Star World Legendary Guild

Chapter 1553: Cao Feifei and Chu Yi become apprentices

At about five o'clock in the morning on July 24, Xingyu 1180, in the front yard of the guest tree house of the Pingcao Elf Tribe, Yan Tielong and Shite Aaliya were having a swordsmanship sparring session.

At this time, Yan Tielong was already scarred. Of course, the injuries on his body were all superficial injuries. After all, the swords he used for battle training with Lion Alia were special unopened wooden swords. He did not try his best in Lion Alia. It was impossible to severely injure Yan Tielong.

Of course, Yan Tielong who was beaten and bruised was not Shite Aaliyah venting his anger, but Yan Tielong asking Shite Aaliyah to exert her strength as much as possible.

The reason why Yan Tielong asked Shite Aaliya so much was because he found that painless combat training could no longer improve his strength, and pain would make him subconsciously dodge and parry. In this way, his swordsmanship actually improved. .

Of course, Yan Tielong's training method caused their team's injury medicine to be consumed very quickly, and it also caused Yan Tielong to develop some hidden diseases that he himself was not aware of.

At around six o'clock, the battle training between Yan Tielong and Shiter Aaliyah also ended. Just as they were preparing to make breakfast together, the chief chef of the Plains Elf Tribe had already prepared a rich breakfast for Yan Tielong and the others to enjoy.

Faced with the warm hospitality of Chef Cao Feifei and Chu Yi, Yan Tielong helplessly told the other party that there was no need to call him master as yesterday was an equal deal.

Chef Cao Feifei Chu Yi responded: "Okay, master.".

Faced with the fact that Cao Feifei and Chu Yi didn't change their names at all, Yan Tielong was also very helpless. However, he did not refuse the breakfast cooked by Cao Feifei and Chu Yi. After all, the other party's vegetarian meal was really delicious. Yan Tielong had to admit that even among equals The delicious food cooked with the ingredients cannot be compared to the other party.

Yesterday, Yan Tielong used a trick to win over Cao Feifei Chuyi by making colorful mushroom soup from his fantasy cuisine. If he used the same ingredients as Cao Feifei Chuyi, he would not be able to win at all.

After Cao Feifei and Chu Yi tasted Yan Tielong's dream cuisine, she admitted that she was sitting in a well and looking at the sky, thinking that she was the number one chef in the Elf Continent, and dedicated the vegetarian antelope recipe to Yan Tielong.

However, Yan Tielong insisted on equal trade. However, after Cao Feifei Chuyi watched the dream dish colorful mushroom soup, she felt that her vegetarian antelope dish could not compare with the other party's dish, so she performed the unique elven apprenticeship ceremony on the spot.

Yan Tielong naturally refused to accept Cao Feifei and Chu Yi's apprenticeship. After all, he was very self-aware and could no longer compete with the other party in vegetarian cooking. It could even be said that Cao Feifei and Chu Yi taught Yan Tielong. After all, Cao Feifei learned through the system. After Chu Yi's investigation, the system gave Cao Feifei that Chu Yi's cooking skills had reached the master level.

When it was time to have breakfast, Hua Ziyi actually helped Cao Feifei Chuyi speak to Yan Tielong to recognize him as his disciple, and told Cao Feifei Chuyi that she was the daughter of the leader of the plains elf tribe. As long as she recognized her, then for their elves this time There are advantages and disadvantages to the mainland operation.

After hearing Hua Ziyi's reminder, Yan Tielong thought about it, and he also told Hua Ziyi that he couldn't compete with the other party in vegetarian cooking, and the other party could teach him just fine.

When Hua Ziyi heard what Yan Tielong said, she naturally knew what Yan Tielong was like, so she said that Yan Tielong could teach Cao Feifei Chuyi other aspects of cooking. In her words, there was indeed no one to teach Cao Feifei Chuyi in vegetarian cooking, but As for other cooking, she didn't think Yan Tielong couldn't teach Cao Feifei Chu Yi.

When Yan Tielong heard Hua Ziyi's words, he knew that the other party was right, but this was the Elf Continent and there was no need to learn other cooking methods.

When Hua Ziyi heard what Yan Tielong said, she said that as a top person in the industry, she would always find ways to improve herself. Maybe Cao Feifei Chuyi recognized Yan Tielong as a lion because of this.

Hearing Hua Ziyi's words, Yan Tielong was convinced, so he told Cao Feifei and Chu Yi that he could no longer teach the other party in vegetarian cooking, and asked the other party to consider it carefully before becoming a disciple.

However, Cao Feifei and Chu Yi didn't even think about insisting on becoming a disciple; so Yan Tielong held a human apprenticeship ceremony, which also caused the patriarch of Cao Feifei and Kui Si to come forward.

You must know that the leader of Caofeifeikuisi is a traditional grass elf. Like most older elves, he hates humans. After all, they are still influenced by the Millennium Events. After all, the lifespan of elves is three to four times that of humans.

Originally, the patriarchs Cao Feifei Chuyi and Cao Feifei Kui Si thought that Yan Tielong held the human apprenticeship ceremony just for formality. However, when they saw a pile of books about potions and cooking, they were shocked.

In particular, he was surprised when Kuo Feifei Kuiji saw some medicine books. After all, he was a master pharmacist, so he naturally understood the value of those medicine books.

In fact, Cao Feifei and Chu Yi could understand Yan Tielong's gift of cooking books, but she couldn't understand why the master gave her potion books.

Yan Tielong told Cao Feifei Chuyi that he really had nothing to teach Cao Feifei Chuyi about vegetarian cooking. After all, the other party was already a master. However, he also pointed out that the other party Qiang Ran's vegetarian diet had surpassed him, but his vegetarian diet was not as good as his. To make a medicinal diet, you must understand some pharmacology. For example, the dreamy dish he cooked yesterday, the colorful mushroom soup, is a kind of medicinal diet. There are seven main kinds of mushrooms that are highly toxic if they are alone. He relies on pharmacology to transform the seven kinds of highly toxic mushrooms into non-toxic ones. , and can even improve the user's physique.

Then Yan Tielong said that if you don't understand pharmacology and make the fantasy dish Colorful Demon, then there is a high chance that it will be a highly toxic dish if you follow the recipe. After all, a simple chef cannot tell the changes after neutralization of highly toxic mushrooms.

After hearing Yan Tielong's story, Cao Feifei Kui Si also thought it was very reasonable. After all, he was a master of pharmacy.

However, Cao Feifei and Chu Yi learned cooking because she didn't like pharmacy. Now that she was asked to learn pharmacy, she was naturally unwilling, so she wanted to try it herself.

Regarding Cao Feifei and Chu Yi's belief that he could cook a dream dish of colorful mushroom soup without knowing pharmaceutics, Yan Tielong was very reluctant to take out seven kinds of highly poisonous mushrooms; you must know that in order to collect these seven kinds of highly poisonous mushrooms, Yan Tielong had to pay a lot of money. It's a small price. After all, there are very few people who can recognize the value of the seven poisonous mushrooms, so each of these poisonous mushrooms is worth tens of thousands of gold, and they are still valuable but not marketable.

Cao Feifei and Chu Yi happily took seven kinds of poisonous mushrooms to cook, but she fell down due to poisoning within a few dozen seconds after arriving in the kitchen, and she didn't even know how she was poisoned.

After Yan Tielong detoxified Cao Feifei and Chu Yi, he pointed out that the other party couldn't even handle the ingredients correctly and wanted to cook a dream dish.

In order to prove his statement, Yan Tielong asked a pharmacist with a certain level of experience in the Pingcao Elf Tribe to cook a dreamy dish called colorful mushroom soup under his guidance.

In order to pass on his pharmacy knowledge to his daughter, Kuo Feifei and Kuiji actually appeared in person.

Cao Feifei and Chu Yi simply didn't believe that her father could cook the dream dish colorful mushroom soup. After all, she knew that her father's cooking skills were just simple boiled dishes.

An hour later, under the careful guidance of Yan Tielong, Cao Feifei Kui Si made the dream dish colorful mushroom soup.

Cao Feifei and Chu Yi have tasted her father's cooking. She said that the taste of her father's cooking is the same as that of the master. In her words, the colorful mushroom soup cooked by the master is the most delicious among the dishes she has ever tasted, while the one cooked by her father is the most delicious. The colorful mushroom soup can only be considered drinkable.

Cao Feifei Kui Si admitted his daughter's statement that the taste of the colorful mushroom soup he cooked was indeed very different from that of Yan Tielong. The efficacy of the colorful mushroom soup he cooked was almost exactly the same as that cooked by Yan Tielong. It shouldn't be said that the colorful mushroom soup cooked by Cao Feifei Kui Si is more effective than Yan Tielong. After all, he is more professional than Yan Tielong as a pharmacist.

As an elf, Cao Feifei and Chu Yi strongly disliked pharmacy, but she could still feel that the soup cooked by her father had an effect on her body.

Cao Feifei and Chu Yi witnessed that her father could cook dream dishes. She naturally said that in order to cook, she would study pharmacy.

Because Yan Tielong changed Cao Feifei and Chu Yi's unwillingness to study pharmacy, Cao Feifei Kui Si directly accepted Yan Tielong as a guest of honor and told him information that even Hua Ziyi didn't know. One of them was to find the elves who wanted to go to the prairie. The imperial capital is the city of tree gods.

The City of the Tree God is a huge tree of life with a size of 100,000 acres, but this tree of life no longer produces water of life and seeds of life, and it is also the largest tree in the world.

Having returned to the tree house, Princess Long Rias and Lion Aaliya heard Yan Tielong's introduction to the City of the Tree God. They were very surprised and couldn't believe there was such a big tree.

However, Lionte Aaliyah and Princess Longlias didn't know that Yan Tielong still concealed the fact that the City of the Tree God was actually the strongest person in the world and also the wisest. No matter what the problem was, he could give corresponding answers. The answer is that even the ancient creatures in the ocean are no match for the tree god. Unfortunately, the tree god is restricted from moving.

After listening to Yan Tielong's story, Princess Long Lias was very much looking forward to visiting the City of the Tree God. After all, she also had a younger brother with congenital heart disease.

When Shiter Aaliya heard her fiancé introduce the City of Tree God in such detail, he couldn't help but ask Yan Tielong how he knew about the City of Tree God. After all, the patriarch of Cao Feifei Kuisi didn't mention much about the City of Tree God just now. thing.

Regarding his fiancée's inquiry, Yan Tielong said that he knew about the City of the Tree God thanks to the ancient ruins and stone tablets excavated in the ruins continent.

When Shiter Aaliya heard her fiancé's explanation, she actually believed it. After all, Yan Tielong had been offering high bounties for various things written down in the ruins continent.


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