Star World Legendary Guild

Chapter 2014: Send troops to ask for an explanation from the City of Miracles

At nine o'clock in the morning on October 9, Xingyu 1184, in the office of the City Lord's Mansion in the Green Skin Continent's New City, a secretary entered the room with a lot of documents and came to the Deputy City Lord Xuedi Ailan to deliver the documents.

After Xuedi Ailan finished processing the documents in her hand, she quickly read the scroll just sent by the secretary. As long as the scroll was a minor problem, she would directly let her subordinates solve it, so she processed the scroll sent by the secretary very quickly.

But soon Xuedieran frowned when she saw a scroll, and the reason why she frowned was because the content of the scroll was a diplomatic request for food transactions from Egg Castle City.

Now that New City has reached a military alliance with Egg Castle City to deal with the greenskins, it stands to reason that there is no problem with Egg Castle City's diplomatic food purchase, but now there are also problems with New City's food storage. Most importantly, she saw many problems with purchasing food scrolls. .

The number one problem when purchasing food scrolls in Egg Castle is the quantity. The food that Egg Castle needs to purchase is equivalent to a monthly ration for more than 500,000 people. However, the urban population limit of Egg Castle is about 200,000. According to their placement in Egg Castle, The intelligence officers learned that the population of Egg Castle was less than 100,000, so why did they buy more than five times the amount of food.

The second problem with buying food in Egg Castle City is the price. The current price of food purchased in Egg Castle City is actually one-fifth of the current market price, which is very unreasonable.

Then Xuedieran considered the purchase of food and arms during the green-skinned beast tide in Egg Castle City. Logically speaking, Egg Castle City could not be short of food in the short term.

Xuedi Alan soon thought of a possibility. This possibility was that Egg Castle City purchased food for the City of Miracles. After all, two days ago, their intelligence officers stationed in the City of Miracles reported that the granary of the City of Miracles had been stolen by a mysterious thief. The green-skinned Wang Jingguan "fake" burned the granary, which also led to a serious shortage of food in the City of Miracles and it was impossible to sustain the food shipped from the human continent.

Yesterday morning, Jian Twenty-san led an army of 50,000 in their new city to the City of Miracles to collect debts and question them. The debt was that City of Miracles purchased food and arms from New City during the green-skinned beast tide and failed to pay for the goods, and the question was Why does the City of Miracles want to take away their treasure?

After figuring out the problem, Xuedieran didn't know for a while whether to sell it to Egg Castle, so she subconsciously took the documents to the city lord's office and handed them over to the city lord for processing.

It was only when Xuedi Ellen entered her niece-in-law's office that she saw it was empty. Only then did she remember that her niece-in-law had returned to Haili through the teleportation array the day before yesterday in order to solve the food shortage problem in the new city. Ya save to solve the problem.

Xuedi Ailan did not see the city lord. She put the scroll about the diplomatic purchase of food in Egg Castle on top of the office desk, and also asked the secretary of the city lord to read the scroll about the diplomatic purchase of food in Egg Castle when the city lord arrived.

When Xuedieran returned to her office, she saw that there were new scroll documents on the desk, and the first scroll turned out to be the result of Jian Ersan leading an army of 50,000 to collect debts from the City of Miracles.

The content of the scroll records that after Jian Twenty-san led an army of 50,000 people to the City of Miracles at around three o'clock yesterday afternoon, the City of Miracles was naturally very nervous. However, the army of 50,000 people led by Jian Twenty-san was not weaker than what they had led before. Three hundred thousand, after all, the Miracle City is based on how to deal with the green-skinned beast tide.

Jian Twenty-san was young, but he was surrounded by Xincheng's military-savvy officers, so Jian Twenty-san directly challenged the City of Miracles to a duel in an attempt to suppress the morale of the City of Miracles.

The top management of the City of Miracles knew that Jian Twenty-san was the leader of the Sword God family in managing family assets in the green-skinned new city, but they did not know that Jian Twenty-san was actually the most powerful heir to the Sword God. Otherwise, they would rather be responsible for the huge The price was to win Sword Twenty-Three, but unfortunately they didn't know that. In addition, Miracle City was currently in a weak period, so they agreed to challenge alone.

Jian Twenty-Three leads an army of fifty thousand to challenge the City of Miracles in three single-game matches. In these three matches, Jian Twenty-Three is a member of the Sword God family, and all of them are at the level of great swordsmen. The City of Miracles is also a member of the Sword God family. A master at the level of a great swordsman.

Since the Sword God Family and the Holy See of Light are mortal enemies, they went all out in the first duel.

Naturally, the masters of the Sword God Family were better in the first match. However, the top management of Miracle City were somewhat ungrateful. They used words to stimulate the master swordsman of the Sword God Family who won the first match.

The first master sent by the Sword God family could not hold back. In addition, Jian Twenty-san was too young, which also resulted in the first master continuing to appear in the second duel.

The master of the Sword God Family who won the first game faced the masters of Miracle City in the second game. He was determined not to panic, but the first game had already consumed him a lot. Although he secretly drank the secret medicine to recover, he was unable to fully recover. Nature was defeated and severely damaged.

If Jian Twenty-san hadn’t suddenly made a move, the master who lost the game might have lost his life. However, Jian Twenty-san also broke the rules by taking action. This was a huge blow to Jian Twenty-san’s reputation, and it also affected The morale of an army of fifty thousand.

Jian Twenty-san naturally knew that he had broken the duel rules. If they did not pay the price, the insults from Miracle City alone would cause their army to collapse.

In order to stabilize the morale of the army and break the rules of duel, Jian Ersan gave himself three swords, and these three swords penetrated Jian Ersan's body.

Qiangran Jian Twenty-Three avoided his vitals, but he was still hit hard, but the negative impact of the rule he had just broken in a duel was also smoothed out.

Then the two sides began a third duel. This time, the expert sent by the Sword God Family was an earth-type great swordsman who was good at defense, while the expert sent by the Miracle City faction was a paladin at the level of a great swordsman.

Not long after the battle, the two sides fell into an anxious battle. Both sides used their strongest defensive moves. As a result, both sides slashed at each other and were unable to destroy the opponent's defense.

However, after the two sides fought for three hours, the Holy Knight of the Miracle City faction still lacked endurance and was defeated by the master of the Sword God faction. It may be that they felt sympathy for each other when meeting their opponents. After the master of the Sword God family faction won the victory, he did not kill him. Instead, he chose to let the other party go.

After the Earth Swordsman let go of the Paladin, he was questioned by members of the Sword God family about why he let the Paladin go when he had such a good opportunity just now.

Faced with the doubts of family members, the Earth Swordsman chose to remain silent. Fortunately, Jian Twenty-san spoke up to stop the family members from questioning. In his words, the Earth Swordsman had won the duel and achieved his goal. He was already able to kill the Paladin. It doesn't matter anymore.

Although Jian Twenty-Three didn't care that his Earth Swordsman let his opponent go, the senior officer of the New City Sect beside him said loudly that the Earth Swordsman spared the Paladin only because of Jian Twenty-Three's will. Thirteen destroyed the duel.

Because the senior officers of Xincheng spoke loudly for Jian Ersan, some uninformed people thought that Jian Ersan was benevolent and righteous. After all, Jian Ersan gave himself three swords to save his retainers, and now he let his opponent go, which is enough. .

Of course, the first one-on-one master of the Sword God family is also very complicated about Jian Twenty-san. He actually doesn't want the little family leader to save him, because he thinks that his life cannot be compared with the family leader's reputation.

Fortunately, Jian Twenty-san was influenced by Yan Tielong and he also agreed that human life is more important than the so-called reputation. If Jian Twenty-san had been in the past, if the retainer had been defeated by the forces of the Holy See, then the best outcome for the retainer would be to commit suicide, otherwise the retainer's family would be affected. .

After three battles, the sky had turned dark. Jian Ersan did not attack the city recklessly. Instead, he retreated to a position five kilometers away from the City of Miracles, and then set up camp steadily.

The next step is the battle between the scouts and the ANBU on both sides. The ANBU in Miracle City are very strong, but facing the dark elves and fallen elves who have always been in the dark, the dark profession is naturally no match.

However, there is also a master in the ANBU of the City of Miracles. He assassinated six human masters of the New City by himself. Later, he was exposed by the dog orcs after they smelled the scent of the Baisheng people. And he was able to run away when faced with the pursuit of ten elf dark professional masters. Returning to the City of Miracles shows how powerful he is.

The next day, through investigation, we learned that the ratio of the confrontation between Miracle City and New City yesterday was as high as ten to one. At the same time, we also found out that many ANBU members of the Miracle City faction were actually wanted by the Holy See of Light.

After the villain wanted by the Holy See of Light turned out to be a lackey of the Holy See of Light, doubts arose within the City of Miracles. After all, there are reformists in the City of Miracles, and they just can't stand the old guard using villains to gain faith and plunder wealth. the behavior of.

Due to the different voices within Miracle City, Miracle City was very dissatisfied. They immediately refuted the rumors and believed that the villains who were killed were Xincheng's combat methods that affected their morale. They should now unite to deal with Xincheng's 50,000-strong army. That's what matters.

However, the refutation of the rumors by the top management of Miracle City was not effective. After all, many people in Miracle City recognized the villains killed by Xincheng, and in their memories, the Holy See of Light had already executed the villains. How could they appear here.

Soon many believers of the Holy See of Light realized that those villains were recruited, and they must have been switched to avoid death during the execution.

The believers of the Holy See who wanted to understand couldn't help but start to question, and their doubts also attracted the attention of the reformists, so that the members of the Holy See who had questions could be transformed into their companions.

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