Star World Legendary Guild

Chapter 1541: Rescue Lion Ellie and obtain the loot left by the undead

Led by Princess Long Lias, they blocked more than 400 undead attacks for two minutes.

At this time, Yan Tielong also completed his magic. Yan Tielong raised his hand, and a light ball flew very quickly to the ceiling above the giant skull. Then the light ball began to grow in size, and then the light ball exploded, causing the entire space to change. The white color made the unprepared Princess Ryas and the others blind.

As for the undead creatures, they immediately became frightened when exposed to the light. The bodies of many weak undead creatures had already begun to be corroded by the light.

When Princess Long Lias adapted to the environment, she saw the bright scene in front of her as if it was daytime, and saw the light ball on the ceiling of the hall. She couldn't help but ask Yan Tielong what kind of magic it was. After all, the magic trick just now was very similar to light magic. Intermediate level three light burst, this magic has a huge range of damage to the undead, but at most it will temporarily blind the living beings without any real damage.

Qiangran's third-level light burst is very lethal to the undead, but this magic is one-time and will not leave any light ball to continue to affect the undead.

When asked by Princess Longlias, Yan Tielong introduced that he had combined the third-level light burst and the second-level strategic light magic lighting ball to create a new magic. The light ball on the ceiling would absorb the light elements and reach enough energy. Light Explosion will be released automatically, and it will be released three to ten times. Of course, the power will become weaker and weaker each time.

Princess Longlias was very surprised when she heard that Yan Tielong had invented new magic. She must know that it is very difficult to innovate any magic. After all, a slight mistake will cause the magic to backfire.

After Yan Tielong introduced his magic, he did not stop releasing magic. You must know that his magic now injured a large number of undead, but it did not solve the undead. After all, these undead were all mid-level and high-level undead.

Then Yan Tielong released natural magic to summon a large number of vine-wrapped undead to allow other members to catch up. Faced with the undead who were unable to move and whose strength had greatly declined, Princess Long Lias led the ninety-one members to kill everyone.

Soon, only the huge skeleton was left in the entire hall. The reason why Princess Long Rias and the others could not solve the huge skeleton in front of them was because the huge skeleton was too hard, and even Princess Long Rias' Fire Scale Dragon Blade could not solve it. Cut off.

Seeing that everyone was still unable to deal with the giant skeleton, Yan Tielong was a little anxious. After all, the time for his transfer curse was coming soon, so he opened the eyes of the soul and realized that the weak point of the giant skeleton was the head.

Everyone heard that the giant skeleton's weak point was actually its head. They avoided the giant skeleton's attack while greeting the giant skull's brain.

In the end, Princess Long Rias seized the gap where the giant skeleton exposed its weakness, and once she found the Dragon Whispering Wind Blade, she chopped off the giant skeleton's head.

After defeating the giant skeleton on the road, Yan Tielong immediately rushed into where his fiancée was.

When Yan Tielong arrived at the prison where his fiancée was being held, he saw the scene of hell on earth. Many members who rushed over vomited when they saw the scene in front of them.

Princess Longlias saw the hell on earth in front of her. She couldn't help but summon a fireball to burn the scene in front of her. Fortunately, Yan Tielong stopped her in time. In Yan Tielong's words, they haven't found Lion Aaliyah yet. It would be terrible if the flames hit Arya the Lion.

After hearing Yan Tielong's reminder, Princess Long Lias canceled the summoned fireball. However, facing the hellish scene in front of her, she couldn't help but said that she would wait for them in the hall, and then left.

Seeing Princess Long Lias leave, Yan Tielong didn't say much. After all, he had seen many scenes of hell on earth and his stomach felt a little uncomfortable.

Soon Yan Tielong found his fiancée and ten members of the Shitu Martial Arts Gym in a prison that was a hell on earth. They were all wrapped in flesh bags.

Yan Tielong and dozens of members with good endurance rescued Shiter Aaliyah and the members of the Mingshi Tuwu Gymnasium, but Shite Aaliyah and the ten members of the Mingshi Tuwu Gymnasium were poisoned by more than a dozen kinds of poisons, most of which Poisons are all poisons that make people incapable of fighting.

Soon Yan Tielong carried his fiancée Shite Aaliya to the hall as a princess and began to detoxify. After all, the prison environment was too bad, and he did not want his fiancée to wake up and see a hellish scene.

Due to the mental preparation, Yan Tielong had almost eliminated the dozen or so poisons in Shiter Aaliyah's body, and some of the poisons needed to be slowly discharged later.

Just as Yan Tielong breathed a sigh of relief and detoxified the ten members of the Shitu Martial Arts Gym who were brought out by other members, Princess Long Lias came to Yan Tielong with some displeasure and complained that the necromancer had escaped.

Yan Tielong was not surprised at all by Princess Long Lias's complaint. After all, necromancers and necromancers were hated by all creatures in reality. If they had not had several secret passages to escape, they would have been destroyed long ago.

In fact, after Yan Tielong used the water of life, the undead magician hiding underground had already begun to prepare to escape.

You must know that the Necromancer had boldly sought trouble from the dark elves before, but was broken by the dark elves. If he had not been lucky enough to hide his consciousness storage and not be found by the dark elves, otherwise he would have been destroyed long ago, so he encountered When it comes to things and things related to dark elves, the first choice is naturally to run away.

Of course, the Necromancer also has many outstanding works. In order to carry those works with him, he let the giant skeleton block the way to buy him time.

After complaining to Yan Tielong about letting the necromancer run away, Princess Long Lias suddenly thought of something and told Yan Tielong that they had saved a person, but that person had some problems that Yan Tielong should take a look at.

Yan Tielong heard that Princess Long Lias saved a person, and he also became curious. After all, it is a very magical thing that there are living creatures in the necromancer's room.

Soon Princess Long Lias had a female body brought to Yan Tielong, and then Princess Long Lias accepted that the woman in front of her was found in a huge glass tube of the necromancer.

Yan Tielong began to diagnose the female body, and soon he found that the woman in front of him had no heartbeat. This made Yan Tielong suspicious. If the other person was dead, then her body should reflect the unique special effects of death.

Since it was impossible to diagnose, Yan Tielong used identification techniques to see if the other party was what he guessed.

After a few appraisals, the system showed Yan Tielong the information about the woman in front of him. After Yan Tielong read it, he showed a strange expression, because the woman in front of him was not a human at all but a semi-finished puppet that completed most of the functions.

Seeing Yan Tielong's delay in replying, Princess Long Lias couldn't help but pinch Yan Tielong. After Yan Tielong came to his senses, she asked if there was still hope.

Yan Tielong, who was disturbed in his thinking, noticed that it was Princess Long Lias. He told the other party that the woman in front of him was not a human being, but a one-to-one humanoid puppet.

Hearing Yan Tielong tell the true identity of the female body in front of her, Princess Long Lias and many surrounding members did not believe it. After all, the female body in front of her looked exactly like a human, and even the skin elasticity was the same as that of a human. She did not look like a puppet. .

Noticing that Princess Longlias and the companions around her didn't believe it, Yan Tielong just placed it on the left side of the woman's chest. A groove appeared on the chest of the female puppet in front of him, and there were a large number of alchemical lines under the groove.

Seeing the alchemical lines under the grooves, everyone couldn't help but marvel at the magic, and Princess Long Lias couldn't help but ask Yan Tielong, why did the necromancer make such a puppet?

Faced with the curiosity of Princess Long Lias, Yan Tielong guessed that the necromancers were already dead. If they wanted to integrate into humans, they must have the same body as humans, so they created humanoid puppets.

Hearing Yan Tielong's explanation, Princess Long Lias nodded in approval, and then asked what to do with this puppet?

When Yan Tielong heard Princess Long Lias' inquiry, he said it would be better to leave it to him. The female puppet in front of him was a semi-finished product, and maybe he could complete it in the future.

After hearing what Yan Tielong wanted, Princess Long Lias had no objection, so Yan Tielong put the female puppet into the space ring.

After putting the female puppet away, Yan Tielong was going to take a look at the Necromancer's room. He might gain something unexpected. After all, he could create a humanoid puppet, which showed that the Necromancer's puppet alchemy skills were very good.

However, Princess Long Lias told Yan Tielong that she had burned the necromancer's room, but she hid some things. For example, all the books and diaries collected by the necromancer were put into the space equipment by her.

The reason why Princess Longlias collects the books of the necromancer is because she saw the secret of immortality recorded in the diary of the undead.

However, what Princess Longlias didn't know was that if the books and diaries of the necromancers she collected were seen by Yan Tielong, he would tell Princess Longlias that the way to become immortal was to turn herself into a necromancer. Demon, and will also tell Long Lias that Princess Lias cannot live forever even if she turns herself into an undead lich.

Fortunately, when Princess Longlias was studying the secret of immortality in the future, all these books were stolen. At the same time, she also learned from Yan Tielong that the so-called secret of immortality was to turn herself into an undead lich, so she gave up. , after all, if the queen of a country becomes an undead lich, the people under her rule will destroy her.


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