the meat-eating executives agree, then the vegetarian orcs will not have to live in fear.

However, when the man-eating orcs saw that there were too many followers of the spiny goat orc, they first gave in, then deceived him into a trap, and finally ate him.

When the followers of the spiny goat orcs learned that the carnivorous orc master had eaten their hero, they were all angry. After all, if they couldn't even agree to such a simple request, what hope did they have of surviving? The vegetarian orcs began to revolt.

It is a pity that the uprising vegetarian orcs were suppressed, but the carnivorous orcs also had a hard time, because most of the carnivorous orcs had many vassals, most of which were vegetarian orcs, and those vegetarian orcs began to work passively, even if they threatened their lives. It doesn’t work anymore.

Yan Tielong judged that a large-scale conflict between vegetarian orcs and carnivorous orcs would come soon. After all, Mukokofulang told Yan Tielong that the powerful senior officials of the vegetarian orcs were also extremely dissatisfied with some of the actions of the carnivorous orcs.

Mukokofulang also told Yan Tielong that the third force in the Orc Continent that can affect the Orc Continent has appeared. This force is the Fusion Faction headed by Shan Demeiluo. They want to convert the vegetarian Orcs into They have peacefully coexisted with the carnivorous orcs. Now they have conquered the method of cooking plants into food that can be accepted by the carnivorous orcs. However, they also encounter problems. This problem is that the territory is too small and there is no way to grow enough food suitable for cooking the carnivorous orcs.

Regarding Mukokofulang's statement that the Shander Melo clan did not have enough territory, Yan Tielong believed that this was temporary. He believed that in the near future, after the war between the vegetarian orcs and the carnivorous orcs, a large amount of land would inevitably be vacated. That's when the fusion faction rose.

Thinking of the war between the vegetarian orcs and the carnivorous orcs, Yan Tielong couldn't help but test Mukokofulang's opinion. After all, when the leader of a small tribe grew up to be the leader of a large tribe, his views would be somewhat different. However, to Yan Tielong's surprise, Mukekefulang actually It is recognized that the vegetarian orcs and carnivorous orcs of the Sander Melo family will live together in this continent in the future, otherwise the two factions of orcs will disappear from this continent.

As for the issue of choosing the three major camps now, Mukokofulang also said that he would side with the carnivorous orcs. As for the reason, he could not say.

Yan Tielong didn't say much about the choice of Mukokofulang. He just told the other party that as long as it was for the good of the tribe, the choice was correct. If the choice led to the demise of the entire tribe, it was wrong.

Mukokofulang was deeply convinced by Yan Tielong's response, especially when he personally learned from the prophet Mochizuki Sidna that the wolf race had changed from the strongest race to the second-rate race now, and even the rockland cat race was almost exterminated due to the incident with the elves. And not only did they not enjoy the treatment of heroes, they even lost their territory now.

Just as Yan Tielong was having a pleasant conversation with Mukekefulang, a guard wolf soldier came over and whispered something in Mukekefulang's ear.

When Mukoko Fulang heard what his personal guard said, his face became extremely ugly, and he said goodbye to Yan Tielong. He had to deal with some things.

Seeing that Mukokofulang's expression was abnormal, Yan Tielong couldn't help but ask what happened, maybe he could help.

The guard wolf soldier did not believe in humans at all. After all, what he reported was also related to humans. Fortunately, Mukokofu Wolf trusted the Holy Pattern Union very much, or he believed in Yan Tielong, so he agreed to let Yan Tielong go with him.

Hearing that the clan leader actually asked Yan Tielong to act together, when the guards of the wolf tribe wanted to say something else, Mukokofulang just told the guards that Yan Tielong was the human being that Prophet Mochizuki Sidna wanted to see, and asked about the human beings that the prophet valued. Do that?

Hearing the clan leader's reminder, the guarding werewolf soldiers were very surprised and immediately apologized to Yan Tielong. After all, their wolf clan worshiped Prophet Wangyue more than the Wolf King, because Prophet Wangyue only served the wolf clan.

Soon, Muke Kefulang and Yan Tielong, led by their personal guards, came to the temporary camp of the Holy Pattern Union and found more than a dozen wolf corpses less than a hundred meters away. At the same time, members of the Holy Pattern Union were confronting the Huilang tribe.

When the members of the second gang confronting each other saw the heads of their families and the president appearing at the same time, their atmosphere was intensely bad, but they were somewhat relieved.

Soon Lionte Aaliya came to her fiancé soldier. She told Yan Tielong that half an hour ago, their reconnaissance members found an orc driving an ox cart to a position 100 meters away from their camp. At that time, they thought the other party was The foreign tribe came to trade, but they didn't expect that the other party suddenly abandoned more than a dozen corpses and left quickly. When they realized something was wrong, a large number of werewolves blocked their route to pursue.

After hearing his fiancée's story, Yan Tielong naturally believed her fiancee's words, which made him wonder if it was the Wolf Queen of the Wolf Clan who chose a werewolf. After all, he now had a token that could become the Wolf King.

On the Mukokofu Wolf side, the werewolves who confronted the members of the Holy Pattern Union told the clan leader that they saw people from the Holy Pattern Union throwing the bodies of their people here and so on.

When Mukokofulang heard what his tribesmen said, he became confused. Then he asked the tribesmen to stop talking. Then he came to the corpses of the tribesmen, and then began to smell the corpses. Then he immediately asked his personal guards to surround all the tribesmen at the scene.

As for Mukokofulang's refusal to go to the other side, the humans surrounded the tribesmen who were confronting the Holy Pattern Union, and the surrounding tribesmen began to question the tribe leader.

Then Mukokofulang expressed disdain that as a member of the wolf clan, he had lost all his special skills and did not respect being a subject of the wolf god.

When the surrounded leader and strong werewolf heard what the clan leader said, he was unconvinced and asked the clan leader to explain clearly, otherwise it would not be a good thing for the clan leader's reputation.

When Mukokofu Wolf heard the leading strong werewolf questioning him, he actually grabbed the opponent's neck, and then dragged the opponent's body to the tribe to let him have a good sniff!

Seeing Mukokofulang's rude behavior, some members of the Holy Mark Guild couldn't bear it, but Yan Tielong and Shite Aaliya did not say anything to stop it, because they knew clearly that Mukokofulang was not only helping them, but also establishing his authority. , after all, the orcs all worship the strong, and the strong werewolf just now naturally dared to question the patriarch. If he hadn't been taught a lesson, the position of the leader of the Mukoko Frey tribe would have been unstable.

Then everyone at the scene and the orcs heard Mukokofu Wolf asking the strong werewolf if he smelled anything?

The strong werewolf was frightened at first. After all, he didn't expect that there was such a big gap between himself and the patriarch, but soon he was surprised and answered the patriarch that he smelled cat!

After hearing the answer of the strong werewolf, the members of the Holy Mark Guild were now confused, and many of the surrounded werewolves felt something was wrong, because many other werewolves knew clearly that there were foxes, sheeps, and cows in the Holy Mark Guild. , Rabbit people and many other orcs, but only the cat people, so the Holy Pattern Guild is not the enemy to kill their people at all.

Mukokofulang then told the surrounded tribesmen that he had just smelled the scent of killing tribesmen from the surrounded tribesmen, so in order to prove his innocence, he boldly let the tribesmen smell it.

After hearing what the patriarch said, the surrounded werewolves expressed their willingness to listen to the patriarch's words and expressed their intention to cut the traitor into pieces!

Soon many werewolves who were good at smelling the werewolves appeared. Through the introduction of Mukokofu Wolf, these werewolf elites could smell the betrayal of their contact with the cat clan a few days ago.

Not long after, a werewolf with cat smell on his body was caught. However, the werewolf explained that he got cat feces on it while patrolling the grassland. However, the werewolf with a keen sense of smell found a cat hair in the hair of the caught werewolf.

When other hidden traitors saw their companions being caught, they panicked. After all, they were not sure whether they had cat hair on their bodies, so some traitors suddenly broke out.

However, the wolf traitors couldn't escape at all, because even if they attacked a guard, they were immediately surrounded by a large number of werewolf soldiers, and even the werewolves who were inspected with them also attacked them.

Soon more than a dozen traitors were arrested, and the werewolves who were surrounded for investigation were all proven innocent and released. Then Mukokofulang said goodbye to Yan Tielong. After all, he wanted to get evidence from those traitors so that he could make a successful start. The name.


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