StarCraft Emperor of the Insects

Chapter 178 Self-directed and self-acted - 4 sides and 8 sides

"Wendel!!!" Milken's eyes turned red instantly, "Go to hell, go to hell, go to hell!!!!"

The flying snake that cut off the Wendel fighter jet just turned around and was shot by two tracking missiles from Milken at the same time!

"Boom!" Although the murderer is dead, his brother will never come back.

Looking at the fragments around him, Milken felt as if a corner of his heart was missing.

He glanced at the battlefield. At some point, there were very few of the 1,800 fighter jets left. Although there were also very few insect swarms left, with this battle loss ratio, humanity was actually defeated.

The flying blade insects of the Blade-arm Mutalisks accurately hit fighter planes one after another, and the attacks of flying snakes were even more terrifying. Their ejected tails could even pull high-speed fighter planes to their side, and then easily tear them into pieces.

"Uh-huh..." Suddenly, two bladed insects shot from the front of Milken.

Milken's fighter plane turned around and narrowly dodged the two attacks. Looking at the blade-armed dragon rushing towards him in the center of the screen, Milken immediately pressed the button to track the missile.

"Beep - beep - beep -" However, the long sound alarm issued by the fighter jet told him that the airborne missiles had been used up!

Milken's eyes were red, he gritted his teeth fiercely, spit out fiery red tongues of fire, and hit the two blade-armed alien dragons directly.

The first blade-armed dragon was reduced to pieces by the crazy cannon bombardment, but the second one was seriously injured in the attack, but not dead. When the two passed by, it hit the tail of the fighter jet.

Milken only heard the roar of the fighter's propeller, and the entire fighter fuselage shook, and his eyes were immediately surrounded by a flame...

Ten minutes of fighting, to be precise, eleven minutes and twenty-three seconds of fighting, all interceptors were destroyed!

There were not many blade-armed dragons and flying snakes left that rushed towards the cruiser and the destroyers around the cruiser. There were only a hundred of them. Before they even got close, they were directly bombarded into slag by the terrifying secondary guns.

With the death of the last blade-armed alien dragon, the entire battlefield became surprisingly quiet. However, the debris, corpses, flesh and blood, and bullet casings floating in the space proved that there had just been a tragic fight here!

Edward's expression was not good. He got very little information from Wilbur, but one of them was that the number of these Zergs was huge!

Therefore, 5,000 insect swarms and 1,800 fighter planes perished together. It seemed that humans had the upper hand, but Edward knew the outcome of this brief confrontation!

There was no time left for Edward to summarize. Just as Edward was about to issue some matters that needed attention in the next battle, the cruiser's alarm sounded immediately.

The pilot responsible for monitoring the surroundings turned extremely pale, "Damn it, Captain Edward, we have fallen into the trap of these bugs. These five thousand bugs are not here to test our strength, they are here to attract our attention!" "

On the light screen, at the edge of the fleet dominated by the cruisers Luoming and Joanna, six Zerg destroyers appeared. These destroyers had formed an encircling trend to surround the Luoming and Joanna, and, The green main gun muzzle has been charged!

"Whoosh whoosh..." Six main guns and six green rays of light instantly illuminated the battlefield, like thunder in a dark rainy night.

"Damn it, raise the shield!!" Edward slammed his hands on the command platform.

"Boom boom..."

The attack of the Zerg main gun proved the wisdom of the Zerg commander with facts!

None of the six main guns were fired at the cruiser!

Six main guns were aimed at six destroyers! Only a loud roar (there is no medium for transmitting sound in the universe, so explosions in the universe are actually silent, but everyone doesn't like silent movies, so, hey...) were heard. Four destroyers were on the spot. He was cut in half and turned into an extremely huge firework, lighting up the entire battlefield.

Edward's face looked ugly. In fact, he would rather use the cruiser to take the six shots. After all, with this energy shield, he would not be directly defeated. However, his enemy made the decision that he was most worried about and what he was most afraid of. Decide!

In the interstellar chessboard, firing the main cannon first is half the battle!

This sentence is written on the title page of the fleet command course entrance textbook, and has been proven by countless martyrs and seniors with their own lives.

Today, in front of Edward, it was confirmed once again!

Because of the Zerg's advanced stealth technology and the unfamiliar Zerg's powerful attack methods, Edward fell behind the Zerg. Just because of a single salvo, the strength of the entire fleet was instantly reduced by more than 30%!

Two destroyers were lucky. They were on the move when the Zerg destroyer's main gun attacked, so they managed to escape with their lives. However, the main gun passed by and caused considerable damage. One of the destroyers' Half of the propeller was scrapped in a burst of sparks!

"Huhuhu..." The main guns of the six destroyers were cooling down, and the overwhelming swarms of insects swarmed in from the battleships and from the distant horizon.

This time, in addition to the blade-armed dragons and flying snakes that appeared just now, there were also many green spherical bugs, as well as huge bugs with hundreds of bugs half the size of a fighter jet wrapped around their bodies.

The pilot was right. The Zerg tribe had no intention of testing. The swarm of five thousand insects just now was clearly the bait to sneak into Chencang!

"Luoming, aim at the opponent's warship, charge the main gun muzzle, and avenge our compatriots!" Edward snatched the ear-pulse-like communicator from the correspondent's hand, switched to the fort channel and roared.

"First and second interceptor teams are all dispatched, all bombers are dispatched, and all mecha warriors are dispatched. Listen, everyone, this battle is not only about our life and death, but it will also become my Kaimalena's status in the Barton Star Territory. We have won the benchmark. We will return with glory and merit. Everyone will be greeted with flowers and applause. Our relatives will also be respected because of us. But if we lose, not only will we die with no intact bodies. , find Shuyuan ww.zaosyan. c Even our civilization will become a joke in the Barton Star Territory. Warriors of Kaimalena, use your bravery and blood to create our glorious tomorrow, attack! "

"Boom, boom, boom!" Edward's voice ended, accompanied by the cruiser's main gun vibrating in the universe.

The two main guns on the cruiser were in tandem. Although the targeted destroyer was moving rapidly in the hope of not being locked, it escaped the main gun at the back, only to be intercepted by the one in front!

The cruiser's main gun is at least three-thirds more powerful than the destroyer. Once the gun is fired, no bugs have time to escape, and it turns into a sky-reaching flame.

"Hey..." The hatches of Luoming and Joanna were fully opened, and there were fighter jets, bombers, and mecha warriors. At this moment, there was no reservation!

Bullets and missiles flew together, the main and secondary guns roared, and the battle entered a fierce stage!

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