StarCraft Emperor of the Insects

Chapter 499: The Rolling Insect Tide-The Show Begins

The golden desert stretches as far as the eye can see. On the undulating sand dunes, sand lines are blown out by the dry wind. These fine golden lines are also very beautiful, just like solidified ripples. However, under this wild sand, there is a murderous intention. , enough to bury all the charm on the dunes!

Ye Luo looked at the highest sand dune, "Fortunately, this is a trail. The environment is simulated so realistically by Warcraft. The range of the trail is only so large, and the anomalies inside can be seen at a glance..."

Caroline held a piece of barbecue in her hand. She rubbed it and took a bite. The tough muscles felt chewy in her mouth. Every time she chewed, there was a breathtaking aroma. Stimulates the taste buds. "Uh-huh, my emperor, don't be sad and attack quickly. The meat of this golden lion is so delicious. I'm really looking forward to what the monster is under this desert..."

Ye Luo smiled and waved his right hand!

"Ho ho ho!" The passage behind them was dense and endless, completely covered with velociraptors, hydralisks, void infected, and alien corrupted ones! !

"Swish, swish..." Each velociraptor shot out like a sharp arrow, and arrived on the sand dunes in a blink of an eye. The quiet and mysterious sand dunes suddenly boiled, and a golden scorpion the size of a calf suddenly sprang out from the sand dunes, bending its bow. On the ordinary tail, a foot-long poisonous needle shook towards the velociraptor fifty meters away, and a purple ray shot into the head of the velociraptor. The charging velociraptor's limbs stiffened, and under the force of inertia. Under the influence, the whole body moved forward for a full ten meters before stopping!

After the golden scorpion poisonous needle shot out purple light, it did not pay attention to the velociraptor, but continued to vibrate its tail like sifting chaff. Every time it vibrated, it would emit a laser-like purple ray. The vibrations ten times per second made He is like a heavy machine gun. Every ray, whether it hits the Zerg's head or its body, can kill the Velociraptor instantly! Very powerful in combat.

On the hundred-meter-wide passage, there were no less than a hundred Zerg that were densely sprinting. Coupled with the Zerg's way of advancing like a stack of arhats, the golden scorpion faced two to three hundred swift insects. It was still possible to attack with the crazy vibrating purple rays alone. It was far from enough, but within three seconds, the velociraptor arrived in front of him.

Just when Ye Luo was looking forward to the golden scorpion's melee capabilities, who knew that thousands of purple rays were flying towards him like raindrops!

These golden scorpions are social creatures, and there are thousands of them hidden in the sand dunes!

On the largest sand dune, the yellow sand continued to recede on both sides. Against the backdrop of countless purple rays, a purple emperor scorpion more than fifty meters high appeared in front of the Zerg army!

Ye Luo smiled clearly, "Let's just say, that golden lion just killed at least 300,000 of my velociraptor insects. How could the monsters here be as weak as scorpions... The army of hydralisks, attack, let them see Look, they still have a lot to learn when it comes to long-range offense!”

Ye Luo gave an order, and the Hydralisk troops who were leaning on both sides of the passage to leave space for the velociraptor army flicked their tails and crawled towards the walls on both sides of the passage. Their python-like lower bodies were firmly fixed on the passage. Above and on both sides, a second later, thousands of sharp thorns roared towards the golden scorpion. The sound of the sharp thorns piercing the space could pierce a person's eardrum. The speed was so fast that one could barely see it. Black afterimages!

On the golden sand dunes, the charging speed of the velociraptors immediately stopped. Hundreds of armored cockroaches hidden in the velociraptor army suddenly appeared in front of the velociraptor army. Their strong bodies blocked 90% of the purple rays, and then , the rumbling explosion stirred the entire golden sand dune into darkness!

The sharp sting exploded the moment it hit the target, and nearly a hundred golden scorpions were caught off guard and died instantly!

"Insects? Where did the insects come from, how dare you massacre my descendants!" The purple emperor scorpion originally wanted to show off his posture to let the attacking monsters know that his territory was inviolable, but the sudden damage made him feel distressed. Each of his descendants was hatched by him by sucking the blood from the gluttonous blood on both sides of the passage. If he lost one, he would have spent three days in vain!

The king crab thrust its pincers forward, and a translucent purple energy shield immediately filled the front of the golden scorpion. The shield covered the entire passage, and the golden scorpion's purple rays shot through the shield and onto the armored cockroach without any hindrance. , but the hydralisk's sharp spines were blocked and exploded into countless tiny bone spur fragments in front of the shield.

"Able to attack and defend? It's a good race!" Ye Luo's eyes suddenly became interested, "I just don't know how the melee ability is. If the melee ability is also good, then it wouldn't be a mistake to adopt it and add the Zerg genes. "..." Ye Luo's heart moved, and the ten alien corruptors sprayed ten balls of corrosive acid neatly.

The corrosive acid just hit the translucent purple shield, and the shield immediately made a corroded "chichi sound..."

The purple color of the area covered by the acid became lighter and lighter. After three seconds, a big hole leaked out like plastic corroded by strong acid!

"Buzz!" Part of it was destroyed, causing the energy flow of the entire shield to become unbalanced. The shield flickered a few times and finally disappeared.

When the sharp thorn finally started to show its power again, each of those small golden scorpions was covered with a golden shield!

Although the golden shield is not as powerful as the purple shield, every time it is bombarded by sharp thorns, the color will be three points weaker, but it can withstand three or four attacks, which is already very good...

The armored cockroach has a terrifying recovery ability. The wound penetrated by the purple ray ten seconds ago may have healed ten seconds later. However, with the cooperation of the hydralisk and the alien corruptor, the golden scorpion's condition quickly deteriorated. The purple ray The Emperor Scorpion couldn't help but roar, and all the scorpions stopped long-range shooting. Instead, under the leadership of the Emperor Scorpion, they took the initiative to charge over.

The charging Emperor Scorpion was like a charging armored car. The five armored cockroaches blocking him were knocked away by him, and the two terrifying pliers of Shuyuanwwzhaoshyanm were connected with precision. Catch the armored cockroach flying in mid-air, and then press hard!

"Click, click, click, click..." Easily cut the armored cockroach into two pieces from the hardest part of the armor in the middle.

The melee combat effectiveness of those little scorpions cannot be underestimated. Their six legs move quickly, and their two pincers can accurately grasp the sharp claws on the back of the velociraptor, and then pinch it off!

Fast, accurate and ruthless are the keys to attack for these scorpions!

The long-range attacks are already very powerful, and the melee attacks are even more majestic. If four or five level 20 experts accidentally enter it, they may be seriously injured or even killed!

However, the Zerg that have evolved many times are not so easy to defeat.

When the golden scorpions pressed forward step by step, stepping over the velociraptors that were instantly killed by their purple rays, the white skeletons suddenly lifted the shackles of their skins, and used their defeated arthropod sharp blades to violently hit the unaware golden scorpions around them. Turning it over, the jagged teeth bit into the soft armor of the golden scorpion's belly, tearing it apart with force, and a large piece of flesh flew up.


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