Star World Legendary Guild

Chapter 1527: The conflict between the two largest factions in the orc continent was ignited

At ten o'clock in the morning on June 8, Xingyu 1180, Yan Tielong completed the second follow-up treatment for Black Moon Ancient Shadow. Now Black Moon Shadow has gone from the first stage of advanced swordsman to the middle stage of advanced swordsman. This made everyone present breathe a sigh of relief. After all, they are also He was worried that Hei Gu Yueying would always only be at the level of a high-level swordsman.

After completing the treatment, Yan Tielong asked Qingyue Xiliji and the wolf girls who were observing the treatment if they remembered the steps just now, and asked him if there was anything they didn't understand that they could ask him.

Qingyue Xiliji and the other wolf girls heard Yan Tielong's inquiry, and they began to chatter and ask questions, such as why cupping was used and why that kind of medicine was used. They even mentioned that some medicines are poisonous and there is really no harm after using them. Questions and so on.

When Yan Tielong faced the questions asked by Qingyue Xiliji and others, he patiently answered them, and even directly explained some basic knowledge of human pharmacy.

After Yan Tielong answered various questions for Qingyue Xiliji and the others, it was almost eleven o'clock at noon.

The wolves attach great importance to Yan Tielong. They learned that Yan Tielong was a little tired of meat, so they actually got a lot of vegetarian orc specialties, such as milk products, grass cakes, and local fruits "potatoes."

While enjoying lunch, several members of the wolf clan suddenly entered the room in a panic, and they went directly to the senior wolf clan members.

Not long after, just when Yan Tielong was wondering what made the wolf clan so nervous, Moon Wolf Kodo found Yan Tielong and said that there was an important meeting for him to attend.

Of course, Yan Tielong was very curious about what kind of meeting it was, so he asked what happened to Moon Wolf Kodo?

Moon Wolf Kodo told Yan Tielong that he had just received news that the White Boar King's most beloved genius, Thirty-seventh Son, had been eaten. This made the White Boar King very angry and demanded an explanation from the Lion Clan.

Yan Tielong was a little surprised when he heard that the White Boar King wanted lion tribe orcs. Although the pig tribe's beast population was a hundred times greater than that of the lion tribe, the overall strength of the pig tribe and the lion tribe was still not as good as the lion tribe. The most important thing was that there were many pigs. The tribe is a vassal of the Lion Clan. The White Wild Boar King is asking for an explanation from the Lion Clan. This is the Pig Clan that will affect the Lion Clan's territory.

For a moment, Yan Tielong didn't understand why the White Boar Clan dared to ask the Lion Clan for help, but he thought this matter was not simple.

Soon Yan Tielong's inner thoughts were confirmed. The wolf tribe elites who came to report reported that now the elephant tribe and the hippopotamus and their group of twelve powerful vegetarian orcs represented the crusade against the lion tribe. In the words of the elite wolf orcs, this time the lion tribe went too far and dared to eat them all at once. Ten vegetarian royal orcs.

And now the Lion Clan sent a special envoy to ask the Wolf Clan to stand up for them. In the words of the Lion Clan's envoy, their Lion Clan did not eat the vegetarian royal family members of the Ten Kings at all. All this was framed by the vegetarian orcs.

However, the wolf tribe elite told the wolf tribe's top brass that he had received reliable information that the vegetarian orcs had evidence that the lion tribe's orcs ate vegetarian royal family members.

After hearing the words of the elite wolf clan member in charge of intelligence, the senior wolf clan fell into deep thought. After all, this time it was about choosing a platform. To be honest, the wolf clan was still in the recovery period and they did not want to get involved in right and wrong.

After the top leaders of the wolf clan communicated with each other, some senior leaders expressed that they would stand up for the lion clan. After all, they are carnivorous orcs. It would not be good for the wolf clan if the vegetarian orcs were too strong. …

Of course, there are also wolf tribes who do not support the lion tribe. In their words, their wolf tribe has been suppressed by the lion tribe, and they mentioned competing for territory with the leopard tribe.

The senior officials who opposed the Lion Clan's platform are now silent again. After all, the opposition was right. They were fed up with the Lion Clan's bullying.

When the support of the Wolf Clan's top executives was getting closer and closer to not supporting the Lion Clan's platform, one of the top executives asked Yan Tielong about his attitude.

Faced with the inquiry from the wolf clan's senior leaders, Yan Tielong did not give an answer immediately. Instead, after deep thought, he asked the wolf clan's senior leaders how well the lion clan controls the carnivorous orcs?

Hearing Yan Tielong's inquiry, the top wolf tribe nodded to Moon Wolf Kodo, so Moon Wolf Kodo told Yan Tielong that the carnivorous orcs were jointly controlled by the lion and tiger tribes. However, after the civil strife of the tiger tribe a hundred years ago, the lion's control was even greater. Be stronger.

Hearing that the Lion Clan had the stronger control, Yan Tielong thought for a moment and responded that he could stand up for the Lion Clan, but not to support him too much. If he used his words to support too much, he would easily be used as cannon fodder by the Lion Clan.

Many wolf clan executives expressed dissatisfaction with Yan Tielong's current support for the Lion Clan. Most of the wolf clan executives believed that Yan Tielong knew little about the Orcs and gave random answers.

Soon the top leader of the wolf tribe, Wangyue Hukes, discovered that most of the wolf tribe members were dissatisfied with Yan Tielong. He immediately asked everyone to quiet down, and then started to get into trouble with each other.

Just as Mochizuki Lakes was calming down everyone's dissatisfaction, a wolf elite ran to him and whispered a few words.

Wangyue Lakes heard the conversation between the elite members of the wolf tribe. He couldn't help but look at Yan Tielong, then expressed that he understood, and then announced to everyone that the prophet Sidna Wangyue had stated that the wolf tribe stood for the lion tribe.

Many werewolves did not understand when they heard that Prophet Mochizuki Sidna stood up for the Lion Clan, but they still believed in Prophet Mochizuki Sidna's choice. After all, as the three major prophets of the Wolf Clan, Sidna Mochizuki's contribution to the Wolf Clan was appreciated by everyone present. Werewolves know it.

But then two more werewolf elites ran into the council hall. They were the other two prophets of the wolf tribe, telling the wolf tribe's senior leaders to choose to side with the lion tribe, and requested that most of the elites evacuate the royal capital secretly.

After receiving a joint reply from the three prophets, the top leaders of the wolf clan sent representatives to the negotiation meeting between the vegetarian orcs and the carnivorous orcs.

Seeing that nothing happened, Yan Tielong returned to his room and prepared to take Princess Long Rias to lunch. As a result, a werewolf elite ran away and reported that a human claiming to be the Blue Lion Chamber of Commerce was looking for him outside.

Yan Tie

This chapter is not finished yet, please click to continue reading! Page 1 / Total 2 Long heard that the Blue Lion Chamber of Commerce was looking for him, and he wanted to ask some questions, so he let the members of the Blue Lion Chamber of Commerce come in.

Seeing the Green Lion Chamber of Commerce envoy, Yan Tielong asked him what his purpose was?

The envoy from the Green Lion Chamber of Commerce directly asked Yan Tielong if he knew whether the Wolf Clan supported the Lion Clan, and Yan Tielong responded in the affirmative and said that the Wolf Clan had sent representatives to the Lion Clan.

Hearing Yan Tielong's answer, the members of the Green Lion Chamber of Commerce were obviously relieved. After all, the senior leaders of the Lion Clan had just asked their chamber of commerce to persuade the Wolf Clan to support the Lion Clan. If they failed, there would be no need for their chamber of commerce to exist at all.

Yan Tielong noticed that the envoy of the Green Lion Chamber of Commerce breathed a sigh of relief. He couldn't help but ask what happened? Why should the Wolf Clan support the Lion Clan? …

Faced with Yan Tielong's questioning, the envoy from the Green Lion Chamber of Commerce thought about it and told Yan Tielong what happened in their chamber of commerce and what they had inquired about.

After hearing the lion clan's arrogance and disdainful attitude towards the human chamber of commerce, Yan Tielong couldn't help but frown, and then he asked the other party to wait a moment, and he had something for the other party to take back.

Not long after, a letter was given to the envoy of the Leo Chamber of Commerce, and he told the other party that the letter should be given to their person in charge and the password.

Watching the envoy from the Green Lion Chamber of Commerce leave, Yan Tielong muttered to himself: "I hope the human merchants can escape the civil strife of the orcs this time!".

Not long after, the envoy sent by the Blue Lion Chamber of Commerce returned to the Lion Clan area, but he did not expect that members of the Lion Clan actually searched him, found the letter, and asked the fox people who knew human language to translate it. Fortunately, they I don’t know the password, so the content of the letter is just a discussion of ordinary commodity prices, and there are no sensitive issues.

After there were no questions about ideas in the letter, the Lion Clan asked the Blue Lion Chamber of Commerce about the Wolf Clan's attitude towards the situation. When the Lion Clan learned that the Wolf Clan would support them, those Lion Clan were satisfied and allowed the Green Lion Chamber of Commerce's envoys to return to their base.

When the envoy from the Green Lion Chamber of Commerce returned to his station, he immediately handed the letter to Qingyue Kukus and told him the secret code hidden in the letter.

Hearing that the letter must be roasted with fire to reveal the hidden content, Qingyue Kukus immediately asked the servant to light the candle, and then carefully roasted the letter. Soon the letter revealed several typings, and the wolf prophet predicted that vegetarian food and food would be available in the near future. There will be a war between carnivorous orcs. Please notify the human chamber of commerce in time to evacuate, and be reminded not to tell any orcs, otherwise they will become enemies in the future.

Seeing the hidden content of the letter, Qingyue Kukus was very surprised. After all, they didn't think that the vegetarians and carnivorous orcs would find out about the war. After all, the two factions had been at odds with each other for hundreds of years. They had to fight long ago, but it would soon happen. Qingyue Kukus thought that the orc prophet did have the ability to prophesy, which made him believe it.

Then Qingyue Kukus noticed the second half of the sentence not to tell any orcs, otherwise they will become enemies in the future, which made him deep in thought. After all, he originally planned to report the information told by Yan Tielong to the Lion Clan, but now he cannot Don't be cautious.

Qingyue Kukus knows that he relies on the Lion Clan to deal with the Holy Mark Guild here, but once he takes action against the Holy Mark Guild, their Green Lion Chamber of Commerce will be linked to the Holy Mark Guild and the Holy Mark Guild in the human continent. If the forces are eliminated, it may even affect the human kingdom to which they belong.

After thinking about it for three days, Qingyue Kukus decided to hide it from the Lion Clan and at the same time sent someone to notify the more reliable alliance chamber of commerce so that they could avoid this possible crisis.

But it didn't take long for the Lion Clan to gather support from many carnivorous orcs. It can be said that the carnivorous orcs now suppressed the vegetarian orcs, which resulted in the incident being suppressed, but it also caused great dissatisfaction with the White Boar King.

A week later, the White Wild Boar King was actually assassinated. As a result, the White Wild Boar King lost three children and his beloved concubine. As a result, lion fur was found at the scene, which should also indicate that the White Wild Boar King could not bear to declare war on the Lion Clan.


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