Star World Legendary Guild

Chapter 1566: Dealing with the battle with 00,000 undead

At about three o'clock in the morning on August 20, Xingyu 1180, the war between the prairie elf army and the undead army had ended for three hours. At this time, the prairie elf army had begun to clean the battlefield and treat the injured tribesmen.

Because Yan Tielong was a pharmacist, he also joined in treating the injured elves. However, what surprised Yan Tielong was the wealth of the prairie elves. They all directly used the water of life to treat their tribesmen. Yan Tielong even saw the legendary resurrection technique resurrecting those who died in battle. Elf.

Watching the high-level elf priest resurrect the elves, take a sip of the water of life, rest for a while, and then start the work of resurrecting his dead companions. Yan Tielong set his sights on the resurrection technique of the high-level elf priest. After all, relying on the copying ability of the Dragon Eye, it would be enough to watch it a few times. Can master it.

Yan Tielong's focus on high-level elf sacrifices caused dissatisfaction among the elves treated by Yan Tielong. It also caused dissatisfaction with Princess Long Rias and Shite Aria. The former was dissatisfied because his injuries were not treated, and the latter was dissatisfied because Yan Tielong was not treated. The figure, appearance, and temperament of the high-level elf priests they were staring at were all first-rate. They were jealous.

However, after the high-level elf priest had just resurrected his comrades who died in the battle, Yan Tielong looked at the other high-level elf priests and cast resurrection spells.

Princess Longlias, who had been paying attention to Yan Tielong and grinding her teeth in jealousy, suddenly discovered that something was wrong with Yan Tielong's eyes, so she immediately realized that Yan Tielong was using the Eye of True to copy the resurrection spell, so she whispered a few words in Shiter Aaliya's ear.

After listening to Princess Longlias's story, Lionte Aaliya couldn't help but ask if Princess Longlias was true.

Princess Longlias nodded, and then she asked Shite Aria to look into her eyes, and then Princess Longlias opened the Eye of Truth to observe the resurrection spell cast by the high-level elf priest.

What Princess Long Lias didn't expect was that Yan Tielong had seen the resurrection spell more than a dozen times but failed to copy it. As a result, Princess Long Lias had successfully copied it after seeing it once.

Looking at Princess Longlias who was in a daze for a while, Shiter Aaliya nervously asked the princess what?

Hearing Shiter Aaliya's concern and inquiry, Princess Longlias came back to her senses. She couldn't believe it and said that she had successfully copied the resurrection spell.

Lionte Aria couldn't believe it when she heard what Princess Long Lias said. After all, she just learned from Princess Long Lias that people with dragon blood can copy all magic by using the True Eye. But the more advanced the magic, the lower the success rate of copying, so Yan Tielong's eyes are sore now and he has not succeeded in copying. As a result, Princess Longlias was lucky enough to copy successfully once, and the last time Princess Longlias used the Eye of Reality It took him dozens of times to learn how to copy flash, but Yan Tielong learned it after seeing it several times. Copying the Eye of Truth depends on luck, and if you are lucky, you can copy it successfully after just one look.

In order to prove that she mastered the resurrection technique, Princess Longlias came to an elf who was killed in battle and was waiting to be resurrected. Then she began to recite the elf spell, and then released the resurrection technique to restore the fallen elf warrior. The result was that Princess Longlias succeeded. , but Princess Long Lias also showed a tired look. She did not expect that the resurrection spell would consume so much. The resurrection spell just now almost drained her magic power.

However, what Princess Longlias didn't know was that her resurrection technique shocked the surrounding elves. However, the surrounding elves soon realized that they directly sent the water of life to Longlia to help resurrect the elves.

Of course, the elf leaders also promised Princess Longlias that every time an elf was resurrected, she would give her a pound of water of life. Knowing how precious the water of life was, Princess Longlias joined the resurrection army without any hesitation.

It was around eight o'clock in the morning, and Yan Tielong's eyes were bloodshot, but he was very excited because he finally mastered the resurrection technique.

At this time, Princess Longlias was in a very strange state. She was too tired to move, but she resurrected nearly 126 elves, which also meant that she could obtain 126 kilograms of water of life.

However, Princess Longlias soon became depressed, because the elf supervisor in charge of logistics told Princess Longlias that their legion's water of life had been exhausted and could not be paid until they returned to the City of the Tree God.

At about ten o'clock, after cleaning and counting the battlefield, it was found that 6,386 elves were killed by the elves in this battle. However, after being resurrected in time, the actual death was less than 336.

The reason why 336 elves died was because they lacked vital organs on the battlefield, which prevented them from being resurrected.

As mentioned before, the resurrection technique has limitations. The vital organs of the deceased's body must be intact. If there is no important organ such as the heart, then even if the resurrection technique is used, the deceased can only be resurrected for a few seconds before dying at once.

Of course, some people will say that the dead elves who originally lacked organs can be saved by using mind-changing techniques or other organs. This solution can indeed be used, but it is an ethical issue. If one of the 336 dead elves is saved, The families of the other dead elves would definitely be dissatisfied, so the sixth princess of the prairie elves did not save the 336 dead elves. She took the corpses and souls of these elves back, and the families of these dead elves decided who to save.

Soon the organized elf army began to return to the city of the tree god. At the same time, Yan Tielong also followed the elf army. After all, Yan Tielong and the others felt much safer with the elf army here.

It was around three o'clock in the afternoon. While following the elf army, Yan Tielong learned from many elves that there was some hidden information in the City of the Tree God that even Cao Feifei and Chu Yi didn't know. For example, there was also a black market in the City of the Tree God, and there were other Human merchants and other information.

The reason why Cao Feifei Chuyi didn't know about the problems of human merchants and black markets in the Tree God City was actually very simple. It was because Cao Feifei Chuyi was favored by the great priest of the Tree God City, which also caused her to The contacts were all with high-level people in the City of the Tree God. She had not contacted ordinary elves at all, so she didn’t know about it. And most of the elves’ army were from ordinary people in the City of the Tree God, so they naturally knew the most real City of the Tree God.

The reason why Yan Tielong was able to extract so much information from the elf soldiers was because he helped with the treatment and gained a lot of favor from the elf soldiers. This allowed Yan Tielong to get a lot of information from those elf soldiers.

"The Romance of Fairy Wood"

At the same time, Yan Tielong learned from those elven soldiers that the city of the Tree God was richer than he imagined. In yesterday's battle, the consumption seemed to be very shocking. As a result, those elven soldiers told Yan Tielong that the consumption like yesterday's was not good for the city of the Tree God. To the city, it's a drop in the bucket. In their words, the elves have been stocking up on strategic supplies. This was all affected by the events in the Ruins Continent thousands of years ago.

Moreover, Yan Tielong also learned that in battles like yesterday, the elves in the City of the Tree God had fought the undead six times. Each time their elves sacrificed a few tribesmen, they were able to kill millions of undead.

Yan Tielong couldn't help but frown when he heard the elf soldier's story. After all, this meaningless consumption of the undead was meaningless to the elves.

But soon Yan Tielong thought of the identity of the mastermind behind the undead. He somewhat understood why the undead consumed the elves so much. After all, there was no such thing as a lifespan. As long as it did not die and continued to consume the elves for hundreds of years like yesterday, then the elves would also have amazing wealth. If it is completely consumed, the elves will immigrate or be exterminated.

Thinking that it would take hundreds of years for the mastermind behind the undead to use the undead to consume the elves, Yan Tielong was no longer anxious. However, he couldn't help but frown when he thought of encountering the undead when he came to the elves' road. After all, there were fragments of his aunt's language. , he was about to encounter three life-threatening disasters. He didn't know whether the one at Xiaoxin Lake counted. If it didn't count, he couldn't help but subconsciously touch the fire phoenix feather on the pendant around his neck.

When the time came to around five o'clock in the evening, the sixth princess of the grassland elves joined another army of 100,000 elves. This also allowed the army led by the sixth princess to have a good rest. After all, the elves were also afraid of undead attacks before.

During the rest period, Yan Tielong suddenly felt something was wrong. What was wrong was that the undead could easily summon an army of millions. So why didn’t the undead army attack the small-scale elf tribe and use snowball tactics? The City of the Tree God is reasonable. Why did those undead not destroy the small elven tribe, but instead consumed the reserves of the City of the Tree God?

However, when Yan Tielong looked at the huge body of the tree god, he suddenly smiled bitterly and forgot about the tree god. He thought that the tree god should have reached some kind of contract with the main messenger behind the undead, so that the undead only targeted the city of the tree god. At the same time, he It is also speculated that the mastermind behind the undead was unwilling to just attack the city of the tree god, so the undead secretly attacked the small elf tribe.

When Yan Tielong guessed why the undead did not deal with the small elf tribe, Princess Long Lias came over angrily. She told Yan Tielong that the elves clearly had a large amount of water of life, but they refused to pay her, saying that they must go to the tree god. The city is willing to pay for the water of life.

When Yan Tielong heard Princess Long Lias complaining, he immediately thought that Princess Long Lias wanted to obtain the water of life from the elf army that had joined the Sixth Princess. However, he also considered the reason why the elves were unwilling to pay Princess Long Lias. , presumably to gather the elven army for patrol. If they encounter the undead, it will be terrible if there is a shortage of resources after the war.

After thinking about it, Yan Tielong told Princess Long Lias why the elves were unwilling to pay for the water of life now.

After Princess Longlias heard this, she felt relieved after thinking about the war between the undead and the elves. She could only wait for the City of the Tree God to get her own reward.

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