Star World Legendary Guild

Chapter 1785: Killing the core members of the clone family

[Xingyu World Legend Guild] []

At around ten o'clock in the morning on April 28, Xingyu 1182, in the Xingye Tavern in the capital of Xueye King, several drinkers were discussing the major events that had happened in the past few days. The most intense content was that there were five of the eight noble families of Xueye Kingdom. The great nobles fought among themselves, causing them to fall from a first-rate family to a third-rate, or even not-so-first-rate family.

Of course, the drinkers also discussed what kind of force actually reduced five of the eight nobles to third-rate status, and some even had their families ruined.

Some drinkers doubted whether the new queen was responsible. After all, it would be in the best interest of the new queen to turn the five nobles into inferior nobles.

Many drinkers strongly agree that the new queen did it, but some people raised doubts. The content of their doubts is that the new queen is currently fighting the barbarians and has achieved considerable results. If it was really the new queen, The new queen will not drive out of the royal capital because of the eight nobles.

Many drinkers were speechless when they heard that the queen had sent someone to do it. After all, as the questioner said, if it was really the new queen who did it, the eight noble families would have been dealt with long ago.

While the drinkers were exchanging information about the eight nobles, a guest hurried in from outside. He asked for a large glass of ale from the bartender. When he was almost done drinking, he told everyone that their king was assassinated by the Feilu family. !

Hearing that the Feilu family actually committed regicide, all the drinkers present were very surprised. After all, no matter how crazy they are, they should not commit regicide.

While many drinkers were going out to find out more information about why the Feilu family wanted to kill the king, a middle-aged man who entered the tavern from outside came to a bar where he had drunk more than a dozen bottles of empty wine. He looked at the drunken old man. I couldn't help but ask the other party in a low voice how he did it?

Facing the middle-aged man's inquiry, the drunken old man did not move. However, the middle-aged man said to himself that the first heir of the Feilu family did not seem to be irrational enough to commit regicide. A successor should be controlled by spiritual magic to be so bold and attack the kingdom.

When the old man heard the middle-aged man's analysis, he said in a disdainful tone, even if the first heir of Feilu was hypnotized, do you really think that the first heir of Feilu could hurt His Royal Highness the King of Snow Night Kingdom?

Facing the old man's question, the middle-aged man showed a surprised expression. He couldn't believe it and said that it was rare that the King of Snow Night Kingdom did it on purpose!

The old man heard the middle-aged man's disbelieving expression, but he said that the royal family of the Snow Night Kingdom had been shackled by the eight nobles before, and now that they had the opportunity to lift the shackles, he could solve those hidden dangers.

When the middle-aged man heard what the old man said, he couldn't help but ask, isn't it rare that the royal family is not worried about the backlash from the nobles?

The old man heard the middle-aged man's inquiry. He said that before anything happened to the five noble families, the royal family of the Snow Night Kingdom would be concerned. After all, with the combined efforts of the eight noble families, the king of the Snow Night Kingdom would also step down. However, now most of the strength of the eight noble families has been consumed, and The Queen of the Snow Night Kingdom has recruited the Taixue City garrison, and the royal family no longer has to fear the eight nobles.

Hearing the old man's words, the middle-aged man couldn't help but said: Senior brother, what should we do with the remaining two major families?

The old man heard the middle-aged man's inquiry. After he took a sip of ale, he said that they didn't need to take action next. He thought that His Royal Highness would take action to deal with the remaining two families.

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After hearing the old man's words, the middle-aged man naturally understood that the eight nobles were now extremely weak. The old king, who had been suppressed, would definitely not let go of such a good opportunity, but he wondered whether the old king could solve the remaining two families.

While the middle-aged man was drinking with the old man, a thousand elite armed forces surrounded the Starry Night Tavern. The old man in the tavern seemed to know about the siege force happening outside. He reminded the middle-aged man to leave quickly, otherwise there would be unnecessary trouble. trouble.

Hearing the old man's reminder, the middle-aged man seemed to sense something. He just drank the drink in his hand and left directly.

When the middle-aged man opened the door of the tavern, his figure entered a stealth state.

The troops guarding outside watched the door of the tavern open but saw no one coming out. They were a little confused, but naturally they couldn't let go of their target, so they immediately broke into the tavern.

The army broke into the tavern and immediately took control of the scene. Then they easily arrested the old man who had just been talking to the middle-aged man.

Soon a dozen knights wearing black armor came. They were the clone families of the eight nobles. This noble family liked black the most, and at the same time, this family's armed force was also the strongest among the eight nobles.

Under the escort of more than a dozen black-armored knights, the mysterious old man was quickly escorted to the clone family's secret execution ground. In the secret execution ground, dozens of main members of the clone family had been waiting for a long time.

Soon the mysterious old man was sent to the cross, and then the patriarch of the Clone family couldn't help but ask who the mysterious old man was and why he framed them and the Feilu family for treason!

Faced with the questioning, the mysterious old man who was tied to the cross suddenly laughed crazily as if he wanted to hear the best joke.

Seeing the mysterious old man laughing, the patriarch of the clone family was very unhappy. He just gave the family knight a look, and the family knight immediately gave the mysterious old man thirty lashes.

However, the mysterious old man received thirty lashes. He did not show any pain. Instead, his mysterious appearance made everyone present feel that something was wrong, but they did not know what was wrong.

Faced with the mysterious old man's mysterious appearance, the patriarch of the clone family was naturally very unhappy, so he asked the family knight to give the mysterious old man sixty strokes of the cane.

When the clone family knight was about to finish the sixty strokes of whipping, he suddenly noticed something was wrong with the mysterious old man, so he immediately went forward to report to the family patriarch that they might have arrested the wrong person!

After hearing the report from the family knight, the clan leader of the clone family asked curiously what the family knight meant?

The family knight hurriedly walked in front of the mysterious old man. He pulled out his sword and gave the mysterious old man a few blows. The upper body of the mysterious old man's clothes was cleaned. Then the knight pointed at the young skin on the old man's body and said that this skin was not something that the old man could have.

As soon as the knight finished speaking, everyone present heard applause and the mysterious old man's voice praising the knight.

However, when everyone heard the voice coming from nowhere, they all felt as if they were facing a powerful enemy. After all, they thought they had seized the initiative, but in the end, they unknowingly entered the enemy's trap. This naturally aroused the fear in the hearts of the clone family. .

Just as everyone in the Clone Family was looking around with great solemnity, they heard another voice coming from nowhere, but this time the mysterious voice told about the numerous crimes and punishments committed by the Clone Family over the years, most of which were using the power of the family to forcefully annex the people. Land, it can be said that the clone family is not only the strongest armed force among the eight major families, they are also the largest landowners. At the same time, their family is also secretly engaged in non-human projects, and this project is Chimera's "Fusion of Humans and Warcraft".

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[Xingyu World Legend Guild] []

Hearing that the mysterious old man actually knew the core secret of the family, the head of the cloning family was very scared, because once the world knew that their family was engaged in the Chimera project, they would inevitably become the public enemy of mankind. After all, the Chimera project was too anti-human.

Qiangran's clone family was very afraid of the mysterious old man escaping, but when he heard the sudden beautiful singing, he relaxed because he knew that the family's secret weapon would definitely make the mysterious old man come out on his own.

Maybe the clone family's hidden secret weapon, the Chimera, was really powerful. They saw a huge flower bag growing from the cross not far from them, and then an old man appeared in the flower bag, and the old man was as sluggish as if he was under hypnosis.

The patriarch of the clone family saw that the mastermind behind the scenes was lured out by the singing of the family's secret weapon, the Chimera. He ordered the knight on the side who had also been tricked to execute the old man from the flower bag.

After hearing the order, the family knight did not hesitate to draw his sword. When he came to Huabao, he swung his sword and killed the old man in front of him without hesitation.

When the knight's attack was completed, everyone present heard the sound, and then they seemed to have just woken up.

Then the patriarch of the clone family called his children in pain. It turned out that the old man who had just been executed by the family knights turned out to be the patriarch's son. The patriarch couldn't bear this.

Then he thought that he must have been under an illusion and regarded his son as an enemy, so he angrily added banned drugs to the secret weapon Chimei. He must find the person behind the scenes to avenge his son.

When the voice-type Chimera was injected with the forbidden drug, her eyes were bloodshot, and then she shouted to the sky, and then all creatures who heard the sound were affected.

Just when the patriarch of the clone family thought he had controlled everyone, Chimera, who had been driven crazy by the drug, suddenly had a flash of struggle in her eyes, then her eyes became dull, and then she began to sing a very beautiful song.

It didn't take long for the entire clone family to be affected by Chimera's beautiful songs, so the eyes of the clone parents turned blood red, and then they suddenly attacked their relatives, turning into disavowal and attacking.

Soon the entire clone family became a living hell, and in the end only Chimera was left, and she executed herself without hesitation in the end.

When the Chimera died, the old man pretending to be dead on the cross used special means to untie the ropes. He looked at the dead Chimera and just let the other party rest in peace, and then summoned a fireball to burn away the sins at the scene.

It's just that when the old man walked out of the clone family, a middle-aged man was waiting at the door. The middle-aged man couldn't help but ask his senior brother Yan Tielong if he was too cruel to the clone family?

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