StarCraft Emperor of the Insects

Chapter 627 Zerg Fangs-Bloody Massacre

"Ninth Legion, hurry up and enter the fort operation station. Damn it, why haven't the neutron cannons started charging yet? What are you doing? Piggy, do you have to wait until the star sea monster swallows you into its belly before you come back to your senses? !!"

"Boom, boom, boom..." The outermost forts fired first. The attack speed of these forts using physical shells was much faster than that of neutron cannons. However, this did not let anyone breathe a sigh of relief, because...

"Boom, boom, boom..." A giant star sea beast with the fastest speed, which looked like a pterosaur, with a body length of more than 30 meters, and was wrapped in blue dragon scales, looked down and hit his chest, and suddenly exploded with a burst of blue. The smoke cannon was stunned for a moment, then roared angrily!

Damn humans, damn ants, you actually look down on the great Wind Winged Dragon, and attack the Wind Winged Dragon with hollow cannonballs! ! ! Ah, Dragon God, I must tear these small but arrogant guys into pieces one by one, and then eat them into my stomach! ! !

"Ho ho ho!" This wind winged dragon has reached the twenty-fourth level. Although its body is only more than thirty meters tall, its speed is so fast that even an ordinary twenty-fifth level strong person cannot easily keep up. He was not summoned originally. He had eaten and drank enough and was lying on a meteorite to rest. However, who would have thought that a huge star sea beast came from nowhere and woke him up. What he thought was It was when the enemy came to seek revenge that he realized that these giant star sea beasts seemed to have not seen him and flew straight into the distance!

Well, I have to say that this Wind Winged Dragon is very curious. The unprecedented situation of being mixed with different star sea beasts completely aroused his curiosity, so he joined the star sea beasts. Team, he wanted to know, so many star sea giant beasts went away peacefully with one goal in mind, what was it that was attracting them!

Soon, he found out that it was actually a human defense planet? ? ! !

Humans have a lot of delicious food. This is undeniable. They can extract various crystal stones from the ground. Well, unlike other star sea behemoths that violently destroy planets and then seize the crystal stones. For planets that are violently destroyed, the crystal stones will generally be Affected, the taste will certainly not taste as good as if it were mined intact by humans.

However, humans do not just invade the defense planet casually. Although humans are not strong, humans can make various weapons. Hundreds of humans are holding laser guns. Maybe he is not afraid, but if hundreds of humans are holding laser guns, he will not be afraid. Thousands of forts are aimed at him. Well, even if he can get a bite to eat, the damage he suffers cannot be compensated by that bite. And if you are unlucky, it is not impossible to stay here!

However, things are obviously different now. The extremely large number of star sea monsters immediately panics the fort on the opposite side, and there are far fewer targeting them!

The most important thing is that these giant beasts in the star sea seem to have their parents slaughtered by humans. They are not afraid of human artillery at all and shoot out the leader. However, all the giant beasts in the star sea seem to be vying to be the leader!

The Wind Winged Dragon was following behind a tortoise-shaped Star Sea Beast. The Star Sea Beast was at the same level as him, and its attack speed was far inferior to that of the Wind Winged Dragon. However, as a turtle-shaped monster, its defense power was theirs. Strengths.

Apart from the farce of a few empty shells at the beginning, the main gun on the opposite side finally began to show its power normally. The solid shells that could be hit with full strength by a twenty-level or even second-level master continued to blast the camp of the star sea beasts.

The giant star sea beast in front of the Wind Winged Dragon, I wonder if there was an old senior named Lei Feng in his ancestors. He not only protected himself, but he even roared and summoned a blue shield composed of thousands of hexagons. Wrap up a large area of ​​star sea monsters!

The shell hit the blue shield, and the bursting flames and shock waves, as well as the scattered shell fragments, were blocked by the blue shield, and there were only circles of ripples on the blue shield. Of course, , as the number of cannonballs hitting the shield increased, the scope of the ripples spread became larger and larger, indicating that the shield could not protect everyone for too long, but this was enough. There were many amazingly fast beasts among the star sea monsters. It needs protection from a safe distance, and the rest can be left to the surprise star sea monster!

However, the blue shield could withstand ordinary artillery shells for a while, but the suddenly powerful neutron cannon directly announced the end of the blue shield. With one shot, the entire hit point of the blue shield bounced like the surface of the sea. The waves set off spread outward from the point of impact, and the shield continued to collapse.

At the same time, several neutron cannons seemed to know that if they wanted to harm other star sea behemoths, they had to deal with the turtle as a shield first, so eight neutron rays from front to back hit the body of the tortoise-shaped behemoth one after another!

The giant turtle-shaped beast seemed to know that its mission was to attract harm, so it simply retracted its limbs, tail, and head into the turtle shell, allowing the neutron cannon to bombard its body.

The twenty-fourth-level turtle-shaped star sea monster has amazing defense power among other things!

With eight consecutive neutron rays, even the battleship's energy shield was reduced by more than 70 to 80%. However, this hard turtle shell only had a few cracks in the places hit by the rays!

The crack, which was about a foot long, was insignificant compared to the hundreds of meters of body of the turtle-shaped monster!

Among the turtle-shaped monsters, as well as the giant stone monster hundreds of meters high in the distance, and an eight-armed giant carrying a shield in the distance, and even further away... the wind pterosaur couldn't see clearly, and the star sea monster blocked his The line of sight was terminated by looking for Under the protection of these star sea behemoths with astonishing defensive power, they finally crossed the distance of the fort bombardment. At this time, the long-range attack star sea behemoths had already entered the shooting range. They either raised Body shape, either lower your body shape, break away from the rolling wave, standard target, and then attack!

Energy rays, thrown boulders, arrows more than 20 meters long... Various attack methods, unified standards and the most lethal neutron turret!

The Winged Dragon of Wind can already see the panic and despair on human faces. Hundreds of speedy star sea monsters like him have used special skills to shorten the distance and appear on the enemy's position. There is no one above level 23. Blocked by the masters, these star sea behemoths were as if they were uninhabited. A single movement of their whole bodies would kill hundreds of people. The strong armor was as weak as white paper in their hands, and those guys who rushed out with mechas , before he could even aim at the target, he was rushed over by the agile star sea monster and massacred!

readily! readily! Relying on the strength of their numbers and the various weapons in their hands, human beings often take action against the giant beasts of the star sea. Today, they should also have a taste of being slaughtered. The Winged Dragon roared, its blood surging, and its wings flickered. Zhan, the terrifying storm gathered behind him. With a wave of its wings, the Winged Dragon of Wind crossed hundreds of kilometers and arrived at the defense base. The hurricane behind him got bigger and bigger, and finally condensed into eight or nine strands. The terrifying tornado that covered the sky, those warriors who came out in mechas, were swept up into the sky as soon as the mechas started. Some powerful guys, even if they could stabilize their bodies in the sky, had almost no fighting power, and were swept away by the sea of ​​​​stars. The giant beast turned into a beautiful flame with a flick of its claw!


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