Star World Legendary Guild

Chapter 1687: Qingyi Army Lubatutuk

After Yan Tielong had breakfast at around six o'clock in the morning on June 12, 1181, Xingyu, when he was about to go out for a look, the owner of Shuimeng Territory entered the hotel and was in a very good mood, whistling.

When Yan Tielong saw the hotel owner in a very good mood, he couldn't help but ask him what made him so happy and if he could tell him something.

Facing Yan Tielong's inquiry, the owner of Shuimeng Hotel told Yan Tielong that he went to Yinshi to buy ingredients. As a result, he learned the news that all the idle aristocratic children were seriously ill. Now the families of those aristocratic children are divided. Posts were posted asking famous doctors, pharmacists and priests to help treat the noble children.

Yan Tielong became interested and asked the hotel owner if he knew what kind of illness those noble children were suffering from, and whether there were any doctors or priests who could treat those noble children?

When the owner of Shuimeng Hotel asked Yan Tielong about it, he was obviously very happy, so he actually invited Yan Tielong to drink the finest wine from his collection before telling him that in the past few days, the families of those indifferent aristocratic children had naturally invited many famous doctors and priests around them. , As a result, both the famous doctor and the famous pharmacist expressed their inability to do anything.

Only the clergy of Mother Earth could see that the noble children had been cursed. However, the clergy of Mother Earth also said that there was nothing they could do. After all, they made it very clear that they were not good at exorcising curses.

When Yan Tielong heard what the hotel owner said, he was the first to not believe that the Mother Earth Church was not good at exorcising curses. You must know that the Mother Earth Church is nominally responsible for managing harvests and rebirth, but he knew that the Mother Earth Church was best at purification, growth, and Use the power of the earth.

The problem can be solved by the middle-level clergy of the Mother Earth Cult. It seems that the Earth God Cult does not like those noble children who do nothing.

In fact, the reason why the Mother Earth Cult does not like those indifferent aristocratic children is because those indifferent aristocratic children held a hunting game and killed a very popular high-level member of the Mother Earth Cult. The Earth Mother Sect naturally wanted an explanation, but unfortunately it was suppressed by the elders of the indifferent nobles. This caused great dissatisfaction among the grassroots of the Mother Earth Sect.

Ever since the Mother Earth Cult learned that the noble children were being raped by people from the Hades Sect, they just told the indifferent nobles that they were the so-called Hades Cult and stayed out of the matter. After all, for the Earth Mother Cult, the Hades The Lishi Cult also said that heretics were beaten to death.

The elders of those aristocratic children who do nothing in human affairs also really believe that the Mother Earth Cult can solve their children's problems, but they know better that they have offended the Mother Earth Cult so badly before. If they force the other party to treat their children, it will be easy to conflict. The Mother Earth Cult confuses the refugees outside, and maybe even the family will be destroyed, so they know that the Mother Earth Cult can heal their disciples but they dare not force it.

Of course, the gang of idle aristocratic families have now fully investigated the Hengli Sect. After all, they believe that only by finding the Hengli Sect can they save their disciples.

However, the families of those aristocratic children who did not do human affairs could not find any followers of the Hengli Sect. After all, they also knew about the actions of the Hengli Sect. They believed that members of the Qingyi Army organization did it. After all, the Qingyi Army organization had always wanted to kill their family members. The result was that they did find a stronghold of the Qingyi Army organization and surrounded and captured several members. Under torture, the members of the Qingyi Army organization confessed a lot of things, but unfortunately there was no information about the Mingli Sect.

Of course, Yan Tielong learned from the Dragon Claw members hiding in Kurulu City that since the members of the Qingyi Army were captured, they began to move their bases and used the captured Qingyi Army members to report the information they knew to set up traps for The nobles were armed with a harsh lesson.

After listening to the owner of Shuimeng Hotel about the situation of the gang of idle aristocratic children, when Yan Tielong was about to go out, Dada Kushen sent someone to find Yan Tielong. He gave Yan Tielong a special message. This news is that tomorrow the official 100,000 The army will enter through the north gate.

At the same time, the official army of 100,000 will conduct a wave of cleanup of refugees around Kurulu City to gain merit, and let Yan Tielong prepare in advance!

After listening to the information given by Dada Kushen, Yan Tielong couldn't help but frown, but he quickly thanked Dada Kushen's envoy and hurried out of the city.

After Yan Tielong left the city smoothly, Yan Tielong returned to the zero-hour camp. He immediately summoned the management members of the Shite family, the members of Dragon Claw, Mao Gelatu and Chalilis, as well as the newly recruited Li Hulede to provide thirty-six people. Members hold urgent meetings

When Yan Tielong told about the official arrival of a hundred thousand troops from the Kingdom of St. Martin and their efforts to clean up the refugees in Kurulu City, the origins of these refugees in Mao Gelatu were immediately shocked. After all, it was already very difficult for them to ignore them. Why didn't the official Instead of providing disaster relief, they were bloodbathed.

A member of the Shiter family saw the clue. He told Morgato and the others that the official reason why the Kingdom of St. Madern wanted to clean up the refugees was, firstly, to establish prestige so that refugees from other regions would not dare to mess around. Secondly, it was to reduce official disaster relief. After all, the entire Saint Madre Kingdom suffered a flood that resulted in millions of refugees, and the amount of various disaster relief supplies was astronomical.

Soon Yan Tielong and the others planned to move to another place, but soon a member of the Lion family asked Yan Tielong if they wanted to use the official 100,000 troops of the Kingdom of St. Mary to clear out the refugees?

Faced with the inquiries from Shite family members, after Yan Tielong thought for a while, he asked people to spread the news about the official cleansing of refugees around Kurulu City. After all, he did not want to see a man-made disaster leading to a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

Soon, Yan Tielong and the better refugee leaders of the caravan got the news that the official army of 100,000 people had arrived and were about to massacre the refugees. At first, they didn't believe it, but when they learned that the caravan actually threw away a lot of good things and packed lightly. They had to pay attention when transferring.

Among them, a Lubatutuk refugee leader obtained from the caravan members the official plan to wake up the refugees around Kurulu City. He immediately believed it. After all, he was a member of the Qingyi Army. He naturally knew that the official would really do that. So he immediately informed other members of the Qingyi Army organization about the arrival of the official army of 100,000 people tomorrow. At the same time, he also began to arrange for the transfer of his refugee arms to avoid becoming official soldiers.

Soon, members of the Qingyi Army organization received news that the official 100,000-strong army would arrive tomorrow. This made them very confused. After all, there was an intelligence system in the Qingyi Army. The official 100,000-strong army in the fortress was really a day away from Kurulu City. They were bound to get the news, but now they didn't get any news, so they approached the companions who passed on the information.

The leader of the Lubatutuk refugees suddenly saw a senior member of the Qingyi Army organization. He was a little surprised. When he learned that a senior member of the Qingyi Army organization asked him where he got the official army of 100,000, he would arrive a day later. He would send it directly from the Danli caravan. Reminder notification.

Hearing that the Danli Caravan had received the information and that the Danli Caravan had lost a lot of heavy objects and started to move, they half-heartedly received the letter, so they hoped that Lubatutuk would help meet with the owner of the Danli Caravan.

The Lubatutuk refugee leader naturally said that he had no problem with his superiors' requests. After all, it was the Qingyi Army organization that saved him and continued to help him, which made him what he is now.

At about five o'clock in the evening, Yan Tielong and his team entered Qinghuan Mountain, twelve kilometers away from Kurulu City, and set up camp.

The reason why Yan Tielong chose Qinghuan Mountain to set up camp was because the terrain here was rugged. As long as he made good use of it, he could kill 100,000 regular troops of the Kingdom of St. Martin with 10,000 refugee troops.

The most important thing is that Yan Tielong's natural magic power can be greatly improved here, so that even if he encounters the official high-level magician of the Kingdom of Saint Martin, he does not need to worry.

When Yan Tielong and others had just enjoyed dinner, Mao Gelatu, who was in charge of reconnaissance and patrol, came to report, and Lubatutuke asked to see him.

Yan Tielong was a little surprised when he heard that Luba Tutu asked for an audience. However, Luba Tutu had a very good impression on him. After all, the other party did not make any small moves to buy food and daily necessities for their caravan, so he ordered the other party to bring Luba Tutu. Ke came to see him.

Soon Lubatutuk and his two companions were brought to Yan Tielong, and Yan Tielong immediately asked the other party in a friendly manner if he wanted to buy anything.

Lubatutuk nodded and said that the refugees did have a lot of things to buy, but he now had a very important thing to confirm. This one was where did the caravan learn that the official army of 100,000 people was going to bloodbath the refugees?

Seeing Yan Tielong's hesitation, Lubatutuke immediately thought of something, so he said that as long as the caravan leader could tell him the source of the news, he was willing to spend 10,000 gold coins to purchase the goods.

When he heard that the other party actually offered 10,000 yuan to purchase the goods, he didn't think that the other party could afford that much money.

However, in the face of Yan Tielong's questioning, the two companions beside Lubatutuke actually took out more than a dozen natural gems.

Seeing Lubatutuk's companion taking out the natural gemstones in a casual manner, Yan Tielong told the other party that his source of information was Dadakushen, the son of the governor of Kurulu City. He also told the other party that he had saved Dadakushen. Shen, so he didn't think that Dada Kushen would lie to him.

Hearing the news from the governor's son, the two members who followed Lubatutuk were very surprised and then thought of something. One of the members of the Qingyi Army asked Yan Tielong to buy arms.


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